Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
We conservatives work and pay taxes so liberal congresspersons can give it to their constituents who do not work. Sounds like we are the slaves.

Let my people go!!!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Gee, JL, I suppose that since no one in government spent any money between 2001-2008, we must be running an $6T surplus right about now, eh? How does it feel to be one of gritsboy's cut'n'paste cartoons?
We conservatives work and pay taxes so liberal congresspersons can give it to their constituents who do not work. Sounds like we are the slaves.

Let my people go!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

If you believe that you are fucking delusional.
Let my people go!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
JL obviously is searching for a free ride.

Fukin' loafer!
rioseco's Avatar
Obama = nations worst 1/2 black president !
Why is it that no one, I mean no one will say he is half-white ?
The black folk want him to be black and the white folk do too,very strange to me.
Obama = nations worst 1/2 black president !
Why is it that no one, I mean no one will say he is half-white ?
The black folk want him to be black and the white folk do too,very strange to me. Originally Posted by rioseco
I do not call him 1/2 black.

I do not call him 1/2 white.

I call him Mr. President!
Obama = nations worst 1/2 black president !
Why is it that no one, I mean no one will say he is half-white ?
The black folk want him to be black and the white folk do too,very strange to me. Originally Posted by rioseco

Same reason you have a hard time finding anyone who voted for him.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I do not call him 1/2 black.

I do not call him 1/2 white.

I call him Mr. President! Originally Posted by bigtex
And that he is, BiSex! Regardless of color, he is Mr. Most Corrupt and Dishonest President Ever.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
We conservatives work and pay taxes so liberal congresspersons can give it to their constituents who do not work. Sounds like we are the slaves.

Let my people go!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
For God's sake, JL, quit your incessant whining and let your schwantz go!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And that he is, BiSex! Regardless of color, he is Mr. Most Corrupt and Dishonest President Ever.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Says a dipshit who hasn't seen the light of day since 9/11
chefnerd's Avatar
To quote someone I have come to respect:
"Today’s so-called ‘conservatives’ don’t even know what the word means. They think I’ve turned liberal because I believe a woman has a right to an abortion. That’s a decision that’s up to the pregnant woman, not up to the pope or some do-gooders or the Religious Right. It’s not a conservative issue at all." -- Barry Goldwater
And that he is, BiSex! Regardless of color, he is Mr. Most Corrupt and Dishonest President Ever.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

guess you are meaning our elected officials....
Goldwater would be appalled at what today's left claim as a "right "...

He would be offended with late term and live birth murderer!
Goldwater would be appalled at what today's left claim as a "right "...

He would be offended with late term abortions and live-birth murderer! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
rioseco's Avatar the avatar ! Hail to the clown !