You really don't understand politics do you. Legislators vote what ever way keeps them in office. If they didn't, they wouldn't have a job long. Will there ALWAYS be people that think they are being "forced" to do what the majority has obviously voted for? Yes. This is America, you can live where you please and there will be multiple states where both outcomes can be found.
You have a group of people. They all live in one state. When it comes time to vote, the man or woman or "it" votes what the most amount of people want. Apparently in Texas, that is the toughest laws on abortion that can get through the SC.
Why? because that's the way it works in a Representative Democracy. You are forced to pay taxes. You don't want to pay taxes. The government forces you to pay taxes. That's equity BTW and the only way a functioning Democracy can work.
50 possible different outcomes and you get to chose where you want to live. What a great country. Nobody can force you to live where you don't want to live but they can pass laws supported by the majority that don't unduly infringe on only the minority. The laws are for everybody regardless of anything.
There isn't a country on this planet where everybody gets to do what they want when they want to do it so stop dreaming of a Utopia that common sense should tell you can't exist. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I almost feel like sending him a PM so he knows. Aside from the minor punctuation (at my discretionary literary opinion) and spelling mishaps, this was a hell of a retort. Not necessarily rude, but curt. Who knows, maybe he felt it necessary.
Let this be a lesson to the corny sailor. I may be fuckin' drunk now, but I can still read and make sense of FOXholeforever's stance. Barley needs a way to sharply articulate what FOXhole has come to exemplify.
Damn good read. (Like he can really ignore me. He just can't admit he reads me.)
You're damn right I will never waiver from my abortion position.