Why is he talking?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
fIt's neandrethal thinkers like you who are ruining this country and making me ashamed to be an American. Originally Posted by drluv1
Don't feel alone in this, DrLug. After reading your posts, I'm ashamed you're an American, too!

a business hires a worker it expects that the value a worker produces exceeds the cost of employing that worker, if taxes on the business are increased that marginally increases the cost of employing that worker.Explain how that's related to trying to drive down consumption by taxing harmful products. Originally Posted by drluv1

If taxing, or increasing the cost of, a harmful product will drive down the consumption, or use of, a product. Then wouldn't the same logic apply with increasing the cost of employment reducing the use of employment.

At a minimum it appears that the threatened required increased cost of full time employees has the consequence of increasing the consumption, or use, of lower cost part time employees. (As in the under 30hr work week for the majority of the employees added in the latest federal jobs report.)

The inevitable path of unintended consequence and cost with federally driven solutions. We are supposed to be a free people. Free to succeed, free to fail, free to help another by choice. But not by imposing others to forfeit the fruits of their labors for things against their beliefs or desires.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-17-2013, 09:44 PM
If taxing, or increasing the cost of, a harmful product will drive down the consumption, or use of, a product. Then wouldn't the same logic apply with increasing the cost of employment reducing the use of employment.

At a minimum it appears that the threatened required increased cost of full time employees has the consequence of increasing the consumption, or use, of lower cost part time employees. (As in the under 30hr work week for the majority of the employees added in the latest federal jobs report.)

The inevitable path of unintended consequence and cost with federally driven solutions. We are supposed to be a free people. Free to succeed, free to fail, free to help another by choice. But not by imposing others to forfeit the fruits of their labors for things against their beliefs or desires. Originally Posted by SirReal
exactly wtf are you personally losing ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Answer the man's question, CBJ7. It's a good one.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-17-2013, 10:12 PM
Answer the man's question, CBJ7. It's a good one. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

my reply was a question his wasn't unless I missed a question mark in his post

If taxing, or increasing the cost of, a harmful product will drive down the consumption, or use of, a product. Then wouldn't the same logic apply with increasing the cost of employment reducing the use of employment.

I did, but Ill be happy to answer the question.

NO ... because other than opinions from anti healthcare opponents, over 1.5 million business owners will see a significant decrease in healthcare costs ... I posted a link earlier ... look it up

your turn real? answer my question
I B Hankering's Avatar
LIBTARDS? really, what are you 8 years old? And what are you talking about? I don't think liberals are the only ones putting taxes on tabacco and fast foods(you forgot alcohol), Michael Bloomberg is an independant. One a business hires a worker it expects that the value a worker produces exceeds the cost of employing that worker, if taxes on the business are increased that marginally increases the cost of employing that worker.Explain how that's related to trying to drive down consumption by taxing harmful products.
Your characterization of my response about fannie and freddie was inaccurate. Your use of the term "mere" insinuates that I didn't consider that it to be significant contributor to the collapse. However, it was less than half which leads one to believe that there were a good number of others who abused the system as well. Also, that 40% figure doesn't consider the other party in the business which is the investment houses. 100% of them were crooked. My characterization is much more accurate than the one you posted earlier in this thread.
Now, It's obvious you can't answer any of the questions I have asked you in earlier posts and instead you sputter gibberish and call people names to try to hide your lack of knowledge. It's neandrethal thinkers like you who are ruining this country and making me ashamed to be an American. Originally Posted by drluv1
You're not answering the questions. You proffered a straw man argument that fell apart on close scrutiny. You keep deflecting when you insist on comparing New York to North Carolina while wholly ignoring any similar comparison between California and North Dakota. HINT: a California comparison with North Dakota inconveniently refutes your point so you don't -- cannot -- see it as an "answer".

You insist that taxes do not retard business, yet that's exactly why several taxes are in place . . . and you know it, e.g., Odumbo's tax penalties on the coal industry to promote his green agenda is another example of such taxes. BTW, Bloomberg was a dim-retard for most of his life, and Bill Monning is still a dim-retard ... and numerous others like Bloomberg and Monning who -- when it conveniently furthers their agenda -- insist taxes retard business can be found.

Further, you want to suggest that Freddie and Fannie were only a "portion" of the problem contributing to the economic collapse in this country, and then you admit that portion was 40%. You were disingenuous when you said "portion" as if to imply those organizations contribution to the economic crisis was minor and of no consequence.

Instead of recognizing and addressing those obviously irreconcilable points in your argument, you ignorantly deflect and call a substantive rebuttal of your POV "gibberish". It's your POV that is gibberish, and it does not stand up to close scrutiny.

If your wee, little feelings are hurt when your POV is shredded by facts, you'd best run off and pout now. Because if you're that sensitive, you're in the wrong forum. BTW, that's lib-RETARD, learn how to read.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You shore tole him Corpy! Used yore dickshunerry and everthang!

You use your tongue purtier than a twenty dollar whore!

No wonder you had so many thumbs up ... Your asshole!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-17-2013, 10:31 PM
are you lost Sirsqueal? your porch lite is on ..
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-17-2013, 10:33 PM
You shore tole him Corpy! Used yore dickshunerry and everthang!

You use your tongue purtier than a twenty dollar whore!

No wonder you had so many thumbs up ... Your asshole! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
IBrocky is going to have to get on his knees and beg me to respond to his bullshit
exactly wtf are you personally losing ? Originally Posted by CJ7
This May Not Be Exactly what I am personally losing as it is an incomplete list but is a fair start.

Federal Income, Federal SS, Federal Medicare, Federal Gas, Federal Utility Taxes (you ever look at the end of your phone, gas, water and electric bill? Mine have close to 10% tax or better on them), State Excise Tax, State Sales Tax, County Sales, County Property, City Sales, City Property Tax, Independent School District Sales Tax, Transit Auth Sales Tax, City Crime Control Sales Tax, Toll Charges on public roads, and probably a few more. Not to mention the Fees and Surcharges, park entry fees, boat permits, fishing licenses, on and on and on... And yet this is still not enough???

At the same time $400 million is spent on an amateur ACA website infrastructure. $500 Billion on a failed solar panel company, Billions more on other "green" companies that are not ready for market. Millions for politicians to vacation on, billions added to laws to fund vote buying. Billions more passed through to fund nepotism and cronyism. Billions given to countries and dictators around the world, Hundreds of billions in fraud and abuse, with even more simply wasted by lack of good stewardship of the taxpayers wealth.
I B Hankering's Avatar
IBrocky is going to have to get on his knees and beg me to respond to his bullshit Originally Posted by CJ7
Don't flatter yourself, CBJ7. You're just another lying, Kool Aid sotted lib-retard on a SHMB -- absolutely nothing special about you.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-17-2013, 10:41 PM
This May Not Be Exactly what I am personally losing as it is an incomplete list but is a fair start.

Federal Income, Federal SS, Federal Medicare, Federal Gas, Federal Utility Taxes (you ever look at the end of your phone, gas, water and electric bill? Mine have close to 10% tax or better on them), State Excise Tax, State Sales Tax, County Sales, County Property, City Sales, City Property Tax, Independent School District Sales Tax, Transit Auth Sales Tax, City Crime Control Sales Tax, Toll Charges on public roads, and probably a few more. Not to mention the Fees and Surcharges, park entry fees, boat permits, fishing licenses, on and on and on... And yet this is still not enough???

At the same time $400 million is spent on an amateur ACA website infrastructure. $500 Billion on a failed solar panel company, Billions more on other "green" companies that are not ready for market. Millions for politicians to vacation on, billions added to laws to fund vote buying. Billions more passed through to fund nepotism and cronyism. Billions given to countries and dictators around the world, Hundreds of billions in fraud and abuse, with even more simply wasted by lack of good stewardship of the taxpayers wealth. Originally Posted by SirReal

what page in the Heritage talking points memo is that from ?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
In other words, CBJ7 can't comprehend the truth and common sense in your post, SirReal! Well played, and welcome aboard!
my reply was a question his wasn't unless I missed a question mark in his post

If taxing, or increasing the cost of, a harmful product will drive down the consumption, or use of, a product. Then wouldn't the same logic apply with increasing the cost of employment reducing the use of employment.

I did, but Ill be happy to answer the question.

NO ... because other than opinions from anti healthcare opponents, over 1.5 million business owners will see a significant decrease in healthcare costs ... I posted a link earlier ... look it up

your turn real? answer my question Originally Posted by CJ7
Sorry I didn't see your link in this thread, but I wonder.

?Could those significant decreases in healthcare (actually medical insurance, but I wouldn't bust your balls over a little grammatical error) costs be coming from shifting the cost from the employer to the employee?

The shift by many companies and municipalities to a greater part time workforce seems to be doing just that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's not the truth whiny. It's cut and paste from an unnamed source. Unless he substantiates it, it is total BULLSHIT.

You should remember bullshit... It's what you provide us day in and day out.

Except for when it's your turn behind the Glory Hole!