Russia is interfering AGAIN in 2020 election to help Donald Trump get a second term, intelligence officials secretly told Congress

  • oeb11
  • 02-20-2020, 07:03 PM
Trump is just as entitled to Executive privilege as any Democrat POTUS - j666.

That was not the issue - Schiff and Nadler openly declared they had the facts.

The much ballyhooed Mueller investigation - pounded into the brains of feeble viewers by LSM for years - found no evidence that Trump colluded with the russians to take the Nov 2016 election.

Nothing in Trump's use of EP affects the Facts in the hands of the House Committee chairs.

Wrong - as usual.

Searching desperately for an out - and angry - I am getting replies within moments of posting.

Please pull up a picture of H.... - and Calm Oneself.

Thank you - j666.

Using the term "Bombshell" - has been so overused by the Fascist DPST's it makes me think of Viet Nam or Berlin, Germany during the wars.

Does not change a thing - every "bombshell' the Fascist DPST's flaunt is always a nothing burger. Must be terrible to live with such continued disappointment.

Try again.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump puts an unqualified loyalist in charge of national intelligence

PRESIDENT TRUMP’S campaign to purge the government of anyone not blindly loyal to him continued Wednesday with the appointment of Richard Grenell as acting director of national intelligence. Mr. Grenell, who currently serves as ambassador to Germany, is manifestly unqualified for the job, even in an acting capacity. He has no experience in intelligence or in managing large organizations — like the 17 agencies that will now report to him.

Mr. Grenell has nevertheless won the president’s favor in a familiar way: by loudly praising him and his agenda on Fox News programs and social media. Probably, he has convinced Mr. Trump he can be counted on to put the president’s personal and political interests above those of national security — something the two previous DNIs would not reliably do.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Trump just put sanctions on Russia's largest oil company. Bad puppet!

Putin just might change his mind if Bernie gets the nomination since Bernie honeymooned in the Soviet Union and has spoken glowingly of all the Socialist/ Communist dictators including condemning the US for trying to overthrow Maduro.

‘He is not going to be the nominee’: Dems slam Sanders over Maduro stance

Florida Democrats are denouncing Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders for refusing to call Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro a dictator — a politically explosive issue in the nation’s biggest swing state.
Sanders also would not say whether he considered Venezuela’s assembly leader, Juan Guaidó, as the nation’s interim president, which is the position of the United States and a majority of Latin American countries and European countries.
  • oeb11
  • 02-20-2020, 07:52 PM
Trump puts an unqualified loyalist in charge of national intelligence

PRESIDENT TRUMP’S campaign to purge the government of anyone not blindly loyal to him continued Wednesday with the appointment of Richard Grenell as acting director of national intelligence. Mr. Grenell, who currently serves as ambassador to Germany, is manifestly unqualified for the job, even in an acting capacity. He has no experience in intelligence or in managing large organizations — like the 17 agencies that will now report to him.

Mr. Grenell has nevertheless won the president’s favor in a familiar way: by loudly praising him and his agenda on Fox News programs and social media. Probably, he has convinced Mr. Trump he can be counted on to put the president’s personal and political interests above those of national security — something the two previous DNIs would not reliably do. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

HF has a cogent viewpoint - and J666 has nothing better than warmed-over and irrelevant WaPo propaganda to quote
And, no answer to the criticism of his thread stance

Trump is not perfect, j666 - as is no human. But your insistence Trump is the only liar in the building is indefensible and tiresome.

wake up and get some professional help - j666 - you will live a much better life.
And... Originally Posted by HoeHummer
And, don't give us any shit about Russian Collusion part 2 when he gets reelected.
When blinded by rage it’s hard to see anything for what it truly is! If you don’t think Russia has tried to meddle in every election since 1945 you are just plan ignorant. If you don’t believe me just ask BO. Originally Posted by DFWClubgoer
Exactly - and we meddle in everyone else's elections, too.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Intelligence officials told Democrats and Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee that Russia is interfering in 2020 election and favors Donald Trump

Top election security officials gave the bombshell warning at secret briefing held a week ago

The aide - Shelby Pierson - was briefing the committee chaired by Adam Schiff, who led Donald Trump's impeachment

Trump was furious and believed that only Schiff had been told about the warning and feared the Democrat would use the information against him
He 'dressed down' Pierson's boss - then the acting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguire - in the Oval Office for allowing the briefing
Maguire was replaced Wednesday by Trump ultra-loyalist Rick Grenell, who incidentally will be the first ever openly gay cabinet secretary

The fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office knows he needs Putin’s help to win after he got caught with his shakedown in Ukraine. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump puts an unqualified loyalist in charge of national intelligence

PRESIDENT TRUMP’S campaign to purge the government of anyone not blindly loyal to him continued Wednesday with the appointment of Richard Grenell as acting director of national intelligence. Mr. Grenell, who currently serves as ambassador to Germany, is manifestly unqualified for the job, even in an acting capacity. He has no experience in intelligence or in managing large organizations — like the 17 agencies that will now report to him.

Mr. Grenell has nevertheless won the president’s favor in a familiar way: by loudly praising him and his agenda on Fox News programs and social media. Probably, he has convinced Mr. Trump he can be counted on to put the president’s personal and political interests above those of national security — something the two previous DNIs would not reliably do. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump puts an unqualified loyalist in charge of national intelligence

PRESIDENT TRUMP’S campaign to purge the government of anyone not blindly loyal to him continued Wednesday with the appointment of Richard Grenell as acting director of national intelligence. Mr. Grenell, who currently serves as ambassador to Germany, is manifestly unqualified for the job, even in an acting capacity. He has no experience in intelligence or in managing large organizations — like the 17 agencies that will now report to him.

Mr. Grenell has nevertheless won the president’s favor in a familiar way: by loudly praising him and his agenda on Fox News programs and social media. Probably, he has convinced Mr. Trump he can be counted on to put the president’s personal and political interests above those of national security — something the two previous DNIs would not reliably do. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Trump is merely purging the Obama era socialists and replacing them with patriotic Americans who seek to make America great again and you act like that's a bad thing? who are yous? a commie???

BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Intelligence officials told Democrats and Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee that Russia is interfering in 2020 election and favors Donald Trump

Top election security officials gave the bombshell warning at secret briefing held a week ago

The aide - Shelby Pierson - was briefing the committee chaired by Adam Schiff, who led Donald Trump's impeachment

Trump was furious and believed that only Schiff had been told about the warning and feared the Democrat would use the information against him
He 'dressed down' Pierson's boss - then the acting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguire - in the Oval Office for allowing the briefing
Maguire was replaced Wednesday by Trump ultra-loyalist Rick Grenell, who incidentally will be the first ever openly gay cabinet secretary

The fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office knows he needs Putin’s help to win after he got caught with his shakedown in Ukraine. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Breaking news....Trumps new running mate for 2020 is none other than Vladimir Putin. I hope Don the Con will break the news gently to Christian Warrior Mike Pence.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Breaking news....Trumps new running mate for 2020 is none other than Vladimir Putin. I hope Don the Con will break the news gently to Christian Warrior Mike Pence. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

breaking news. the UK called, they said they'll take you back if you swear an oath of fealty to Boris's Johnson. in public.

gfejunkie's Avatar
"Russia Russia Russia" - 2.0

Gee! That worked out so well for you last time. LMAO!!!
Jaxson66's Avatar
"Russia Russia Russia" - 2.0

Gee! That worked out so well for you last time. LMAO!!! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Yep, it worked out well for the fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office.

Putin’s interference won’t be successful in 2020. The fat lying bastard will not be re.elected even with Russia’s help, or Ukraine’s help, or the racist pig fuckers in the Freedom caucus covering up his crimes.

You wanna bet? I have a list started. Put your Eccie membership up.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Senior intelligence official told lawmakers that Russia wants to see Trump reelected

A senior U.S. intelligence official told lawmakers last week that Russia wants to see President Trump reelected, viewing his administration as more favorable to the Kremlin’s interests, according to people who were briefed on the comments.

After learning of that analysis, which was provided to House lawmakers in a classified hearing, Trump grew angry at his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, in the Oval Office, seeing Maguire and his staff as disloyal for speaking to Congress about Russia’s perceived preference. The intelligence official’s analysis and Trump’s furious response ruined Maguire’s chances of becoming the permanent intelligence chief, according to people familiar with the matter who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter.

It was not clear what specific steps, if any, U.S. intelligence officials think Russia may have taken to help Trump, according to the individuals.

The fat lying bastard got his nasty panty in a wad because McGuire was doing his job so he fired him. Then placed a piss boy in the position.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-21-2020, 06:34 AM