A Relationship...

I know how you feel ILuvWomen but if she quit the business for you, would that be ok? I could easily forgive and forget her past because after all I love this shit!
The problem with most relationships these days is that women expect to be treated like the queen of England at a tea party of loyal subjects, and feel showing appreciation for their husband puts them in a weak position and betrays the sisterhood. Merely being female does not grant unlimited perks for life!
I will readily agree that the odds are long and the hobby is not an ideal place to make a match from either side. But, it does happen. No one can control where they will meet someone who will make them happy. Interaction between man and woman is very complicated. Add in the complications of the hobby....... Its really tough.

Each person is different. Deep feelings or even love can develop here. If a couple agrees that its worth the risk persuing it, then great for them! If it lasts a few months, thats more than they had before. If it lasts longer, then bless them and feel good for them.

Understanding the additional baggage the hobby adds to both the men and women is important to know. But to make blanket statements that it cannot happen, that a man is not a real man, that the woman is in some way not worty is stupid and wrong.

I hate to tell you but if you are in the hobby, man or woman, you have some issue(s) that you need to deal with. I know what mine are and I am content to use the hobby to deal with them at this time. That could change tomorrow or last for years. Reguardless, I will never close my eyes or heart to the chance I might meet someone special in or out of the hobby. My eyes are open, I know the risks and the odds. I just choose to look for happinese rather than try to pull down or discount the people doing the very same thing I am doing. If someone I know told me they were in love in the hobby, I would indeed caution then to go slow, be very carefull, etc. I would remind them of the risks. But degrade them becasue they are willing to take a chance? Never.

I am not without sin, so no rock throwing for me. At least about this aspect of life.
Yes Steve, I could forgive and forget. If you can't forgive and forget then you have no chance at a releationship with anybody as we all make mistakes and do things we are not proud of during our lives. I am not trying to throw stones or judge anybody in or out of the hobby.
berkleigh's Avatar
I am happy you and J5 seem to have hit it off. I hope it lasts a long long time. I know you have been looking for awhile. Its tough, expecialy in our little hobby world. But heres hoping you two are the exception. I know I though I had found such a person here and it was fantastic while it lasted. I still wish she would give it another try but life moves on.

Enjoy each other you 2 while you can. Originally Posted by Bubba3452

Thanks Bubba!
I am thankful to "The Hobby" for meeting him as I
am several other like-minded individuals thus far.
The friendship J5 and I have make a strong foundation as well as a damn good story years to come.

You are correct, it's very tough to maintain a "relationship" and still be involved in this Lifestyle.
It's only normal to have doubts, but at the end of the day, we have an understanding...

My goals and plans were to walk away from this business prior to us getting involved with one another.
I am very honest so anyone I involve myself with will know my past or "double life as Berkleigh".
It's just crazy how things have fallen into place and now J5 is experiencing another side of me that thankfully has not been jaded.

To know him is to know me...
And If I would have known it was gonna be this good years ago ...
...plus I haven't met anyone who could keep up with me like him...

People come in and out of your Life for a reason.

I am happy to see that 2 members of the Johnny5 crew are still together.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Copierguy0 -

J5 claims he told Adrianna he was going marry me lol!!!

I can't even express how close we all were, the adventures, the conversations, the best-times...very happy memories of her.

In fact, I told him the other day, I know she is looking down, LAUGHING AT US and I swear I could hear her...

LOL so I blame her! She is responsible for us!

Ugh, not a day goes by that I don't miss that woman...

I met her thru ASPD years ago and hands down was the bestest friend I've known.

So yes, it happens.
Whether its a relationship outside the "Hobby" or a true Life long friendship with a person.

RIP Adrianna Love
Damn, somebody cue the freakin' mooshy violins already...
DallasDude2012's Avatar
I really liked Berk's and Johny5's postings above. Classy and Honest.
I have met Berk bu thave not had the pleasure of meeting J5. Sir, if you can handle Berk, you are a far better man than most on the board

lov ya berkleigh
Bob Soldios's Avatar
I'm trying to remember her handle/name but back in the ASPD days I know there was at least one provider who retired because she and one of her clients got serious and I believe ended up getting married.
berkleigh's Avatar
I really liked Berk's and Johny5's postings above. Classy and Honest. Originally Posted by DallasDude2012

Thank You!

I have met Berk bu thave not had the pleasure of meeting J5. Sir, if you can handle Berk, you are a far better man than most on the board

lov ya berkleigh Originally Posted by Bubba3452

He's a Keeper!
pmdelites's Avatar
Hate to burst the bubble for some of you but no real man let's his woman sell herself to others for sex. Originally Posted by Iluvwomen
i thought they sold time?
seriously, what is a "real man" in your sentence?
there are many many women in the sex industry who have boyfriends, S.O. boyfriends, husbands, prolly some that are in a homosexual relation. are all those people not "real"?? if not judgemental, at least presumptuous and prejudiced.

Yep. You would think you would find the least judgmental folks on a site such as this but I'm continually amazed how that isn't true. Originally Posted by mansfield

I have been in and out of the HOBBY for over 10 years. I can honestly say I never thought I would find that special someone in the "hobby" but fairy tales do exist. Not only have I found the one who makes me happy but she is my best friend as well. I was introduced to Berkleigh 3 years ago and at the time we started a friendship one in which did not include sex just a common bond and friendship. Over the last 3 years we have gone through ups and downs but our friendship always was intact. Recently our "friendship" blossomed into something much more and much more fufilling. I would do anything for her and she would do anything for me. So to answer the question, yes one can have a relationship in the hobby, I see a future for us outside this world and to live happily ever after...... Originally Posted by JOHNY_5
so, does this make Johny_5 NOT a real man??

OK Bubba I'll speak for myself. There is much more to being a real man than genitals. I just don't believe that any man who allows or goes along with their partner selling themselves for sex is really looking out and taking care of them like they should.

JMO. Originally Posted by Iluvwomen
Yes Steve, I could forgive and forget. If you can't forgive and forget then you have no chance at a releationship with anybody as we all make mistakes and do things we are not proud of during our lives. I am not trying to throw stones or judge anybody in or out of the hobby. Originally Posted by Iluvwomen
still sounds pretty judgemental to me.
like someone said, just state what you believe/do. not what you think others should believe or do. unless you have a ton of research showing why acting in a certain way is good for the people involved, the community, and the world.
pmdelites's Avatar
Personally, I haven't had a "relationship" in years...it does get lonely and sometimes I long for someone that I can open up to and share life with...unfortunately, being in this hobby most guys don't consider me the girl they want to take home to meet their mother. I'm pretty resigned to spending my life single...but if it did happen, that would be awesome. I'm just not expecting it to. Originally Posted by mercianna
those guy's thinking is their loss. i sure as didnt even tell my momma all the wild and illegal stuff i did when i was younger!!!

Some of you are really good actors. Ashley Kensington when she was around stole a piece of my heart. She was so damn good of an actor it actually felt real. She even met my whole family at my sisters wedding we attended together. I was full of all kinds of emotions because I thought my health was rapidly deteriorating. I haven't let myself come anywhere close to that since. Originally Posted by PoppyToyota
mercianna and poppy, i dont know either of you, but i feel for you!! seriously i do!
humans crave connections, crave social interactions [see text i bolded in mercianna's post]. it helps our minds, our bodies, our health, and in many other ways. true, being in a relationship is not all peaches and cream, but there is someone else to love, care, support you and have fun!!!

so, pls you two, dont "resign" yourself to a single life or pull back from ever being close again. maybe just for now it'll be that way.
but there's still the future ahead of you [however long or short] - pls dont close off possible avenues of happiness, joy, connectedness.

besides, i'd say most people didnt expected to meet the one they love.

peace be with you.

passing thought - mercianna and poppy get together and we throw an eccie bridal shower!!