Be careful, be safe

You're tripping all over your own contradictions!

Who needs "facts" if the conclusion is already so "obvious" to you?

Would you like a little whine to go with your rant? Originally Posted by lustylad
I don't really care for wine, but I'll take beer if you have one! That rant was thirsty work!
berryberry's Avatar
Yeah right, this is where the lazy left goes immediately, to the obvious. Well this guy seems to have made that pretty easy to do. Now here is where the right goes, let's poo poo the actual crime! This asshole is a murderer, he went to businesses where he knew without doubt that he would find asians there. Then he killed 6 Asian women! And yes he had been to these places before, was that for sex or to reconnoiter the locations? When caught he forwards this sex addiction bullshit knowing that to say he hates asians is a fast track to the death chamber, but perhaps a sex addict might have them pick his brain for the foreseeable future! And to say he was having a bad day? I can think of at least 8 people whose day was much worse than his! To say that he also shot 2 people not of Asian decent is proof that this wasn't a racist hate crime is disingenuous. How quickly do you think he was making his mind up before shooting someone? A moving target is much harder to hit than a stationary one, so nobody got a break! They were shot very quickly, there was no target analysis. And the asshole racist sheriff in that news conference had tweets that were anti Asian racist comments some months ago. This shit isnt even a week old and it seems the right have already made up its mind, so now we can put this all to bed. And yes I went with the obvious conclusion that this asshole is a racist! And so far that is where this actually seems to be headed. Not taking the word of a murder as to his motives, or some racist sheriff.
One more thing. I am willing to go with the sexual freak bullshit once all of the facts are in, and that is the conclusion of the investigating authorities. But right now the fact point toward hate crime!
It really is as simple as that! Originally Posted by Bimbo hunter
You are a perfect example of the liberal mind at work. You ignore the facts and try to justify your own inept conclusion with more inaccurate statements. Unreal.

So is the FBI racist? Or do the FBI not count in lieu of your crazy liberal talking points? Because FBI Director Christopher Wray says the Atlanta shootings do not seem to be linked to race, backing up local investigators who say the alleged shooter was motivated by a sex addiction rather than racial animus as claimed by race activists.
The very first thing I heard was that it was a hate crime against sex workers. I didn’t hear anyone trying to spin anything otherwise. Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl
I first heard it sex worker then it quickly changed to Asian hate crime. Then the facts came out. Damn news is so anxious to get the story first they dont even wait for the facts anymore. Disgusting.
I didn’t hear or read any of that. When I woke, and checked my regular platforms, the very first thing I read was that he himself said he was a sex addict.

I don’t watch any of those news networks you mentioned.

Those women had everything against them. Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl
Not to mention the ones that are possibly being trafficked and just trying to pay off a debt to whomever brought them over.
Two Caucasians were shot too. One male, one female. One Hispanic guy in critical condition. But that doesn’t matter I guess. Originally Posted by bambino
That's the problem, that never even made the headlines I saw. It isnt convenient and doesnt fir the narrative that they are pushing which is Asian hate crime.
Target IMHO was Sex Workers. Originally Posted by BrookeMonroe
Exactly correct.
Because FBI Director Christopher Wray says the Atlanta shootings do not seem to be linked to race, backing up local investigators who say the alleged shooter was motivated by a sex addiction rather than racial animus as claimed by race activists. Originally Posted by berryberry
Read the words dose not seem, that is an opinion not a fact, a supposition, not a fact. When all of the facts are in I will accept them from the FBI. But not some obviously racist hayseed sheriff. It would appear that they the FBI are not done yet, and most likely it may be a little while before the actual facts are in. And just like Mr. Wray I myself voiced an opinion, it would seem that you all are as guilty as you all say I am for stating opinions as facts.
Have a good day.
berryberry's Avatar
Read the words dose not seem, that is an opinion not a fact, a supposition, not a fact. When all of the facts are in I will accept them from the FBI. But not some obviously racist hayseed sheriff. It would appear that they the FBI are not done yet, and most likely it may be a little while before the actual facts are in. And just like Mr. Wray I myself voiced an opinion, it would seem that you all are as guilty as you all say I am for stating opinions as facts.
Have a good day. Originally Posted by Bimbo hunter
LOL - I guess you will never admit you were wrong

Sure, the FBI Director did not say this was 100% unrelated to race. They rarely ever do. But when the FBI Director makes a public statement that it doesn't seem to be related to race, you can bet your bottom dollar he is saying that with an extremely high confidence level.
LOL - I guess you will never admit you were wrong Originally Posted by berryberry
lustylad's Avatar
For some folks it's more important to be "woke" than right.