What could be done....today....to fix race relations?

rioseco's Avatar
and don't forget, shut the fuck up! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

YSTFU......KMA.....and......HM NS as well,Assup the Sperm Receptacle !
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Should have picked our own cotton.
Up_N_Smoke's Avatar
Should have picked our own cotton. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Why didn't ya'll ! PLEASE enlighten me !SMDH!
cowboy8055's Avatar
I'm not talking about some pie in the sky shit.

How can we fix this? Originally Posted by timpage
Humans are flawed so I'm not sure it can be fixed. Race baiting has to stop. That simply doesn't help. A good starting place would be the family. The black family, in general, is a mess. You can't continue to have 7 out of 10 black babies born out of wedlock and not have all kinds of problems. You can't continue to have high rates of high school drop outs. In NY city there's as many black babies aborted as are birthed. Something is fundamentally wrong with a community that terminates half their pregnancies. Too many black communities are in chaos. Broken families=broken communities=all kinds of problems. There's no getting around it.
rioseco's Avatar
Should have picked our own cotton. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Slavery should have never happened here or anywhere else
Some do not care to know that America was not alone or first in slave trading or ownership. It has been going on for ages and world wide.

With that said, let me agree with you DaliLama.
I have said before that "It was the stupidist move white man ever made to bring Africans to America"

Now many black men's hearts are are filled with distrust,hatred and suspicion. Also many think that generations after slavery we owe them somehow. My European ancestors came here after slavery was abolished. My native ancestors were victims of the Europeans as well though not slaves. I nor my ancestors ever owned or traded in the black slavery market. I have no regrets for past practices of my own people. However, I do regret that slavery ever happened here on this continent.

I also want to add that it was the most unjust evil thing ever done to the Africans, but it is over and done. It can not be changed now. No one left breathing is responsible. Let us ALL move beyond this issue.
Up_N_Smoke's Avatar
Moving past slavery,I think a look at the overall systems as a whole can go a long towards changing things. Because after slavery there was separate but unequal, jim crow,and outright segregation .Today
its housing discrimination ,unfair drug policies/ policing etc.
I wasn't alive during jim crow, but have quite a few relatives alive today that were .To hear their hardships growing up can make one feel some type of way,but still appreciate the progress that has been made thus far. I myself have came of age during the "war on drug" era. So I've seen first hand how disproportionate the laws can affect someones' life. Example, a majority of the problems can begin with a simple possession charge. Instead of young black men being offered a chance at a diversion program (unlike some of our white counterparts) that would drug test them and council them weekly;allowing them the chance to clean themselves up, become productive members of society again,and still keep their record clean without having a petty crime scar them for the rest of their lives.Instead we get the options of go to trial,lose and go to jail,or just plead guilty and take probation. They wouldn't serve any jail time,but they don't know that the charges follow them wherever life takes them in the future, blocking the right to vote,the ability to get a grant/loan for school, and the chance to find a decent job and housing keeping them in a perpetual cycle of poverty and hopelessness.
As I get older this is what really pisses me off about the democratic party.We give them 80-damn near 95% our votes every election cycle, but they still don't affect any systemic changes that's been put forth by their constituents. Republicans don't even bother to chip into those numbers.Love him or hate him Rand Paul at least has been the only one nationaly with the balls to say drug laws disproportionately affects minorities. Whether he's genuine in his beliefs or just giving it lip service remains to be seen.
That might be one of the stupider things you've ever written. : Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

3rd option: Ozombies receive redistributed monies in the form of subsidies for their healthcare... Like Turd Throater.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Individual liberty and personal responsibility. Right now, government has absolved many people from experiencing the consequences of their actions. This breeds a mentality of entitlement, which leads to violence. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm telling you. This is the ONLY solution.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-29-2014, 09:00 PM
I'm telling you. This is the ONLY solution. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You have way more entitlement in Europe and way less violence.

But I agree that any form of entitlement is bad in general.

This will not help race relations... http://www.therightplanet.com/2014/11/the-irregulars/

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why Do you want to race relations, Slobbrin? Is this some weird game they play at the state school?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
AssupLiar thinks race relations is the Earnhardt family.
matchingmole's Avatar
A toga party should fix everything.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who's the Earnhardt family?
Who's the Earnhardt family? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If you are not being facetious, then there in lies a problem.

You, and your liberal ilk, from the President on down, are out of touch with a pretty sizeable chunk of Americana.

But I suspect you are being facetious.

But, not the President.