To rig primary against Bernie, DNC chair Tom Perez nominates regime-change agents, Israel lobbyists, and Wall Street consultants

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Pretty funny....but he is not my candidate.

Bloomberg is.

Probably will not get the nomination.

Bernie though does have a shot if the market is in the low 20k come November.

Look....I can't see Bernie getting the nomination but I didn't see Trump getting the GOP nomination in 2016. Originally Posted by WTF

i don't see the markets that low for an extended period, this Corona virus won't have that lasting impact. i think the panic over it now is overblown to begin with.

i think Bloomberg has a better chance in a general election than Bernie does. there is no groundswell of progressives in the Democratic base, that's nothing more than hope and hype from the leftist media who wouldn't care if Adolph Hitler ran against Trump.

Sanders if he does get elected he will find that his agenda will be difficult to sell in Congress even if they were all Democrats. he'd be kinda like Ross Perot if he had won in 1992 and like Trump found out as well that being a CEO is different than being president. Sanders certainly isn't any businessman but he'd find his agenda depends on more than just him.

as i've said before, i voted for Trump based on his stances, not just a vote against Clinton. and regardless of the opinions of other fellow posters .. Trump has been successful in the bulk of his agenda, despite the best efforts of the Democrats to block them. oh yeah them nasty Republicans did the same to Obama but he still got a lot of his own agenda implemented too.

i find the jabbering of the leftanista press to be amusing. and expected. being a nationalist does not make Trump a Nazi Hilter-like dictator. enforcing border security does not make Trump some racist xenophobe. his America First stance doesn't make him some isolationist. all of these ramblings by the leftanista press are false and frankly un-american and unpatriotic. Trump is no law breaking dictator who violates the Constitution every day he's in office. this farce over Ukraine is just that .. a farce which was the best (sic) the Demtards could do after all their other crap failed, like Bobbo Mueller and this Russia stupidity. they played a bad hand because they had no hand to play to begin with. i find Schumer and Schiff's blathering about the impeachment being rigged a laughing stock. they themselves tried to rig it and it blew up in their faces like an ACME dynamite kit. now they look like Wile E. Coyote for it. and i find that very amusing!

i think it's going to come down to Bernie or Bloomie. Bloomberg has a better chance in the general election. and if you gave me a choice if Trump does lose i'd rather have president Bloomberg over president Sanders any day. i consider that to be like "anyone but Clinton".

  • oeb11
  • 02-28-2020, 12:00 PM
Gotta vote for Bernie - the best the DPST's have!!!!
Cross-Over for super Tuesday - vote Bernie!!!!

As bloomie put it - kalifornia is the model for the nation.

Really????? - so vote Bernie in the primaries - and get this Socialist nonsense squashed in Nov elections.
Gotta vote for Bernie - the best the DPST's have!!!!
Cross-Over for super Tuesday - vote Bernie!!!!

As bloomie put it - kalifornia is the model for the nation.

Really????? - so vote Bernie in the primaries - and get this Socialist nonsense squashed in Nov elections. Originally Posted by oeb11
I plan on doing just that.

I can’t wait to see that stuttering, stammering old Botox Bitch Nancy P try to make sense of all of those Bernie Babies rioting at the Democrat Convention.

In the eyes of the Bernie Babies, she is part of the problem, not the solution.
Gotta vote for Bernie - the best the DPST's have!!!!
Cross-Over for super Tuesday - vote Bernie!!!!

As bloomie put it - kalifornia is the model for the nation.

Really????? - so vote Bernie in the primaries - and get this Socialist nonsense squashed in Nov elections. Originally Posted by oeb11
I'm crossing over in Texas for SuperTuesday to vote for The Burn!

Early and often.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I plan on doing just that.

I can’t wait to see that stuttering, stammering old Botox Bitch Nancy P try to make sense of all of those Bernie Babies rioting at the Democrat Convention.

In the eyes of the Bernie Babies, she is part of the problem, not the solution. Originally Posted by Jackie S

nancy is backing bernie
  • oeb11
  • 02-29-2020, 09:19 AM
Yup- she announced her support for Bernie.

The radical progressives truly do control the House and the fascist DPST party!
Vote Bernie in the primaries - the election in nov. 2020 will bring the House back to sane control, and America to prosperity !