If abortion were to end, who would take care of all the babies that were given up for adoption? Because from the looks of it, hardly any Americans want to adopt them.
Originally Posted by MsElena
There are long waiting lines to adopt. I may be pro-choice, but I would much rather adoption be the option the mother chooses. A lot may choose to adopt overseas because the child will be "theirs" for life. Here, you may have to worry about the birth mother/parents trying to come back into the child's lives. Less of a chance of that happening with oversea adoption. I don't know how long the lines are here in the US, but I do wonder what would happen if there was an overabundance of babies put up for adoption. Do we have any parents here with adopted children? If so, I've heard it is extremely expensive to adopt. Do anyone have figures on the amounts?
Would state assistance run out of money because of all the babies being born to women who have no other choice?
Originally Posted by MsElena
This is where the problem would arrive if there were an overabundance of babies. As far as state or federal assistance, I'm willing to guess that may be an issue and result in much higher taxes. With roughly 1 million abortions (which is way too many) performed each year, you are looking at a huge increase in the need for more schools, teachers, welfare programs, etc.
How many kids would end up being abused or dead because the parents can't handle the responsibility? People lose patience and/or end up resenting the child.
Originally Posted by MsElena
Why force someone that doesn't want a child to have the child? It does seems like a recipe for disaster. I could see what you're talking about, but I would think that most of those parents would adapt and become good parents. It would be a very small percentage that I would think would be abused or dead. I would guess that the abuse would be a higher percentage compared to that of parents that planned on having children.