Well zerodark does seem to be an appropriate name for yourself as you seem to be in the dark about a few facts and zero other information to base your opinion on. Would you like to explain what happened on that day? Would you like to explain my apologies? Furthermore would you like to explain why I haven't posted any type of ad or even a post since that day?
You know,shit happens. I at least can admit to when I might have made a mistake. I can also do one thing that most can't or won't do and is to apologise for that mistake. Many know me and understand that there are some issues going and I am unable to respond. Basically, I'm really hard to get a hold of because 90% of the time there is NO WAY to get a hold of me. I value my clients privacy as well as my own. That's part of the business. Trust me I haven't enjoyed going hungry due the shit show that has been going on.
So, ZERODARK please why don't you explain the what happened in the first part of that day. Let me tell you that the second part of that day was a 100% more fucked up.
*Side note* what is the deal with people thinking that I have a "mandle". In NO way have I EVER wanted to even pretend to be a man. Thanks,but truly I enjoy being a woman. Second, I don't want to know what goes on in the men's locker room. That type of"chest beating" shenanigans just isn't of interest to me. If there is something I would like to know, I simply ask. The person I am asking has to make the choice of wether or not to tell me, and if does or doesn't cross the info lines. In fact, most will tell you that I'm a real stickler on that subject and some have to really talk a lot to convince me to hear what they want to say. So, again, I LOVE MY T&A THAT GOES WITH BEING A WOMAN. Men, I enjoy how different you are from me in most everyway.(not in all things through,hit the bull's-eye please, if you have ever been in my bathroom