be careful and make sure you have an appt set.... because if you dont have an appt she will automatically assume your are hers and if you dont follow thru you could end up being on a SG's do not see list which is about 90% of us on this board!!At best, I was your eighth choice. 5 reviews since you were "out of town" for 30 days (your words btw) and then whoever was scheduled and cancelled and then whoever you saw last night. I'm interested in building long term relationships with my clients and I obviously don't interest you enough to actually book me. So, why bring it up on the board? At the rate you are going you probably won't run out of women to see for a good long time and I don't need to be one of them. Im quite content to stay at the bottom of the list, because it is pretty obvious that it isn't me that you wish to see, just another notch.
Hell Ive never seen her and never had an appt and Im on there now!! Originally Posted by bigdeal
So a good rule of thumb.....don't contact someone and tell them an easily found out untruth, and if you do contact them again, with two messages of course (and very little notice-six weeks later), and they accept don't be surprised when they decline to become involved you when you make it apparent that you would rather see any number of other people instead.