Barr should be disbarred!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Of course you would. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

Somebody just doesn't want to

TRANSLATION: Help! Send in the cavalry quick! I'm getting my ass handed to me again!

Originally Posted by lustylad
Whats really funny is look who he's asking help from, lol.

Somebody just doesn't want to

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You have to have evidence of a crime and a perpetrator of that crime before you can prosecute. All we have here is a riot in the asylum of Washington D.C. brought to you by the ever entertaining Dancing Democrats, lol. They'll spend the remainder of this term coming up with new ideas to impeach Trump, it's quite sad.
LexusLover's Avatar
They'll spend the remainder of this term coming up with new ideas to impeach Trump, it's quite sad. Originally Posted by Levianon17
What a waste of time that could be spent working on winning 2020.
Lapdog's Avatar
What a waste of time that could be spent working on winning 2020. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not with a 37% approval rating.
Jaxson66's Avatar
It's trivially obvious that the man who recommended that Comey be fired -- Rosenstein -- wouldn't view the subsequent firing of Comey as obstruction. Only a moron would continue to argue that that was obstruction of justice. And you are being willfully blind to the fact that it was hildbeest -- NOT Trump -- who set up an unsecure server to hide evidence and who destroyed numerous devices with hammers and BleachBit to destroy evidence after said evidence had been subpoenaed. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
But, but, but Clinton won’t work for Barrs defense. Hell, even judge Napaltanio has stated there may have been crimes committed. I think Fox has given him his own program now. Now the original topic was Barr and his behavior I don’t intend to run down the rabbit hole of deep state bullshit with you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
But, but, but Clinton won’t work for Barrs defense. Hell, even judge Napaltanio has stated there may have been crimes committed. I think Fox has given him his own program now. Now the original topic was Barr and his behavior I don’t intend to run down the rabbit hole of deep state bullshit with you. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You'd be the one spouting "bullshit". hildebeest is very much a current concern of Barr's. Mueller, Barr and Rosenstein have conclusively stated that no crimes were committed. You, Nadler, Fauxcahontas, Adam Schitty, Swalwell, and all of the anti-Trump Rinos can whine, cry and stamp your pathetic little feet until doomsday, but Congress cannot "prosecute" a damn thing without going through Barr, and Barr and Rosenstein have made their ruling.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Not with a 37% approval rating. Originally Posted by Lapdog

How'd those poll numbers work out for ya in 2016?

TheDaliLama's Avatar
your lord master knows he's fucked, he said said so! Originally Posted by lickidyclit
Misguided, incoherent hyperbole.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

The public is left with a "very unflattering portrait of presidential actions that don't rise to the level of criminal conduct," Dershowitz noted.

He compared the special counsel's "devastating" portrayal of Trump's actions to James Comey characterizing Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as "extremely careless." Comey announced the decision not to prosecute Clinton but at the same time described her actions in legally ambiguous terms, which helped fuel speculation from political opponents that she had committed a crime.

Is this . . .

a nation . . .

of law?

Or . . .

"This shhh***ttt . . .

is . . . ."

Let's dance Waco.

B . . . A N . . . A N . . . A S !

Or a banana republic?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Misguided, incoherent hyperbole. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
That's going to be the administration's defense argument against impeachment. "Ahhh . . . the president was just letting off some steam. He really didn't mean for his staff to subvert the republic."

Yeah. Sure.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That's going to be the administration's defense argument against impeachment. "Ahhh . . . the president was just letting off some steam. He really didn't mean for his staff to subvert the republic."

Yeah. Sure. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Then you go all in and call for an impeachment vote based on that. Before the run-up to 2020 and saddle every Democrat running with an anchor of failure and treason dragging around behind them. Beto and Warren at the least have stated they want Trump impeached and would vote to impeach.

of course there are two impeachments yeah? the first is a vote to impeach and if that succeeds there is the vote on the charges after a bunch of hearings. This vote is the only one, if upheld by the Senate is the one that would remove Trump from office.

This will never happen.. The majority of Democrats know they can't sell an impeachment on "public opinion" especially leading up to 2020. They'll let Schiff and Nadler and Mad Maxine keep yelling "PEACH FOTY FI" but will NOT force a vote to impeach and put the 20+ libtards running on the hot seat.

let's dance

Not with a 37% approval rating. Originally Posted by Lapdog
How accurate is that statistic?
LexusLover's Avatar
Not with a 37% approval rating. Originally Posted by Lapdog
The Dumbocrats in Congress are lower than that, including PussLosi.
Lapdog's Avatar
How accurate is that statistic? Originally Posted by Levianon17
As accurate as Trump's bullshit lies.