Amen brother COG. And they are winning with the help of millions of dumbed down voters.

So they hate Washington, just like they hate America. Without men like GW, there would be no America. There would be no Constitution or Bill of Rights, which they also hate. But they are winning at turning this country into the fascist police state that they love. Then we won't have to worry about our evil Founders. Welcome to the United Statists of Amerika! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
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We all know where your sympathies lie, AssupLiar. And it's not with freedom or the Constitution.
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  • 02-23-2015, 09:27 AM
Y'all do know GW is dead right?
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  • 02-23-2015, 09:29 AM
Amen brother COG. And they are winning with the help of millions of dumbed down voters. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
COG might add that you are part of that dumbed down crew.

Which is really the problem, both sides blaming the other and believing it.
In my lifetime I have probably voted Libertarian more times than you.

Unlike you, I am not on the side of any ONE party; and that includes the Libertarian Party.

I am on the side of individual liberty and responsibility, constitutional rule, small government and federalism.

COG might add that you are part of that dumbed down crew.

Which is really the problem, both sides blaming the other and believing it. Originally Posted by WTF
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  • 02-23-2015, 09:33 AM
In my lifetime I have probably voted Libertarian more times than you. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yet you are the one arguing that a vote for a water'd downed Tea Party turncoat is better than one for a Libertarian.
You show your ignorance. The Tea Party isn't trying to be a "party". It is an organization that is locally driven. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Of course they try to influence the national agenda. But unlike the LP loons, they are actually accomplishing things.

You really don't know WTF is going on. But you remain true to the LP, because they aren't "co-opted" and are "pure of thought and deed".

Ha. Loser formula. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Would you say Texas is a Tea Party state? Yet it will not even let Telsa set up dealerships here!
I am the one making sense = an elected TP candidate is better than a LP candidate who can't get elected. Only the tin foil hat crowd in the LP thinks otherwise.

The TP is well represented with libertarian minded individuals. The TP is doing fine.

Yet you are the one arguing that a vote for a water'd downed Tea Party turncoat is better than one for a Libertarian. Originally Posted by WTF
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  • 02-23-2015, 09:48 AM
I am the one making sense = an elected TP candidate is better than a LP candidate who can't get elected. Only the tin foil hat crowd in the LP thinks otherwise.

The TP is well represented with libertarian minded individuals. The TP is doing fine. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The bigger it gets, the more corrupted. You are just to naïve to see/understand.

What say you, I and even boardman want in way of governance will never happen because of human nature. I live love and laugh more once I figured that out. But keep those windmills in line Whirly

What's scary is that people like whirlyturd vote. Talk about dumbed down. Never said I hated this country. I do however accept the fact that we aren't perfect and have done some pretty awful things in our history. As for gw and slavery. At one point women and blacks couldn't vote. The fact that a law was passed didn't suddenly make it right. It was wrong regardless. Slavery has always been wrong. You don't need a law to tell you that.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Slave owner. At least he was nice enough to free them. After he died... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Have you ever carried a $1 bill or a quarter in your pocket?
Have you ever carried a $1 bill or a quarter in your pocket? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
That's the weakest shit I've ever heard. Next time, come heavy or don't come at all. I'll tell you what I haven't done; owned another human being.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
COG might add that you are part of that dumbed down crew.

Which is really the problem, both sides blaming the other and believing it. Originally Posted by WTF
Do not even pretend to speak for me.
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  • 02-23-2015, 02:47 PM
Do not even pretend to speak for me. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You ignorant SOB ... I'll speak as I wish. If I have misspoke about your dumbass , then correct me. If not fuck off. I haven't and you know it.

I'm just as embarrassed as you are that we agree on many points. I'm just not the whining idealistic asshole you are.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Do not pretend to speak for me, WPF.
Do not pretend to speak for me, WPF. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Ladies, ladies, you're both hideous