TexRich's Avatar
too late for a mulligan....
CassidyBlue's Avatar
Whatever you say. But know this, you have turned away the kind of person most providers desire. A man with a full wallet and a hard-on. Just because he asked a few questions you did not like. Oh well Originally Posted by URAPNES
Someone else said it best: Not all money is good money...

(sorry can't remember who to attribute that to)
LatexLover's Avatar
Classic case of inserting foot in mouth. Some people don't know when to change tach and rather than trying to save face , this pnes seems to want to "cop" a tude! (pun intended)
LazurusLong's Avatar
1. Sorry that you have had a ration of shit for asking the questions. They may have been too many too soon but the dog piling seems to have gotten too much out of hand and hopefully it won't make you stop reading and learning here.

2. Let me reverse this for a minute:
a) how did you find this site?
b) have you ever been with a prostitute before where you paid cash for sex?
c) have you been to strip clubs and gotten anything other than "air dances"?

Although the vast majority of folks on here have been in the hobby for some time, newbies like yourself are what keep the money flowing for the girls. The current client base only has so much cash and more and more new flavors of the month are coming online every day.

Now, as to a serious question.

Dallas VICE police commander has openly stated in the past that his officers can do pretty much what it takes to make the arrest.

A place called the Acupulco Spa on Walnut Hill was busted for prostitution but it wasn't until the owner produced DVD recordings of the officers having sex with the officers were the charges dropped.

Bottom line is that YES, officers were having sex with the girls and IF there was no video, the place would have been found guilty.

Officers can lie, they can touch a girl, they can be touched, they get can naked. They can do anything they want to try and get that arrest. Never forget that it will be an officer's word against the girl's or the john's if a female decoy.

Hope this helps.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 11-29-2009, 12:27 PM
How many times were you called by a person who you thought was LE? Have you been called by anyone who you can confirm was LE? Were you ever arrested for hobby related reason? Can you tell LE by looking at someone? Can you tell LE after 1 hour with them? If they pull out their wee-wee, do you automatically think he is not LE? If they just want a no touch show, would you entertain LE?

Just curious Originally Posted by URAPNES

Honey if you're this nervous and paranoid you should just join p411......and
that will solve everything for you......fawn
Whatever you say. But know this, you have turned away the kind of person most providers desire. A man with a full wallet and a hard-on. Just because he asked a few questions you did not like. Oh well Originally Posted by URAPNES
Dang! Let's all of us ladies take a moment to commiserate and mourn our collective loss for missing out on meeting this fine gentleman, who clearly epitomizes our most desired client. *sniff* URAPNES, forever known as "the one that got away".

Seriously, URAPNES, take a step back and a deep breath, and consider how the attitude you're conveying in your posts makes you look to the ladies. To me, you're looking more and more like a loose cannon, and full wallet or no, I don't want to spend time with loose cannons. As said above, not all money is good money.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Honey if you're this nervous and paranoid you should just join p411......and
that will solve everything for you......fawn Originally Posted by fawn
Hey Fawn,

I would go a step further. If the gentleman is THIS nervous about seeing an escort then he shouldn't be visiting with one, period. At least not for now.

Mega hugs,
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
too late for a mulligan.... Originally Posted by TexRich
Thank you for teaching me a new word (term?) today. I had to look it up and I smile when that happens.

And you're probably correct.

TexRich's Avatar
Thank you for teaching me a new word (term?) today. I had to look it up and I smile when that happens.

And you're probably correct.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

yw EW
I LOL'd.
First and foremost our little friend should know that escorting is 100% legal. It is all about laughs, drinks, getting to know each other, not being lonely, becoming friends, great friends in fact. Quality time exchange. Nothing more or less..........

Which is why if anyone be it a new friend or a professional escort is in a situation that they are asked via email, over the phone or any other way about doing or performing any illegal acitivities before their meeting then you don't even meet to begin is 101

You are not going to get in trouble for spending time with anyone. If you want to insure the quality of that time then make sure you pick a provider that is well reviewed and on legitimante sites. Well reviewed and recent reviews within a four month period or so. Again, 101

My guess is that if you are looking for anything more than quality time spent with a beautiful woman to have a few laughs with then you are asking the wrong people.

Best of luck to you.
URAPNES's Avatar
JEEEEZ. I was not expecting this kind of response when I asked the question. I am just hobby curious. I did not know there were taboos on anonymous questions. But hobbiests, the trashing I am taking is rediculous. Sure the providers are miffed because I asked this particular question (funny how I can ask if they take it up the ass, cim, cof etc, but any LE question is taboo). I dont know why. But whatever. Then there are the "white knighters". But because I asked a few LE issues, that I am still wanting to know, I am called names, disrespected, patronized, and ostrisized. I will never judge any of you for the questions you ask or the answers you give. to each his own. I know you all dont care, but this has made me rethink my entry into the hobby. Such closed mindedness is alarming to me.
Not to mention if people were nt interested in my questions, this would not be the 26th most viewed Co-ed topic. Why not just answer the damn questions?
URAPNES, I certainly was not harassing you. If you read my response I tried to let you know how to avoid any fears you may have. Again, I did say "101" which by itself could seem caddy-didn't mean for it too but all of us at one time was new......not that you don't have it but common sense is paramount in this world and it is just not prudent to ask some of these questions in a public forum specifically being the new kid on the block.

It may not seem like it but most of the people here are some of the nicest, caring, giving, and intellectual people I have known. We are a small and tight community and it is not to be feared but appreciated.

Slow down, enjoy, take your time to learn about everything and you will be a very happy man.
URAPNES's Avatar
Lazarus, thanks for being civil in your post. You asked questions, here are my answers

a) how did you find this site? Browsing
b) have you ever been with a prostitute before where you paid cash for sex?
When I was in the Navy, in Puerto Rico and Israel
c) have you been to strip clubs and gotten anything other than "air dances"?

Also, Fawn, thanks for the advice and your nice tone.

I really dont know if the hobby is for me at this point. The beating I have taken for my questions have been brutal. The women I have been most interested in have been so negative and their tone has been so ugly.

I mean I know I am new. I have offered a couple of providers just to meet me at a restaurant for a reasonable fee and I pay for lunch, in order to meet me and feel comfy. If not, they never have to see me again. How the hell is that suspicious. Once they see and meet me, and spend some time, they would realize i was cool and not po po. But all I got was very leery providers. Why? If I ever go to a provider, we will laugh our asses of that anyone thought I was po po.

Again, this is one of the most viewed topics in co ed discussions, because people are so interested in the questions, yet why cant we get any answers?
Because you are not taking some very good advice. Please, understand something. Some people may have experience that you lack and discretion is a good thing to have. These are private, sensitive matters that require tact and finesse and you have approached those matters with a mallet. Take a breath, relax and wait. Read and learn and be patient and you'll be just fine. Otherwise, you'll run out of providers that are willing to see you.

One reason so many people are watching this thread is because they can't believe this guy who just won't listen and let it go.