hobbyist and their camera

Much to my regret I let photos and videos be taken of me years ago. These photos, and videos were shared with other people and made its way on the net. It has bitten me in the butt. So with that said, I won't allow videos or photos at all anymore period. Trust me, it will come back to haunt you later.
  • romab
  • 07-11-2011, 05:22 PM
GP Sorry to hear on photos. Aholes that do things like that sure makes it hard on those who do honor their word. That being said, I have seen that great butt of yours and would only nibble not bite such a wonderful curve of womanhood.

Eccie Addict's Avatar
If a gentleman asks to take pictures, and I am comfortable with them and trust them then I will let them take one below the neck. If they plan on sharing them I ask that they blur my tats out. I've never had a problem with a gentleman ignoring my request but I've never allowed someone I don't trust to take a picture.

I've met with a particular gentleman several times and a few times that I have gone over his iPhone has been propped up with the camera towards the bed. The first time it was on his dresser. When I saw it I asked him why he had it propped up and he said said it was his reciever. I asked him to move it to where the camera wasn't directly pointed at the bed and he obliged. The second time it was propped up in the cloest with the camera directly pointed to the bed. Again when I inquired he said it was his reciever and he moved it when I asked. After we finished I told him if he has been recording me I would like the videos removed. I don't know if he was recording but I can only assume. I would be devastated if there was a video of me to surface on the internet against my will. I don't plan on ever going back to see him. Originally Posted by Naughty Nali
You should see him one more time, you hide and record the video yourself, then write a review. I'm sure he will write a rebuttal and when he does then tell him you have the video to back up your story lol....
GP Sorry to hear on photos. Aholes that do things like that sure makes it hard on those who do honor their word. That being said, I have seen that great butt of yours and would only nibble not bite such a wonderful curve of womanhood.

Romab Originally Posted by romab
Mmmmm... I would love some nibbling from you...

wow nali, I'm sorry that happened to you. It really blows when people do things like that. I've had someone try to record me, but I always look for that. Hopefully nothing comes up
kerwil62's Avatar
I love the way pics enhance the reviews, and in most cases help guys make a decision of seeing the girl, but if a provider doesn't want her pics taken you MUST respect that.

I've thought about it a couple of times but decided against it. If she already has pics on a website or a showcase I'd use those instead.
master baiter's Avatar
lux daphne, love the avatar. wish i had thought of that.
seanes's Avatar
…he emailed me with 7-8 photos of OTHER providers attached engaged in various sexual acts.…. it was classless and inappropriate…
…Any photos … should have that providers consent and her decision respected. You wouldn’t want your info put on blast. Originally Posted by mojojo213
I for one actually like a little evidence of my kinky endeavors, but not to be spread around in open like we're in high school. You have to trust the person and know that they are more mature than to share irresponsibly. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
... I always make the pics available to the lady, if she would like them. … I have never shared the pics with anyone …. Originally Posted by bigtex
Originally Posted by exoticentyce
I am in agreement with the above commentators.

That being said, I am an avid photographer with training (back in the film days) in still life, photo-journalism, portraiture, and I also endulge in painting and sculpting. I do it for personal pleasure because I enjoy the mental challenge of the creative process. And I always provide copies of the finished projects to the models without copyright.

(sic) when at a scheduled session I am ever given the green light to photo …All that I ask is that the time we use for photography is not (sic) counted against my session. Originally Posted by Spirit13
I really appreciate what Jack Flash has been doing for everyone.

For both parties, a
good shoot is really time-consuming. Then there is the development/editing process afterwards. (It drives me up the wall, when I see all the crappy shots, out there. It makes me want to do some free give-away shots to the lady, no session involved, just to get rid of that garbage. Today with digital, the only cost is time.)
datyking's Avatar
I take a lot of photos...for the reviews. I do not take any personal photos, meaning something extra for my eyes only. I do not show anything the lady does not want shown. I blur faces and identifying features per the lady's request. I send the photos to the model if she wants them, but I never send them to anyone else
I take the photos to enhance the review, showing how the lady really looked on that particular day, and I never play any games, trying to trick or surprise the model onto taking an embarrassing photo.
When I photograph you, it will be for the review, and I will give you plenty of editorial control! So, when did you want to meet? Originally Posted by tbonetas
As usual, this is a matter of choice. I guarantee you that the pics Tbontas and Jack Flash take bring these providers mucho business. There's no right or wrong just preference.
landon's Avatar
If I am reg with a gal it hacks me off if she won't model for me and let me get a few pics before I bang her. I dont expect to do this all the time just sometimes. A gal who will model for me has an edge over one that won't.

Many will pick up on this and offer a photo session for say $25 -$50 extra. One I have been seeing awhile offered $100 rate for today's session and $150 (plus photos) on thursday bc she wants to get $250 for the week. It excites her to pose for sexy pics knowing she is going to get fucked. When you have a good girl who will give it to you how you want it, get u off real good, good rate, and pose for pics you got a keeper.

I think about 75% of the gals I have done were willing to do photos. It takes a little coaching for some of them but when extra $ are offered their resistance collapses. I explain to them it is for my private archive and not shared with anyone. When I look at my archive I know she is smiling at is me and this is another reason these pics so special.
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
I'm an interloper who lives on the Mississippi Gulf Coast (not the one mentioned in a post earlier in this thread), who had some fun in Houston last week and posted a review.

Here's my view of the photo thing:

1. The guy should ask prior to the session, and have a clear understanding well in advance.

2. The guy should ask the provider to bring HER camera and let him use it.

3. The provider can then email him only those pix she approves after she has blurred out her face and any identifying body art, etc.

That way the provider is in control and the hobbiest gets a memoir of the occasion that she approves and would not feel uncomfortable about even if he shared it.

4. If he promises not to share, he should keep the promise.

BTW: the lady I saw and reviewed wanted me to take pix with my cell camera, which I did at her request. I emailed them to her, and NO I'm not going to share them with anyone.

Just one guy's opinion.

Brer Rabbit
I think a lot of providers would benefit from having a client take some photos of them with the providers camera. Main reason is they can get better angles and such.

Just do not deduct the photo session out of his paid session. After all better photos mean more business.

As for sharing the photos.. up to her and tbh, if you have a good memory, you got em in your brain.
Mojojo's Avatar
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