Biden is a monumental genius, just so you know.

LexusLover's Avatar
As long as the fascist fake liberals don't take everyone's guns away, the military would not easily win, unless of course they started dropping nukes and blew up the entire country. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
They (the fake liberals) aren't going to take shit. They lack the balls to do it. And anyone who bloviates about it lacks the balls to do it also. Perfect example: Mexico! Anti-firearm legislation and enforcement this country will never see ... BUT ....

... there are many places and areas ALL OVER MEXICO that the Mexican military IS AFRAID TO GO and so are the Federal, state, and local cops! Those are many of the same people .... Bitten & Kumola with their dumbass supporters ... are allowing to enter the U.S. with impunity ... the military and police are afraid of them too.

... The lunatics trying to intimidate others are afraid of others having firearms to defend themselves ... because those with firearms can!

There are roughly 2 million people in the military today. There are roughly 15 million veterans living today. Statistics say the veterans are 70-75 patriotic. Fortunately for this country they know the real meaning of "patriotism" and not the fake, fucked up bullshit the Russian Collusion-Republican Insurrection enthusiasts wish to publicly describe ... or post on blogs like Eccie.
And who started that war? A Republican of course...

Veterans that have seen war up close are smart enough to know that isn't a fun time. They will want no part in a domestic war. As far as the 2 million in the military, they will do as they are told or be court-martialed and imprisoned or worse...

"at the end of the day" not a fucking thing is going to happen.

The dumb boys that terrorized the capital are getting sick of waiting for the fraud. They are realizing they got played for fools by a piece of shit. It is taking them a while to figure this out because they are quite dim witted to start with, but they are catching on.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You know less than nothing about military culture and the UCMJ.
LexusLover's Avatar
And who started that war? A Republican of course...

Veterans that have seen war up close are smart enough to know that isn't a fun time. They will want no part in a domestic war. As far as the 2 million in the military, they will do as they are told or be court-martialed and imprisoned or worse...
Originally Posted by royamcr
#1" what "war" did "A Republican" start?

#2: Since you've not been in the military you wouldn't know that one is only "court-martialed and imprisoned" in the military for failing to obey a ..... LAWFUL ORDER!

The PussyDumboCrats aka CommunistSocialistNazisDumbAss Crats .... are not familiar with what is "LAWFUL" ..

... so your dream is the "vets" in this country will not resist an effort by the Federal government to declare and enforce "marshall law" in this country with the killing and capturing of citizens who resist?

And I say "dream," because you don't have a clue about the topic or what vets will do.
LexusLover's Avatar
You know less than nothing about military culture and the UCMJ. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
He knows even less about history.
#1" what "war" did "A Republican" start?

#2: Since you've not been in the military you wouldn't know that one is only "court-martialed and imprisoned" in the military for failing to obey a ..... LAWFUL ORDER!

The PussyDumboCrats aka CommunistSocialistNazisDumbAss Crats .... are not familiar with what is "LAWFUL" ..

... so your dream is the "vets" in this country will not resist an effort by the Federal government to declare and enforce "marshall law" in this country with the killing and capturing of citizens who resist?

And I say "dream," because you don't have a clue about the topic or what vets will do. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Vets just want their drugs from the VA, I've seen it, doesn't end well.

A lawful order to protect democracy from crazy fucktards following a piece of shit fake president. Failure to do so will not end well for them.
LexusLover's Avatar
Vets just want their drugs from the VA, I've seen it, doesn't end well.

A lawful order to protect democracy from crazy fucktards following a piece of shit fake president. Failure to do so will not end well for them. Originally Posted by royamcr
Fortunately, your bullshit is just that .... bullshit.

But you are correct with respect to your choice of words ....

... an attempt to take military control of this country by the demented fake barbie-doll lunatic for whom you voted ...

"will not end well" for the participants and/or the instigators.

Unfortunately, for you, you lack the analytical, cognitive capacity to discover and disclose the reality of the current circumstances ... you mentioned "XXXX" not me!

You've not been aware of a fact ... the last President modified the VA benefits to allow for private opportunities ... but one would have to be a vet to know that and appreciate it. You're not one! So, you didn't know.

Have you figured out yet who the "Republican" President is that "started a war"? A history question!
  • oeb11
  • 08-07-2021, 02:01 PM
OP and other DPSTs do love to make outrageous posts of no factual worth to 'bait' other posters

'Masters' at it. They Are.
Fortunately, your bullshit is just that .... bullshit.

But you are correct with respect to your choice of words ....

... an attempt to take military control of this country by the demented fake barbie-doll lunatic for whom you voted ...

"will not end well" for the participants and/or the instigators.

Unfortunately, for you, you lack the analytical, cognitive capacity to discover and disclose the reality of the current circumstances ... you mentioned "XXXX" not me!

You've not been aware of a fact ... the last President modified the VA benefits to allow for private opportunities ... but one would have to be a vet to know that and appreciate it. You're not one! So, you didn't know.

Have you figured out yet who the "Republican" President is that "started a war"? A history question! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Think it is pretty obvious, a 20 year war, 2021 - 2001 = 20. Bush was president then.

The Facts
The VA Choice Act, or the Veterans Access to Care through Choice, Accountability and Transparency Act, was passed in 2014 under President Barack Obama.

According to The Hill, The bipartisan bill expanded the number of options veterans have for receiving care and granted the United States Secretary of Veteran Affairs more power to fire executives. It included "choice cards" for veterans to see non-VA providers if they could not get appointments with the agency within 30 days or live more than 40 miles from a clinic and added nearly $500 million for hiring additional nurses and doctors. Senators Bernie Sanders and John McCain were the main architects of the legislation.

Trump trying to take credit for stuff again, like a piece of shit he is.

The Hill
These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased Sources.

Overall, we rate The Hill Least Biased based on balanced editorial positions and news reporting that is low biased. We also rate them Mostly Factual in reporting, rather than High, due to previous opinion columns promoting unproven claims.
Detailed Report
Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL
Country: USA (45/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Newspaper
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
Obviously you lack the brains to do a simple fucking search about a topic before you stick your whole foot in your mouth.

All that trump did is modify the Act a little. He is good at very little things.

Trump falsely took credit for passing the VA Choice Act several times during his term in office. The Choice Act was passed under Obama. Trump passed an update and expansion of that bill known as the Mission Act in 2018.

Fortunately, your bullshit is just that .... bullshit.

But you are correct with respect to your choice of words ....

... an attempt to take military control of this country by the demented fake barbie-doll lunatic for whom you voted ...

"will not end well" for the participants and/or the instigators.

Unfortunately, for you, you lack the analytical, cognitive capacity to discover and disclose the reality of the current circumstances ... you mentioned "XXXX" not me!

You've not been aware of a fact ... the last President modified the VA benefits to allow for private opportunities ... but one would have to be a vet to know that and appreciate it. You're not one! So, you didn't know.

Have you figured out yet who the "Republican" President is that "started a war"? A history question! Originally Posted by LexusLover
adav8s28's Avatar
Obviously you lack the brains to do a simple fucking search about a topic before you stick your whole foot in your mouth.

All that trump did is modify the Act a little. He is good at very little things.

Trump falsely took credit for passing the VA Choice Act several times during his term in office. The Choice Act was passed under Obama. Trump passed an update and expansion of that bill known as the Mission Act in 2018. Originally Posted by royamcr

Good post. You have to remember LL is newbie a accountant who thinks he knows more than anyone else. In 2018 he use to say Obamacare wasn't real health insurance. Despite the fact a policy holder could submit up to six million dollars in claims. You can't take or you should not take LL too seriously.
Why can't I get paid to take these fucks to school?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LOL you guys don’t know your dick from a rattlesnake. Obama’s program was shit. You couldn’t go anywhere unless you couldn’t get an appointment for a month, lived somewhere outside of Yugoslavia, or were a a quadriplegic. Try waiting 29 days with wicked kidney stones, it ain’t much fun.

Trump actually did something. Now you just walk into literally a million places without an appointment, get treated there or go to whatever outside provider they do referrals to. No phone calls, no pre-auths, no bullshit.
LexusLover's Avatar
LOL you guys don’t know your dick from a rattlesnake. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
What dick?

The reason why Trump had to fix it and do some ass kicking is because of the Bitten/Obaminable disdain for the military.

Neither one had to go to the VA, and don't have a clue. They can "cut and paste" from the internet ... which is now controlled by the Bitten/Obaminable/Kumola spin-team.

When was the last DumboCratic President who was in the military?


LexusLover's Avatar
OP and other DPSTs do love to make outrageous posts of no factual worth to 'bait' other posters

'Masters' at it. They Are. Originally Posted by oeb11
The above bullshit by the want-a-bes is hardly Masterful! They actually believe they can rewrite history. They cling to internet snippets.