Inflation just hit a NEW 40-year high - HELL of a job Senile Biden !!!

berryberry's Avatar

berryberry's Avatar
Hope all you libtards who put this idiot in office are happy

Hope all you libtards who put this idiot in office are happy

Originally Posted by berryberry

It's a free market. The administration doesn't set the price.

You'd could argue that they do things like capping the price of corn, but not consumer goods.
chizzy's Avatar
It's a free market. The administration doesn't set the price.

You'd could argue that they do things like capping the price of corn, but not consumer goods. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546

you must remember something...............ask yourself how all these things mentioned get to you? how does the cows on the farm get to the processer ? how does it get to the store?

how does the coffee beans get from columbia?

policies set by the goverment influence pricing on all levels
berryberry's Avatar
you must remember something...............ask yourself how all these things mentioned get to you? how does the cows on the farm get to the processer ? how does it get to the store?

how does the coffee beans get from columbia?

policies set by the goverment influence pricing on all levels Originally Posted by chizzy
Chizzy - he apparently is either in deep denial or completely oblivious in understanding how government policies and regulations have an impact on prices

Imagine not being able to understand how declaring war on American energy impacts the cost of gas and diesel. And that trickles down to most products as you have the transport costs of bringing things to market
tiger2me's Avatar
are you going to believe your 'lying eyes' or the WH experts??
chizzy's Avatar
are you going to believe your 'lying eyes' or the WH experts?? Originally Posted by tiger2me
Im still trying to figure out what they are experts in.........

Oh wait my asshole is hurting, thats right, experts in fucking us
berryberry's Avatar

Inflation has come to dominate dinner table discussions as the price of food, energy, housing and almost everything else Americans deal with on a daily basis vault higher. In May, it climbed to its highest level since 1981, rising 8.6% from a year earlier as measured by the Consumer Price Index. There is concern now that we may see a repeat of the 1970s, when the inflation rate averaged 7.1% for a whole decade, devastating household finances and the economy.

This is a major shock to a whole generation of consumers who had become accustomed to little or no inflation. Bloomberg Economics estimates that US households will have to spend an extra $5,200 this year, or about $433 a month, for the same consumption basket.

BE SURE TO THANK SENILE BIDEN AND EVERY LIBTARD YOU KNOW - Look at all the price jumps once they became in charge

berryberry's Avatar
No joke the mortgage rate just hit 6.28% today. All hail Senile Biden - destroyer of the US Economy

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When you lose CNN

CNN's Harry Enten on Biden's "awful" approval rating on inflation: Biden is "doing WORSE than Jimmy Carter" - WATCH:
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The Senile Biden economy in a nutshell

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While Senile Biden and the other libtards in Congress try to deflect from their failures, this chart says it all

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Even the libtards know Senile Biden and other libtards in Congress is responsible for this record breaking inflation


In general, how responsible are President Biden’s policies for causing the current inflation?

Responsible: 64%
Not Responsible: 25%

Responsible/Not Responsible
Dem: 53/39
GOP: 88/8
Indie: 63/26

1,310 Adults / 06/08-06/10
berryberry's Avatar
Now the Fed Chairman throws Senile Biden under the bus calling out his bullshit Putin Price Hike lies

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell breaks with Senile Biden, telling a Senate Committee inflation was already raging before Putin invaded Ukraine.

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Inflation is rising faster than wages, and retirement savings have taken a huge hit -- along with Americans' sense of security. 'Retirement accounts see combined losses of $3.4 trillion.'