Fake Love

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 02-28-2017, 12:37 PM
I've realized that im a PSE seeker, I don't need the GFE but some of you guys want to find a RW girlfriend in here and that's where the problems start.
Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
Thing is, once my dick went limp after about 3-5 minutes (I paid for 30min) prior to any form of penetration, I excused my self to the restroom threw the condom away, came back out and told her "[she] can get up," she replied,"You don't want to fuck me?" I said "nah"...(I find that hilarious now)...I got dressed as quick as she got undressed, told her she can keep the donation, and headed to the door within a minute (I was really ready to go). She kept prying and asking me, "What's the problem?" I kept saying "Nothing, its ok, sorry for being weird.."...She was seemingly in a frantic mood because she was standing next to the doorway like, "Don't leave!"..."Sit and talk!".."Do you want a drink!"....After a few minutes of prying I revealed to her, "It just seems unreal"...Then she went on like a 5 minute rant of BS (never seen a woman talk this fast) saying, "It's not a business for me!"..."I'll let you take me to lunch"..."Like, I like you and think you're cool"(surrrrre)..."You can come hang out and not pay"...That definitely threw me for a loop..I was like,"Seriously?" she responded, "Yeah just don't post about it"(guilty)...Funny thing is, the last time I overstayed, trying to be nice and not treat her like a piece of fucking meat, and she gets annoyed, this time I understay and she's begging me not to leave...lol. But, I am no fool, and will no longer be amused by the fake charms of a strange woman
Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
I've realized that im a PSE seeker, I don't need the GFE but some of you guys want to find a RW girlfriend in here and that's where the problems start. Originally Posted by BLM69
I agree 1000%...I thought I could deal with it being fake, but apparently my dick couldn't....guess the hobby life is not for me
PetrusMaximus's Avatar
Why did you go out?

Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
You reviewed a certain young lady twice in a span of three days? Is this the offensive wench? https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1964513

I book longer multi-hour sessions so that counting out the clock becomes more of a chore than most providers want to undertake. At least I haven't heard any doing it aloud. I suppose it'd just easier to get on with the sex and it'll end when it ends.

Or maybe go find a new ATF? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Yeah, but fucking with no chemistry is awkward and uninspiring...
Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
About a year ago I was going to the SC's several times a week. One night had a long, fun, interesting time with one of the girls. The next day I saw her in the real world and she looked right in my face and shook her head "NO" as in don't talk to me. That was a fresh reminder that it's all make believe. Originally Posted by John Rockhead
Yeah that's crazy...but I had no desire to see this woman in the RW I just wanted us to have a good time BCD...but apparently, the fire died out as quick as it started, having only seen her 3 times, the last of which I stayed for not even half the time
TexTushHog's Avatar
I don't know what happened. But some providers hate their job. Others can maintain a more positive attitude toward it. I have no idea if any really like it, though a few profess to do so. But it's hard to hide real feelings. And for those who are unhappy fucking you, of fucking anybody for a living, the illusion us going to slip at times. C'est la vie! It goes with the territory.
Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
Don't know what to tell you Bruce ... obviously you are smart enough to know this isn't the place to look for love. I understand its great if hot sex appears to turn into real feelings, but that is their job. IOP man.

But even in civilian relationships you can end up feeling used and mislead.

You really need to rethink why you are here, We all have our reasons, make sure you know yours and that they line up with what this hobby is.

Not all providers are heartless money grabbers, so if you can suspend disbelief and enjoy it great, if not get out. No shame in that, this isn't for everyone. But if you stay, and learn to not go to far, you can have some meaningful and great relationships. Not true love, but genuine affection within the unspoken bounds of the financial transaction. However, even after 20+ years of this I still get lost sometime in the fantasy, but I don't fall to far down the rabbit hole anymore.

You may want to try the sugar daddy route, again lots of hustlers to weed thru, but the concept is more about build a relationship. You generally spend hours with them, so there has to be more of a connection for it to work. I have had 2 great sugar baby relationships, go read some of the stickies on the sugar daddy forum here, maybe that is a better fit, if you are looking for a more meaningful relationship, but still don't expect real love, save that for eharmony

Best of luck. Originally Posted by AverageWhiteGuy
Yeah, hobbying is definitely not for me. I admit, I tried my best hand at charming the girl and treating her like a real women, but I guess all my attempts were futile and she still sees me as Benjamin Franklin. I gain absolutely no satisfaction in fucking these meaningless whores, and if I ever do it again it would be with a gun to my head. Masturbation will suffice until I can find a woman who loves me unconditionally. That's what makes a man feel like a MAN!
Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
Johnny Lee said it best, "lookin' for love in all the wrong places". Sugar babies, dancers, and escorts are by definition, for hire. Doesn't mean you can't visit with them, doesn't mean you can't get to know them, doesn't mean you can't do nice things for them, but it does mean you aren't dating them.

Pull it together and be grateful she got naked, sucked your dick, and fucked you all within 60 minutes of meeting you. I guarantee you have spent more than an hour and $250 on a girl much older and considerably less attractive who was just as eager to get away from you as she was, but she didn't get naked, didn't suck your dick, and didn't fuck you. Good rule of thumb, if she keeps the money, she's working.

Don't be mad at her for doing a good job! This is your problem, not hers. I bet her ad very clearly listed rates and services. I understand her situation. I've got clients (and acquaintances) who take me to lunch, dinner, or drinks trying to get around my hourly rate too. And you know what? I resent them for it. That's my job. It's how I earn a living. Originally Posted by Sleepy69
I'm not mad at her...I'm just disappointed that I was reduced to a couple hundred dollars...I'm a man, I have an ego, it's not her fault, I just thought that we had a connection that went beyond 30 minutes and $200 ...I'll get over it pretty quickly but I admit, it kinda hurts...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 02-28-2017, 07:57 PM
You guys don't belong here, this is mostly for pussy seekers and lonely guys that don't get attached, if you're looking for love here, you're in the wrong place.
Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
Christ! You really should go have a time with a piece of cardboard then. Like, I get it. That reference was a hyperbole. But it says a whole lot about one's mind and thought process when a comparison is drawn between a human woman and a piece of dead wood particles.

Occurrences where guests underbook and grant themselves additional time aren't rare. So does this mean a provider is a horrid, detached barely-better-than-a-piece-of-paper being if she opts to end the date when it was supposed to end?

Now if she delivered bad service and was rushing during a point where it was nowhere near the end of the date that's one thing. But her engaging in physical and emotional intimacy in exchange for compensation is not a "game." And so what if she does that with "everybody!" That's kind of understood when you meet a professional escort. If the OP wants an exclusive arrangement, he'd have to be willing to shell out much more than the rate for an hour or two worth of time. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
A human woman? That's a stretch for what I saw...I just saw flesh ...hence the limp dick...Indeed, I underbook just to test the connection (I know, sounds horrible) but if you pay for 3 fucking hours, that just sounds like overkill...but if I pay for 30 and she isn't rushing me out once it gets to 50, I feel that shows for 20 minutes we shared a moment that wasn't transactional (maybe not)...But if you want a client to get out is "Thanks for coming, I had a really good time..." such a difficult thing to say...Even the cardboard can give that hint without saying a word...
An epiphany like that (the op story) tells me you're looking for real love, not play. Make the hard decision and get out of the hobby. It's going to drain you.
Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
I don't believe it was ever confirmed why he had his epiphany and that it was time related. Maybe he caught her watching TV, staring at the clock or her watch, maybe she was checking her phone, or maybe she took a short nap and woke up asking if he was done yet.
Unless I missed it I think you're making assumptions that he tried to extend the time (but that could have been the issue too). Originally Posted by L.A.
Nah the interaction just seemed forced...no escalation whatsoever...I mean the girl is pretty...but I just wasn't feeling it at allll after about 5 minutes...my dick turned into fucking bubble gum...and i got up and would've walked straight out had she not tried to fucking talk about it...
TheEccie214's Avatar
I'm sometimes surprised how easily women in the hobby are offended. I would think she realized she signed a deal with the devil when deciding to sell her body for sex to strangers and most of those guys could not care less about her or her personal life. The guys that are looking for more than a hole usually end up being taken advantage of by a girl that's just working a hustle.

I used to be very generous with the ladies here until I finally realized I'm just a pay day for them. When everyone realizes their places in this game things seem to go much more smoothly.

See alerts all the time for a girl getting a cash advance on a session and the guy not getting the goods. How often do you see a girl saying she gave the nookie while agreeing to be paid later? Never. Because these are not choir girls people, they're hustlers.
Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
Must be something in the air right now, bc this topic/revelation seems to be happening pretty often. Lol

This is the hard part to comprehend for many guys.

I've been in a similar spot, met her family, she confides in me about certain things.

It's one thing for it to be just business. But when we talk constantly, know her fam, kid, real name, address etc., it's hard to accept that I am possibly nothing more than an $ sign to her. And I say possibly, bc u never REALLY know with these ladies. But if I disappeared off the face of the earth, would she gaf?

They still take ur money, but I don't really blame them for that if I'm offering.

But I guess it's pretty telling since the ladies on here avoid this discussion, lol. Originally Posted by jack_black81
Once money gets involved nothing is for certain...Your worth becomes inextricably tied to your money...Hence the terms "Mo money mo problems"..."It's lonely at the top"...Once the money is gone, the women go as well...except for the people who valued you without the knowledge of what you have...