One punch. One sidewalk. One dead.

So, why wouldn't crime in society be a political issue? George Zimmerman, anyone? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Precisely! Congratulations, you managed to figure this one out. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Gee, thanks.

But if it was so easy that even I "managed to figure this one out", why didn't you make the same point in any of your four posts in this thread? Didn't know how to find it on Wikipedia?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Gee, thanks.

But if it was so easy that even I "managed to figure this one out", why didn't you make the same point in any of your four posts in this thread? Didn't know how to find it on Wikipedia?
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Some of your fellow lib-retards, e.g., CBJ7, Doofus, Old-Twerp, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, still cannot comprehend the lethality of being punched and having one's head bounced off a concrete surface. In fact, they -- CBJ7 in particular -- ridiculed someone who feared he might die from having his head pounded against concrete... Use the search term "Zimmerman". Originally Posted by I B Hankering

You lie, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Go screw yourself, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Capitulation... again!
You lie, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Go screw yourself, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No Shit-for-Brains, YOU lied.

I made the point about Zimmerman in Post No. 18.

You then REPEATED my point in Post No. 21.

But you never thought to make that connection until I did it FIRST.

So, again, I repeat: If it was so easy (to understand that crime could be a political issue) that even I "managed to figure this one out", why didn't you make the same point BEFORE ME in any of your posts?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-20-2013, 07:05 PM
No Shit-for-Brains, YOU lied.

I made the point about Zimmerman in Post No. 18.

You then REPEATED my point in Post No. 21.

But you never thought to make that connection until I did it FIRST.

So, again, I repeat: If it was so easy (to understand that crime could be a political issue) that even I "managed to figure this one out", why didn't you make the same point BEFORE ME in any of your posts?
Originally Posted by ExNYer
You are being completely unreasonable. Posts 18 & 21? They are MORE than 6 seconds apart so it is outside Buffoon's six second goldfish-like attention span. He isn't lying, he honestly can't hold two related but different tboughts in his head long enough to realize they are connected.
IB is trending delusional.
No Shit-for-Brains, YOU lied.

I made the point about Zimmerman in Post No. 18.

You then REPEATED my point in Post No. 21.

But you never thought to make that connection until I did it FIRST.

So, again, I repeat: If it was so easy (to understand that crime could be a political issue) that even I "managed to figure this one out", why didn't you make the same point BEFORE ME in any of your posts?
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You lie, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Go screw yourself, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Welcome to DAY SIX of IBIdiot's OKTOBERFEST MELTDOWN! Jawohl!
I B Hankering's Avatar
No Shit-for-Brains, YOU lied.

I made the point about Zimmerman in Post No. 18.

You then REPEATED my point in Post No. 21.

But you never thought to make that connection until I did it FIRST.

So, again, I repeat: If it was so easy (to understand that crime could be a political issue) that even I "managed to figure this one out", why didn't you make the same point BEFORE ME in any of your posts?
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Rest assured, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, your post @ #18 would never have existed without this thread, and this thread would never have been started by the OP -- in this forum -- if the subtext hadn't been about "Zimmerman". And the "subtext" was fairly obvious ... after all, your dumb-fuck-ignorant ass figured it out, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

You are being completely unreasonable. Posts 18 & 21? They are MORE than 6 seconds apart so it is outside Buffoon's six second goldfish-like attention span. He isn't lying, he honestly can't hold two related but different tboughts in his head long enough to realize they are connected. Originally Posted by Old-T
Whimper, whimper, whimper, Old-Twerp, you wretched old fool.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Usually, this is the stage in an IBIdiot meltdown when he starts uncontrollably talking about other men's asses!

Yup. He's now at that stage.

He's about to go to PLAID!

Corpy, your late model HUFF is being brought up by then valets.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-21-2013, 09:13 AM
You are being completely unreasonable. Posts 18 & 21? They are MORE than 6 seconds apart so it is outside Buffoon's six second goldfish-like attention span. He isn't lying, he honestly can't hold two related but different tboughts in his head long enough to realize they are connected. Originally Posted by Old-T
Whimper, whimper, whimper, Old-Twerp, you wretched old fool. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It looks like you are never happy. Here I am sticking up for you and you still insult me (ineffectively of course). One sentence and you can't even get THAT half right:
--"Whimper". WRONG. It is correctly interpreted as MOCKING YOU.
--"Old". RIGHT. I own that one (What was your clue? My handle perhaps?)
--"Fool". WRONG. If I was a fool I would think like you. I clearly do not.

IBBUffoon's score: 33%. Sorry, that's a solid F-
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's the most solid thing on him, Old-T
Rest assured, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, your post @ #18 would never have existed without this thread, and this thread would never have been started by the OP -- in this forum -- if the subtext hadn't been about "Zimmerman". And the "subtext" was fairly obvious ... after all, your dumb-fuck-ignorant ass figured it out, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Subtext? SUBTEXT? Really? Are you that desperate to pretend you were thinking about Zimmerman when you made the OP?

After you were criticized for posting something that was not political in this forum, you had multiple chances to point out to others that we have discussed crime many times. You could have easily reminded all posters about the number of threads there were about Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin.

That would have shut down the debate right then and there.

But, in fact, you even stated that crime wasn't political in your second post (but you didn't care). Here is what you wrote in Post No. 3:

Yes, it is tragic, but it has nothing to do with politics, the Tea Party or the recent government shut-down, Old Twerp. Instead, it has everything to do with the lethality of being sucker punched and hitting one's head on a concrete surface, you ignorant asshole. You're precisely one of the lib-retarded assholes who needed to learn and remember that elemental fact. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So, if in fact you aren't LYING and Zimmerman was your "subtext", why didn't you just point that out in Post No. 3
and show why crime IS appropriate for the Political forum?

Then Yssup Rider pointed out this was the wrong forum and here is your incredibly stupid response on Post No. 5:

You are most desperately wrong, you dumb-fuck golem jackass. This forum is where the most lib-retarded, Kool Aid sotted morons like you reside, and it is you and they that needed the education, you dumb-fuck golem jackass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So, if in fact you aren't LYING and Zimmerman was your "subtext", why didn't you just point that out in Post No. 5 and show why crime IS appropriate for the Political forum?

It wasn't until Post No. 8 that you CHANGED YOUR MIND and decided that maybe this WAS the correct forum for posts about crime.

But even then you couldn't mention all of the previous threads about Zimmerman, especially the ones started by the lefty posters.

If you HAD thought about Zimmernan, you would have done one of your typical responses in which you post links to EVERY SINGLE thread about Zimmer or Trayvon that you could find.

But you didn't do that did you, tranny fucker?

Instead, I bailed your ass out in Post No. 18 and you made your typical stupid condescending response in Post No. 21.

Because that is what you do, isn't it, little twat?

Do all of you pseudo-intellectual, Confederate sympathizers lie so reflexively? Or do you have to practice such dishonesty?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Usually, this is the stage in an IBIdiot meltdown when he starts uncontrollably talking about other men's asses!

Yup. He's now at that stage.

He's about to go to PLAID!

Corpy, your late model HUFF is being brought up by then valets. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're not a man, but you are an ass, you dumb-fuck golem jackass.

It looks like you are never happy. Here I am sticking up for you and you still insult me (ineffectively of course). One sentence and you can't even get THAT half right:
--"Whimper". WRONG. It is correctly interpreted as MOCKING YOU.
--"Old". RIGHT. I own that one (What was your clue? My handle perhaps?)
--"Fool". WRONG. If I was a fool I would think like you. I clearly do not.

IBBUffoon's score: 33%. Sorry, that's a solid F- Originally Posted by Old-T
It's impossible not to be happy, Old-Twerp! What's not to enjoy in this forum, Old-Twerp? Not everyone in this forum has such an admiring fan club of stalkers with the miserable and pathetic Old-Twerp acting as the head cheerleader.

It's the most solid thing on him, Old-T Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Meanwhile, you dumb-fuck golem jackass, are nothing but solid waste.

Subtext? SUBTEXT? Really? Are you that desperate to pretend you were thinking about Zimmerman?

After you were criticized for posting something that was not political in this forum, you had multiple chances to point out to others that we have discussed crime many times. You could have easily reminded all posters about the number of threads there were about Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin.

That would have shut down the debate right then and there.

But, in fact, you even stated that crime wasn't political in your second post. Here is what you wrote in Post No. 3:

So, if in fact you aren't LYING and Zimmerman was your "subtext", why didn't you just point that out in Post No. 3
and show why crime IS appropriate for the Political forum?

Then Yssup Rider pointed out this was the wrong forum and here is your incredibly stupid response on Post No. 5:

So, if in fact you aren't LYING and Zimmerman was your "subtext", why didn't you just point that out in Post No. 5 and show why crime IS appropriate for the Political forum?

Originally Posted by ExNYer
"Blah, blah, blah," you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. The title of this thread is "One Punch. One Sidewalk. One Dead." The word "sidewalk", rather than "road" or "pavement", was very purposefully chosen to align the subtext to be about "Zimmerman", you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, because it's obvious in the video that the young man in the video who died did not hit his head on a "sidewalk".
"Blah, blah, blah," you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. The title of this thread is "One Punch. One Sidewalk. One Dead." The word "sidewalk", rather than "road" or "pavement", was very purposefully chosen to align the subtext to be about "Zimmerman", you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, because it's obvious in the video that the young man in the video who died did not hit his head on a "sidewalk". Originally Posted by I B Hankering
What the fuck does that have to do with ANYTHING I wrote? Is this another one of your stupid smokescreens to hide your mistakes?

If you think he hit his head on the road, why did you write "sidewalk" in the thread title instead? The video never says he hit his head on the sidewalk. It says the punch left him lying next to the sidewalk.

And how does ANY of that "align the subtext" with Zimmerman? Are you speaking in riddles now?

Zimmerman did not suffer ONE punch, he suffered many. And Zimmerman isn't dead. Trayvon Martin is. And he died from a gun shot. Not from the "road" or the "pavement" or the "sidewalk".

Just what point do you think you were making?

And that STILL doesn't explain what you wrote in Post No. 3 or why you failed to mention Zimmerman in Post Nos, 3, 5 or 8.


Your thread doesn't even have a subtext, except in your syphilis-riddled brain.