China once again has started a provocative conversation.
I will try and learn from NB, giving a quick hit-n-run for my .02.
I think what is being missed is not that the guy reacted in a crass and boorish manner when his request for an appointment was was declined.
The point is the declination was because he was perceived to have a boorish, disrespectful attitude to begin with. The question is why is that his manner?
I think the answer is who knows; bad potty training, misogyny, low self esteem? Maybe he doesn't even intend or realize his behavior. Admittedly, with the name calling it's hard for me to imagine, but possible. When I was younger I had an appointment with a mid level manager of a large national corporation known for it's aggressive style. The man couldn't speak without using violent physically imagery... bashing heads together, gut punching people into line etc. Perhaps for him it was environmental conditioning.
If I was curious about anything in your example, it would be the person's age. Apologies to any 20 something's, but there is a lot of development and maturity yet to finish. Looking back to when I was 20's (ok 30's too) I am embarrassed by how ignorant I was. (Admittedly it's also probably an unabashed plug for us .. ahem .. "mature" guys.)
The important part is your response.
China obviously you did well. (Although you took the wind out of my sails with the comment of not expending more caloric energy than required to roll your brown eyes, even after I spent time today thinking how to reply). There is a topic in a book I am reading where the author advocates framing your interpretation of an event in a way that is positive and empowering to you, while not denying the reality. His point is mental self talk of an event will have a positive or negative effect on you, simply frame it to be positive.
The 2nd topic of negative comments regarding a woman's appearance. Sorry, no idea, only God knows. Should we ever meet I'm much more afraid you would make a unguarded comment about me.
The 3rd topic regarding level of discourse, I don't know what "nasty things" you mean, but probably Jack is right. Other than the review forum I hadn't really noticed much of a difference, but I'm not on as much as before. And on the old board I generally read companion and legal forums, not one's that lend them self to "nasty things" anyway.
That is a long .02. Already I broke my promise to myself not to write late in the evening when I am tired.
ps. Anita, I love your comments.
pps. China, my poor heart with your "love being a slut" comment.