if Trump loses again....

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Trump didn't finished the wall due to Congress denying the funds. But if it had been completed there wouldn't be all these immigrants coming across the Border and Chicago's illustrious Mayor Brandon Johnson wouldn't have had to spend time in the Hospital due to having Panic Attacks which he claims is a result of the immigrant crisis in Chicago, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It was a REPUBLICAN congress that denied Trump the funds to build the wall. If Republicans did not support building of the wall there must have been problems with the money request.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Whatever your smoking please cut back. Your delusion is pretty scary in all honesty. Making up lies about the economy and inflation does not make them true. Most of the jobs you speak of are from people who already have jobs and need a second job due to the fact that the economy and strength of US $$ has gone into the toilet. Are you from CA by chance? Originally Posted by Ogre2002
I see you have not cited any articles to support your claims. Every statement I made is FACT unless you can cite a source that says otherwise. When the GDP grows at 3.3% in the latest quarter, a level not reached under Trump, the economy is STRONG.

The economy under Trump was good. The economy under Biden is good. And your statement that the US $ is weak is totally incorrect.

"A Strong Year For The Dollar

The U.S. dollar has rebounded impressively, gaining over 1% this year, largely because of concerns about China’s economic stability and global growth. The strong performance has made analysts reconsider previous predictions of a weakening dollar in the short to medium term.

According to a Reuters poll conducted from Sept. 1-6, a decisive 81% of analysts — 43 out of 53 — believe the dollar has more room to grow, signaling that the risks are tilted toward further strengthening.

“We think dollar strength has got further to run and will sustain over the next three months,” said Jane Foley, head of FX strategy at Rabobank."
It was a REPUBLICAN congress that denied Trump the funds to build the wall. If Republicans did not support building of the wall there must have been problems with the money request. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Congress is Congress. You're stuck in the Right, Left paradigm. Congress plays "Good Cop, Bad Cop". Don't expect any changes in Border Security from either Republicans or Democrats. They also don't care if American Citizens fall victim of a Crime from an illegal immigrant. Politics is all about Power, Money and Fame nothing more.
VitaMan's Avatar
Mr. Trump thinks he is a star.

His latest solution idea.......create crime free zones.
Yes, the huge rise in unemployment under Trump was most definitely due to Covid. As was the huge rise in inflation under Biden.

You can't argue Covid as the problem simply when it meets your POV. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Your statement confirmed that.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Congress is Congress. You're stuck in the Right, Left paradigm. Congress plays "Good Cop, Bad Cop". Don't expect any changes in Border Security from either Republicans or Democrats. They also don't care if American Citizens fall victim of a Crime from an illegal immigrant. Politics is all about Power, Money and Fame nothing more. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I am hoping that the Senate comes up with a plan to stem the flow of illegal immigrants into our country. But Trump does not want such a plan because he does not want the problem solved in any way because it would hurt Biden in November if nothing is solved.

Once again, Trump thinks of what is best for himself over what is best for the country.
... No need to get silly, mate... Trump has already called for
Biden to Close The Border! ... It aint difficult to do.

... Trump has already announced that He will do it FIRST DAY
after He's sworn in as President.

... So WHAT is stopping Biden from closing the border NOW??

#### Salty