Gangbang ~ Would you partake?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'll bite.

I've thought about it. A LOT. Not 12 or 13 men but maybe 3 - 5 or so. The problem that I see with it is the fantasy would and is completely different then the reality.

And I'm rather steeped in reality.

So in the end, pun intended, it probably wouldn't be all that great.

Although I STILL continue to ponder the possibilities!

bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 09-28-2010, 05:56 PM
I couldn't stand all the guys (and the lady) laughing at me. So, I'll pass.
Sorry, seriously not into GBing a guy! Yikes!! Too each his own I guess. Originally Posted by badhusband
Not what I meant, bad hubby. That's my charge to gangbang a woman together with a handful of guys waiting in line to follow me.
straight guy here.
Htowner's Avatar
Gangs and bangs just don't mix for me.
Nah, nothin' sexy about standing around waitin' for your turn to hit it with a bunch of other dudes hangin' around. An orgy, maybe...but gang bang, no.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
15:1 qualifies as performance art
(2-3):1 is more realistic
PokerMan's Avatar
I remember a girl in my high school who said she would bang everybody on the football team after every win. That shit was funny. We parked a car on home plate, every guy got 5 minutes and you were tapped out. Our team won all of our games my senior year and the Texas state championship. This went on all season. That young woman went on to graduate college and became a city councilwomen. Only in America.
KoolHandLuke's Avatar
One time in California I attended a real gang bang, they were making a video for a certain porn star. Not knowing the protocol I got totally naked and was the only one except for the lady. I stood in that line for close to three hours waiting my turn. By the time it was my turn I was standing in about 3 inches of gizz. My momma told me, always wear shoes to a gang bang. Wow she was right again. I did end up with a crazy rash in between my toes, but it was worth it, I got 5 phone numbers.
  • anita
  • 09-28-2010, 10:05 PM,but a 3some I might...
srvfin's Avatar
One time in California I attended a real gang bang, they were making a video for a certain porn star. Not knowing the protocol I got totally naked and was the only one except for the lady. I stood in that line for close to three hours waiting my turn. By the time it was my turn I was standing in about 3 inches of gizz. My momma told me, always wear shoes to a gang bang. Wow she was right again. I did end up with a crazy rash in between my toes, but it was worth it, I got 5 phone numbers. Originally Posted by KoolHandLuke
Dude.... Lemme get this straight..... You participated in a gang bang with a line of dudes and one chick and got 5 phone numbers??..... Way to go there sport..... Are you sure you're not chicagosun??.... Sounds right up his alley.....
Believe it or not, having to many girls w/one guy can be just as distracting as the other way around. There is just so many people you can fit on a bed w/o someone elbowing someone else's eye out.
badhusband's Avatar
My apologies for the misinterpretation

Not what I meant, bad hubby. That's my charge to gangbang a woman together with a handful of guys waiting in line to follow me.
straight guy here. Originally Posted by Moto
AshrDashr's Avatar
Depending on the circumstances I might. Done the 3some/4some adventure before.
Max Rax's Avatar
done the gangbang, but orgy hmmmm interesting idea wonder how I could get 1 of those going
Well Rax + OP... That would be an orgy wouldnt it be?