Trump, O'Reilly admit having gotten booster shit...crowd boos

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Robert Kennedy Jr: 'Anthony Fauci Blocked Early Treatment to Create a $98 Billion Vaccine Industry'

Chung Tran's Avatar

But the mandate crowd can't say that because it would blow up their whole power trip of mandating vaccines. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
What power trip? I see this said constantly, and not one person ever explains. To what end, benefit, does a mandate grant anyone anything of value?

A mandate irritates many, Biden's poll numbers and support can only suffer. You sound like a little child complaining that Mommy is making him turn off Game of Thrones after 3 hours, because she wants Power.
bambino's Avatar
Robert Malone the creator of MRNA who is against the global roll-out and how it is being used, has said that for certain individuals (at risk) it seems to be the solution. Trump is above 70. Can ya'll chill? God, seems that many haven't realized what is going on, right?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2021, 05:18 PM
Robert Malone the creator of MRNA who is against the global roll-out and how it is being used, has said that for certain individuals (at risk) it seems to be the solution. Trump is above 70. Can ya'll chill? God, seems that many haven't realized what is going on, right? Originally Posted by bambino
Please God, tell us wtf is going on!
bambino's Avatar
Please God, tell us wtf is going on! Originally Posted by WTF
I thought you didn’t believe in God.
bambino's Avatar
pfunkdenver's Avatar
I remember thinking, “President Trump is a genius.” Originally Posted by bambino
In November and early December of 2020, I was urging former Senator Kelly “Commie” Loeffler and former Senator David “RINO” Perdue to fight for a special session of the Georgia legislature.

I wanted them to earn the votes of the GA voters in the Senate runoff as the vast majority of Georgians wanted to FIX 2020.

I wanted them to bring their “political clout” to bear in GA to force Governor Brian “CCP” Kemp to order a special session of the GA legislature to FIX 2020.

They NEVER did it.

Then President Trump showed up at their rally and urged that Georgians vote for Commie Kelly and RINO David.

I thought to myself, why is the President urging us to vote as “he knows they are going to cheat again?”

Then it hit me. He was doing so because “he knew they were going to cheat again.”

I remember thinking, “President Trump is a genius.”

President Trump was not on the January 5, 2021 ballot. The cheat in November 2020 was not about him, it was about us. The election illegality and fraud was part of the Communist/Globalist plan to take over our country.

I bet President Trump knew they were going to cheat in the November 2018 mid-terms too. He was also not on the ballot then, was he?

President Trump was not on the ballot in California on September 14, 2021 nor was he on the ballot in Virginia on November 2. 2021.

I think President Trump caught them ALL.

President Trump is a genius.

God creates a genius.

Never get in the way of a genius at work.

Never get in the way of God or God’s will.

Just sayin.’ Originally Posted by bambino

"Q" is an leftist mole planting disinformation. Flock to "R"...
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  • WTF
  • 12-22-2021, 04:22 AM
I thought you didn’t believe in God. Originally Posted by bambino
I believe you have become the biggest idiot in this forum.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I believe you have become the biggest idiot in this forum. Originally Posted by WTF
After five pages of the "proof", I knew that.
Well plagiarized.
But it's easy to see why you would try to conceal the source.
It comes from Lin Woods. There is a guy you want on your team (hs).

And here is something interesting.

"The Fox News–QAnon Rift That Maybe Revealed Tucker Carlson Asking Hunter Biden to Help His Son Get Into College"

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

FDR was right when he made this statement in 1933.

One of the enemy’s greatest weapons is FEAR.

God did not create His children with a spirit of FEAR. Rather, He created His children with a spirit of FEARLESSNESS.

Covid-19 was an integral part of the enemy’s plan to install one world government. The Commie Deep State Mockingbird Propaganda media instilled FEAR in the American public 24/7 with its exaggerated and often outright false claims of rising death tolls from Covid-19. The enemy wanted to shut down and lock down our country with FEAR.

The enemy would have correctly claimed that it would take years to develop and test a true vaccine.

Can you imagine the devastating impact on life, liberty, and property our nation would have experienced if we had been totally shut down and locked down for 1-3 years or longer waiting for the alleged development of a true vaccine. Even then, did the enemy plan to really provide a true vaccine for Covid—19? Or was the enemy plan to develop a “vaccine” that would further the enemy’s goal of depopulation?

I believe President Trump outmaneuvered the enemy with Operation WarpSpeed. I believe that Operation WarpSpeed has many purposes.

The rapid development of an emergency “vaccine” prevented the enemy from shutting down and locking down our nation by overcoming the FEAR factor. As a result, the nation had the time to become informed about the TRUTH of Covid-19. With this information, FEAR also subsided as many then refused to voluntarily take the “vaccine.”

The enemy’s next tactic was then revealed sooner than the enemy had planned - mandates. Forced “vaccinations.” How is that working out in a nation founded on freedom, including medical freedom?

In addition to the WarpSpeed “vaccine” President Trump and other knowledgeable individuals quickly informed the public of safe and effective therapeutic treatments available for Covid-19. Originally Posted by bambino
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well plagiarized.
But it's easy to see why you would try to conceal the source.
It comes from Lin Woods. There is a guy you want on your team (hs).

And here is something interesting.

"The Fox News–QAnon Rift That Maybe Revealed Tucker Carlson Asking Hunter Biden to Help His Son Get Into College"

Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

is this another Dunning–Kruger effect post? munchman
bambino's Avatar
I believe you have become the biggest idiot in this forum. Originally Posted by WTF
Now way I could overtake you. You’re in a league of your own.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-23-2021, 08:13 AM
Now way I could overtake you. You’re in a league of your own. Originally Posted by bambino
Did Q tell you that?

Do you realize how stupid it is to take marching orders from some prophet on the internet that goes by the letter Q
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I believe you have become the biggest idiot in this forum. Originally Posted by WTF
True idiocy isn’t made. It’s revealed.

You’re stating what many of us have felt (quietly as not to hurt anyone’s tender sensibilities), since Splash Day in Austin 5 years ago.