Women looking for men that make over $500K a year. Interesting/realistic discussion!!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-14-2010, 06:27 PM
Knowing WTF he was referring to the men in this forum. Originally Posted by Ansley
Yes I was joking about any of us being smart & successful men

I didn't realize WTF swung that way. Originally Posted by pjorourke
atlcomedy's Avatar
There’s an old Texas saying about the Three F’s: If it flies, floats for f xx ks, lease it. I’m jus t saying…………If you’ve ever been divorced……….well………..

. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
As others have said this has been around the block a few times...the the lady's comments are so over the top it is hard to take her seriously.

That said, this group isn't the best to ask this question precisely because we understand, value and appreciate the advantages of "leasing"

There may be others out there that for moral, ego, or other reasons would not consider "leasing" but the allure of such a "classy" beauty so great they might be willing to "buy"
ANONONE's Avatar
Lucius Verus? The guys head was delivered some time back as I recall. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
You wish!

You poisoned his food, didn't you?
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
It was Avidius Cassius that lost his head. Lucius Verus died from small Pox.
That's the story if any body asks.
grtrader's Avatar
Frankly, I been down that road once in a marriage and to many other times that didn't lead to marriage.

I learned my lesson.
I felt compelled to read this post and leave my reply as I feel that I am now thoroughly confused about what successful, wealthy businessmen want in a woman. I too am (so I have been told throughout most of my life) highly attractive, however, I also have a great personality and obvious sense of humor. I have a lot of humility and am NOT vain in the least, mostly resulting from the fact that I was REALLY ugly in my pre-teen years. I had buck-teeth and braces twice, a horrible haircut, and no fashion sense. I got teased A LOT to the point of tears for several years and my only defense was to develop a personality and work with what I had. Long story short, I hit puberty, the boobs came in, skin cleared up and teeth straightened out-- the same boys who used to terrorize me by growling at me and calling me "lion" were asking me to homecoming, prom, etc. The inner workings of a teenaged boy's mind is ridiculously hard to fathom.

Anyway, now I am 27 with a college degree, speak 3 languages, well-traveled and single (which I love BTW). I have a few older male friends who are in arrangements and when I ask them the same question, "How does a girl like me snag a successful man?" they have told me on several occasions to "act interested, not interesting." Although it seems like a simple task, it's hard for me to sit there and not discuss the things that are important to me as well and just listen; I'm just more of a conversationalist than that. I just can't understand how an intelligent, successful man would prefer their lover or wife to be someone to just sit there like a stump and linger on their every word rather than discuss the simple pleasures in life, each others' interests, the world in general, etc -- isn't that what most successful men do all day already? Talk about themselves, their business goals, etc.

So as far as the original post and subsequent posts go, I am confused as well: Do smart, successful men really want an intelligent, witty, charming woman who is a "Plain Jane" or a sexy seductress who is easy on the eyes but hard on the ears/brain? I would say a combination of the best of both worlds would be an ideal mate but my personal experiences have proven otherwise.... not that I'm "the best of both worlds" but I have no problem inadvertently acquiring male admirers, they're just usually the kinds of guys I prefer to have a friends and not lovers... it's kind of a running joke that I'm every nerd's fantasy because I know about a lot of "nerdy" knowledge and can carry on an intelligent and humorous conversation and make most men feel comfortable around me. It's like I'm living, breathing paradox-- successful businessmen like the way I look but don't want to be bothered with any intellectual stimulation I may want from them and men I am not interested in would love to have a chance with me because I'm down-to-earth, attractive, but most of all, easy to talk to. What is up with this? Originally Posted by austinsahara2010
Looks get them to come closer. Personality, charm, wit, and intelligence gets them to stay around, but if you want to be married then you have to make yourself a necessity in their life. You have to become someone they can't live without and would hate to loose. This involves making them feel you are there for them. You need to make the man feel that you will always be faithful and loving (this takes away their fear and insecurity), you have to make them feel special and that you are truly interested in not only what they have to say, but also you are interested in their health, their happiness, etc. At the same time, even though you are interested in - let’s say - their health, you don’t want to nag them about their unhealthy lifestyles. This is extremely hard to fake, but if you truly love him it comes quite naturally. And although I never want to marry again (4 times is too much), I have never married nor would ever marry someone I didn’t truly love.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar

I can understand when you say you do not want to get married again.
4 times, yikes!
However, being hot blooded, desirable, caring, etc plus ad to the mix you're not looking for marriage look out. Whamo from nowhere.
mietk's Avatar
  • mietk
  • 02-19-2010, 10:27 PM
I felt compelled to read this post and leave my reply as I feel that I am now thoroughly confused about what successful, wealthy businessmen want in a woman. I too am (so I have been told throughout most of my life) highly attractive, however, I also have a great personality and obvious sense of humor. I have a lot of humility and am NOT vain in the least, mostly resulting from the fact that I was REALLY ugly in my pre-teen years. I had buck-teeth and braces twice, a horrible haircut, and no fashion sense. I got teased A LOT to the point of tears for several years and my only defense was to develop a personality and work with what I had. Long story short, I hit puberty, the boobs came in, skin cleared up and teeth straightened out-- the same boys who used to terrorize me by growling at me and calling me "lion" were asking me to homecoming, prom, etc. The inner workings of a teenaged boy's mind is ridiculously hard to fathom.

Anyway, now I am 27 with a college degree, speak 3 languages, well-traveled and single (which I love BTW). I have a few older male friends who are in arrangements and when I ask them the same question, "How does a girl like me snag a successful man?" they have told me on several occasions to "act interested, not interesting." Although it seems like a simple task, it's hard for me to sit there and not discuss the things that are important to me as well and just listen; I'm just more of a conversationalist than that. I just can't understand how an intelligent, successful man would prefer their lover or wife to be someone to just sit there like a stump and linger on their every word rather than discuss the simple pleasures in life, each others' interests, the world in general, etc -- isn't that what most successful men do all day already? Talk about themselves, their business goals, etc.

So as far as the original post and subsequent posts go, I am confused as well: Do smart, successful men really want an intelligent, witty, charming woman who is a "Plain Jane" or a sexy seductress who is easy on the eyes but hard on the ears/brain? I would say a combination of the best of both worlds would be an ideal mate but my personal experiences have proven otherwise.... not that I'm "the best of both worlds" but I have no problem inadvertently acquiring male admirers, they're just usually the kinds of guys I prefer to have a friends and not lovers... it's kind of a running joke that I'm every nerd's fantasy because I know about a lot of "nerdy" knowledge and can carry on an intelligent and humorous conversation and make most men feel comfortable around me. It's like I'm living, breathing paradox-- successful businessmen like the way I look but don't want to be bothered with any intellectual stimulation I may want from them and men I am not interested in would love to have a chance with me because I'm down-to-earth, attractive, but most of all, easy to talk to. What is up with this? Originally Posted by austinsahara2010
Looks get them to come closer. Personality, charm, wit, and intelligence gets them to stay around, but if you want to be married then you have to make yourself a necessity in their life. You have to become someone they can't live without and would hate to loose. This involves making them feel you are there for them. You need to make the man feel that you will always be faithful and loving (this takes away their fear and insecurity), you have to make them feel special and that you are truly interested in not only what they have to say, but also you are interested in their health, their happiness, etc. At the same time, even though you are interested in - let’s say - their health, you don’t want to nag them about their unhealthy lifestyles. This is extremely hard to fake, but if you truly love him it comes quite naturally. And although I never want to marry again (4 times is too much), I have never married nor would ever marry someone I didn’t truly love. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
I don't know if I can answer this easily, and while I don't make $500K/yr (at least not every year), and I'm probably not your typical 'wealthy' guy- I don't need to drink $500 bottles of wine or fly first class.

I work my ass off and while I'm single, at least for the time being, I look for basicly 3 things.........wicked sense of humor, adaptability, and confidence.

I don't care to sit around the dinner table talking about the boring decisions of the day, debating politics, human rights, the bible, and the list goes on. I do want to have a conversation about things that happen to each other that day but nothing too 'heavy' or brain swelling. How is this fulfilling, supportive or building to a relationship?

I want a partner that enjoys pleasing me as much I enjoy pleasing them and nothing is as sexy as a constant flirty undertone in every conversation. Its the reference or look that other people see or hear but don't get.

Adaptability- make the most out of any circumstance or encounter. She must be able to go from the back of a Harley to a little black dress and heals in short order and live/ enjoy both activities. Make every moment count, be thankful, have fun and make sure those around you want to enjoy it as much as you are.

Confidence- the charisma, charm, intelligence to be who and what you want to be. Support who you are with and help each other succeed and grow with every situation.

Wicked sense of Humor- Life is suppose to be fun and funny, laugh at and with each other. Nothing is sexier than a sarcastic, intelligent banter pulling and playing from each others words, actions, and beliefs.

Have fun, be active, don't be to serious and actively seek things that are outside your comfort zone- grow.
I want a partner that enjoys pleasing me as much I enjoy pleasing them and nothing is as sexy as a constant flirty undertone in every conversation. Its the reference or look that other people see or hear but don't get.
Adaptability- make the most out of any circumstance or encounter. She must be able to go from the back of a Harley to a little black dress and heals in short order and live/ enjoy both activities. Make every moment count, be thankful, have fun and make sure those around you want to enjoy it as much as you are.
Confidence- the charisma, charm, intelligence to be who and what you want to be. Support who you are with and help each other succeed and grow with every situation.
Wicked sense of Humor- Life is suppose to be fun and funny, laugh at and with each other. Nothing is sexier than a sarcastic, intelligent banter pulling and playing from each others words, actions, and beliefs.
Have fun, be active, don't be to serious and actively seek things that are outside your comfort zone- grow. Originally Posted by mietk
Sydneyb's Avatar
I don't care to sit around the dinner table talking about the boring decisions of the day, debating politics, human rights, the bible, and the list goes on. I do want to have a conversation about things that happen to each other that day but nothing too 'heavy' or brain swelling. How is this fulfilling, supportive or building to a relationship? Originally Posted by mietk
Isn't it funny how different people see the same thing so differently?

To me, I don't want to sit at a dinner table and NOT discuss these things! I find the stimulation of a strong conversation and strong convictions invigorating. I don't have to agree and I won't talk at a person, but I want to share our views and solutions. Verbally at the dinner table and in action together in life. Without a full understanding of my partner's worldview - and he appretiating mine - I just wouldn't feel fufilled.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Making lists sounds sad.
Notwithstanding compatibility is necessary.
As others have said this has been around the block a few times...the the lady's comments are so over the top it is hard to take her seriously.

That said, this group isn't the best to ask this question precisely because we understand, value and appreciate the advantages of "leasing"

There may be others out there that for moral, ego, or other reasons would not consider "leasing" but the allure of such a "classy" beauty so great they might be willing to "buy" Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Excuse me? I didn’t say it is my personal philosophy, I said it is an old saying. Period. Personally I think it is entirely applicable since the woman about whom the thread is about is clearly out just to find someone based on money that doesn’t have the common sense to be smooth about it. Why would anyone, anywhere take someone like this seriously? There’s just no call for something like that. The thread isn’t about the moral character of puritans or anyone’s sanctimony. It is about someone that is vain, inexperienced and rather raw in my opinion. Of course I’m incredulous and flippant about her quest.

And, for the record, class is relative and its definition is elusive, but it isn’t advancing an unmitigated, personal attack on someone.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Excuse me? I didn’t say it is my personal philosophy, I said it is an old saying. Period. Personally I think it is entirely applicable since the woman about whom the thread is about is clearly out just to find someone based on money that doesn’t have the common sense to be smooth about it. Why would anyone, anywhere take someone like this seriously? There’s just no call for something like that. The thread isn’t about the moral character of puritans or anyone’s sanctimony. It is about someone that is vain, inexperienced and rather raw in my opinion. Of course I’m incredulous and flippant about her quest.

And, for the record, class is relative and its definition is elusive, but it isn’t advancing an unmitigated, personal attack on someone. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

O -
I'm doing a big "huh?" here only because you chose to quote my post prior to starting your rant. I'm assuming that was in error.
the lady's comments are so over the top it is hard to take her seriously. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
It looks like Olivia was referring to this remark specifically. Were you talking about her, or someone else? Sort of a hurtful remark IMO in a thread where she is participating. Don't know if was warranted, or just a misunderstanding..as I haven't been following the thread. Forgive me if I got it wrong..just an observation after seeing your post and then hers.
Well, you had quoted me in Post #23 (Unfortunately, your quote of me didn’t come through when I hit the Quote button.). From where I’m sitting I think you went on a bit of a diatribe yourself. Can I assume that your post was in error also? If anyone is interested in ascertaining the reason of my response to you, they may simply scroll up and check the aforementioned post. And my response was quite measured and not a “rant”. Rants are for children and drama queens, and I am neither. I really don’t, well actually won’t, get into an ongoing “hugh” debate with you about the matter. I’ve said my piece and peace as the case may be.