Keeping Austin Woke

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You just described Austin. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Please explain how OEB's comments relate to Austin?
I've lived in Austin since 1986. I hate it. Moving to San Antonio - finally - in Sept/Oct. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
What do you hate about it? Just curious.

Let me give you an example. I had to rehab a multi family
property in South Austin. It was a dump but people still lived in some of the units. So we had to work around them because we didn't want to empty it out and evict people. So,
this property was located by a greenbelt - otherwise, known as environmentally protected. No problem, we will work with it. One of the projects was installing sidewalks. To do this we had to remove some trees - which we were going to replace. So we cut down the trees one day and the next day -
some people hung a sheet out their window on which was spray painted "tree killers." I'm talking about not one sheet but 3. These people could not accept the fact that they did not own the property and had no say in what we wanted to construct yet they refused to listen to reason in that we were replacing the trees. Now, I rehabbed other properties in New Orleans, St. Louis,Mo, other Texas cities and I never encountered the bullshit as I did in Austin. And this is but one of a million examples.
Anyway, if you have not encountered this bullshit in Austin - then you are lucky.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

Let me give you an example. I had to rehab a multi family
property in South Austin. It was a dump but people still lived in some of the units. So we had to work around them because we didn't want to empty it out and evict people. So,
this property was located by a greenbelt - otherwise, known as environmentally protected. No problem, we will work with it. One of the projects was installing sidewalks. To do this we had to remove some trees - which we were going to replace. So we cut down the trees one day and the next day -
some people hung a sheet out their window on which was spray painted "tree killers." I'm talking about not one sheet but 3. These people could not accept the fact that they did not own the property and had no say in what we wanted to construct yet they refused to listen to reason in that we were replacing the trees. Now, I rehabbed other properties in New Orleans, St. Louis,Mo, other Texas cities and I never encountered the bullshit as I did in Austin. And this is but one of a million examples.
Anyway, if you have not encountered this bullshit in Austin - then you are lucky. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Is that really a big deal? They did nothing to stop you from doing what you did. Now if they had vandalized the property you would have reason to complain.

I remember years ago there were impact studies done on the Golden Cheeked Warbler and salamanders before home construction could begin. Silly? Both were endangered species at the time. I really don't think about such things but it is important to some groups of people, primarily those on the liberal side of politics, and I think in such cases it should be important in the long run to everyone.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
whatever happened to ..

Oh I see - you're one of those. Got it.
PS - the trees I mentioned were not "protected" but those residents in Austin lost their mind over it anyway. Fucking nut jobs.

Is that really a big deal? They did nothing to stop you from doing what you did. Now if they had vandalized the property you would have reason to complain.

I remember years ago there were impact studies done on the Golden Cheeked Warbler and salamanders before home construction could begin. Silly? Both were endangered species at the time. I really don't think about such things but it is important to some groups of people, primarily those on the liberal side of politics, and I think in such cases it should be important in the long run to everyone. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is that really a big deal? They did nothing to stop you from doing what you did. Now if they had vandalized the property you would have reason to complain.

I remember years ago there were impact studies done on the Golden Cheeked Warbler and salamanders before home construction could begin. Silly? Both were endangered species at the time. I really don't think about such things but it is important to some groups of people, primarily those on the liberal side of politics, and I think in such cases it should be important in the long run to everyone. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

and you wonder why no one agrees with you.
LexusLover's Avatar
Rather vague comment. What do you dislike about Austin that you think is superior in S.A.? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
For one ...

The pussy. They prefer men. The men there prefer pussy, also.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Funny how the people who know so much about Austin don't know much about Austin.

For one thing, it has the third largest GDP in the state (by city). Saying it is a leach is plain ignorant and completely wrong.

Austin is a leach upon Texas. It benefits from the wealth that the rest of the State generates. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You don't live in Austin either.

Why does that fact mean anything when you talk about speedy but not you?
You weren't born in Houston. You moved there. You were supposedly born in Austin. By your definition, you're a carpetbagger too.

Houston has every "problem" Austin does plus it is very susceptible to flooding and being on the coast it takes the full brunt of hurricanes.

Not going to claim you've been drinking. That would give you an excuse for the frequent nonsense you post.

... but you don't live in Austin.

Originally Posted by LexusLover
That question was for Ellen.
Who happens to be a woman in Austin. A woman who judges a city by a few people getting pissed some trees were cut down. She offered her side of the story but nothing from the other side

You claim to know a lot about what other men think but you don't know how to be a man.

Good thing you don't live here since you dislike it so much.

For one ...

The pussy. They prefer men. The men there prefer pussy, also. Originally Posted by LexusLover
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
and you wonder why no one agrees with you. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The fact is that Trump has lost the environmental vote. Could make the difference in a tight election. Not exactly sure why so many people on the right do not want to protect the environment.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Oh I see - you're one of those. Got it.
PS - the trees I mentioned were not "protected" but those residents in Austin lost their mind over it anyway. Fucking nut jobs. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I'm not sure what"one of those" is. Everyone should care about the environment. It's the only one we've got. I do agree with you that the people who silently protested the cutting down of some trees went a bit too far but they did nothing to keep you from completing your task.

Got anything else regarding why you don't like Austin and prefer S.A.?
bigwill832's Avatar
Austin has always been a liberal bastion. That's nothing new, not at all. I lived there for a number of years. It's a college town that's also the state capital. So, yeah, it's gonna be that way. So long as they keep that crap in Austin, it's all good. I enjoyed living there. I had fun. But as was mentioned: It is overpriced. In the late 90's I was paying about $1200 a month for a loft apartment due to the 98% occupancy rate and it was the only thing I could get into in a reasonable amount of time. The lefty types can be unbearable. The city won't build up new roads so the traffic sucks big fat donkey dicks. And people keep flocking there to experience it's wonderful natural environments which in turn destroys the very same environments due to overpopulating the area. The same places that used to be fun to go to and pretty to look at are not. Hell, you have to get reservations to go to Hamilton Pool now.
FriscoKiddo's Avatar
Not exactly sure why so many people on the right do not want to protect the environment. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
That is an opinion. You think people "on the right" want dirty air, dirty water?"
Rather than make anecdotal blanket statements about 50% of the country, why not accept there is a continuum of folks in every issue including the environment. Tree huggers like you who wish to protect the environment at all costs to peoples jobs, homes and those that advocate clear cutting the Earths rainforests. Truth is, most people live where I live. A balance of both...cut trees for development...look for alternatives to killing salamanders even if it costs more...but if a million people benefit from a project at the expense of a be it.
Perfect, thank you. I don't get why people can't understand this. On my tree example, after that stupid protest that I talked about happened - the owner wanted to get out of Austin---thankfully-he did not and I kept my job.

That is an opinion. You think people "on the right" want dirty air, dirty water?"
Rather than make anecdotal blanket statements about 50% of the country, why not accept there is a continuum of folks in every issue including the environment. Tree huggers like you who wish to protect the environment at all costs to peoples jobs, homes and those that advocate clear cutting the Earths rainforests. Truth is, most people live where I live. A balance of both...cut trees for development...look for alternatives to killing salamanders even if it costs more...but if a million people benefit from a project at the expense of a be it. Originally Posted by FriscoKiddo
+1 Barton Springs too.

Austin has always been a liberal bastion. That's nothing new, not at all. I lived there for a number of years. It's a college town that's also the state capital. So, yeah, it's gonna be that way. So long as they keep that crap in Austin, it's all good. I enjoyed living there. I had fun. But as was mentioned: It is overpriced. In the late 90's I was paying about $1200 a month for a loft apartment due to the 98% occupancy rate and it was the only thing I could get into in a reasonable amount of time. The lefty types can be unbearable. The city won't build up new roads so the traffic sucks big fat donkey dicks. And people keep flocking there to experience it's wonderful natural environments which in turn destroys the very same environments due to overpopulating the area. The same places that used to be fun to go to and pretty to look at are not. Hell, you have to get reservations to go to Hamilton Pool now. Originally Posted by bigwill832