Obamacare is not worth a government shutdown: Sen. Mike Lee Rep-Utah

Somebody needs to get Ted Cruz in a back room and pimp slap him back to reality.

The Democrat Party, and the Major News Outlets are gleefully waiting on the Republicans to "shut down the Government". They already have the ads made up, showing Veterans not getting benefits, Grandma and Grandpa starving, childred being deprived of basic essentials, etc.

You fight the fights you can win. You CANNOT win this one.

Grow up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
All due respect but we will lose 100% of the battles we don't fight...fuckem
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What has the economy been doing the last five years? Oh, that's right! According to the White House it has been having a "robust" recovery since the summer of 2009. More people are out of work, more people are working less hours, and more people have lost their healthcare and a lot of it has to do with this wonderful law that was passed with payoffs, corruption, and lies. Kill Obamacare and kill the uncertainty that is hurting this recovery. Government does not make an economy recover, the people of this country make an economy recover......if you get the fuck out of the way.

If we took the adage that you can't win think of all the movies that would have never gotten made; Rocky, Rocky II, Rocky III, Rocky IV, Rocky V, Rocky VI, Rambo, Rambo II, Rambo III, Major League, Absence of Malice, The Verdict, The Godfather, Raging Bull, and on and on.
JD Idiot wants to return to those glorious days of yesteryear!

September 15, 2008.

A Republican has occupied the White House for a short and wonderful 7 1/2 years. The sun is shining! There is a hint of fall in the air. The end of the ill fated and ill advised, 5 1/2 year long mistake in Iraq is just over the horizon.

Then the stock market tumbled and tumbled and tumbled and tumbled and tumbled and tumbled and tumbled.

Just when we thought it could go no lower lower, it tumbled even lower. Surely, we will soon hit rock bottom and things will finally level out. 3 1/2 months later the stock market is still tumbling and tumbling and tumbling!

Yikes, this is turning into a trend but JD Idiot will hold his head high and proudly proclaim it is nothing more than a blip on the radar screen. During the entire 3 1/2 month period, JD never wavers. These things occur from time to time. There were absolutely no complaints from JD Idiot. None, zilch, nada!

Ahhhhhhh, those were the good ol' days!

And then on January 20, 2009 Barack Obama was sworn in as POTUS and it immediately became all Obama's fault!

JD Idiot's been bitching and moaning ever since! He will continue to do so until another Republican is sworn in as POTUS, which will be sometime after President Hillary Clinton completes her 8 years in office.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Tex you take a lot of liberties about what I think and have said. I wasn't posting on this site five years ago so you have no idea what I was thinking or doing. In fact, I will call you out as a liar. The OP was about five years ago up until now. Not five years ago and before. Are you just stupid? Oh yes, I've asked that question before and you never answered. I think we know the answer. Stupid and a liar! What a combination. Let me this real simple, Obama will never turn this economy around. He doen't know how to do it and if he ever finds out his politics will not allow him to do what has to be done. Hillary will never seat in the Oval Office as president. She is dragging too much baggage and too many democrats (that includes the birthers) either hate or fear her. They will find someone else or make sure she loses. That way they can finally be done with her. So the next president will be a republican who ever it may be. A new person with a fresh perspective will likely stumble into the right thing to do and we, the people, can get this country back on track.

Never try to figure out what I think or stand for Tex, you lack the capacity to think beyond pulling the shit out of your pants.

JD, this ones for you!

JD Idiot, this ones for you!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

JD, this ones for you! Originally Posted by bigtex
+ a picture of dubya's JUNK!
LovingKayla's Avatar
I say SHUT IT DOWN!!! Especially since they don't have too. Quit foreign aid to terrorist. The whole thing is ridiculous.

Defunding obamacare is worth whatever it takes. This video breaks down everything they've said by using ONLY video clips and quotes and definable equates. I was enthralled. Worth the watch.
