Truckers plan to stop deliveries to NYC!!!!!!

How can you possibly say a “few lazy drivers”? Do you have evidence of this? That’s the real question. Why would you call a trucker “lazy”? It’s now dominating X. It’s major news. You should just wait and see what happens before you throw juvenile insults around. Originally Posted by bambino
Someone who refuses to do their fucking job can most certainly be described as "lazy", among other things. And no, a few lazy slobs refusing to do their jobs will never qualify as "major news". Not even a gnat on NYC's asshole.
bambino's Avatar
Someone who refuses to do their fucking job can most certainly be described as "lazy", among other things. And no, a few lazy slobs refusing to do their jobs will never qualify as "major news". Not even a gnat on NYC's asshole. Originally Posted by tommy156
Mebbe you should go to NYC holding a sign calling truckers “lazy slobs”. Let us know how you make out. They didn’t say they weren’t going to work. They can choose other destinations.
winn dixie's Avatar
Well, you got one thing right, NYC is an asshole. But the Trucker boycott is trending on X today. So it’s news. I posted it early. You're welcome. Originally Posted by bambino
Bam you're right about one thing!
The truckers are trending.
The teamsters are laughing their butts off. They outnumber independents delivering to NYC 5 to 1. They'll easily pick up the few deliveries being boycotted. Thanks....
bambino's Avatar
Mebbe you should go to NYC holding a sign calling truckers “lazy slobs”. Let us know how you make out. Originally Posted by bambino
Please stop lying about what I'm saying. I never said "truckers are lazy slobs". I'm calling these few trump humpers willing to boycott their deliveries to NYC lazy slobs for refusing to go to work.

The truckers who are engaging in this childish boycott are indeed lazy slobs - as are any employees in any field who refuse to do their jobs.

The funny part comes in when we realize how quickly these lazy slobs will just be replaced by people who don't mind working for a living, and commerce in NYC will continue unabated, without so much as a blip on the radar from these cretins.
Well, that's a relief! I'm glad I was mistaken.

But, you may forgive me for getting a HUGE chuckle out of anyone thinking this "trucker boycott" is going to affect commerce in NYC even the slightest bit.
Originally Posted by tommy156
... Thanks, Tommy... But this "trucker protest" might just
lead to other types and manners of protests.

With the goal of TANKING State taxing revenues.

#### Salty
Bam you're right about one thing!
The truckers are trending.
The teamsters are laughing their butts off. They outnumber independents delivering to NYC 5 to 1. They'll easily pick up the few deliveries being boycotted. Thanks.... Originally Posted by winn dixie
bambino's Avatar
Bam you're right about one thing!
The truckers are trending.
The teamsters are laughing their butts off. They outnumber independents delivering to NYC 5 to 1. They'll easily pick up the few deliveries being boycotted. Thanks.... Originally Posted by winn dixie
Do you actually think all Teamsters side with these scumbags running NYC into the ground? My neighbor is a teamster. He’s opposed to what’s happening around the country. He has a Trump hat. A few of them.
winn dixie's Avatar
Aside from a " neighbor" the teamsters brotherhood is strong. They're laughing their butts off about this NYC boycott all over tweeter x.
Thanks again...
winn dixie's Avatar
Exactly Originally Posted by tommy156
I mean I pulled the info right off of tweeter x. Teamsters are trending big.
Teamsters are licking their lips to get some of the independent scab deliveries to NYC. They'll get em if the boycott happens
bambino's Avatar
Aside from a " neighbor" the teamsters brotherhood is strong. They're laughing their butts off about this NYC boycott all over tweeter x.
Thanks again... Originally Posted by winn dixie
Not true. There are 1.3 million Teamsters. They’re all not in lockstep. A lot of them are conservative. They’ve endorsed the Bushes and might endorse Trump.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Never met a trucker who was a lazy slob, or a Biden supporter. These guys work like dogs so obviously not in the democrat gimme dat cult.
bambino's Avatar
Never met a trucker who was a lazy slob, or a Biden supporter. These guys work like dogs so obviously not in the democrat gimme dat cult. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I agree.

In a video posted to social media, trucker “Chicago Ray” states that he, along w/ an unspecified number of other truckers, will begin refusing deliveries to anywhere in New York City beginning Monday, Feb 19th, and warns viewers to “f* around, and find out”.

For perspective: Trucker and farmer protests in Western nations over the last 36mos have, in some cases, ground commerce itself to a complete standstill.

I wonder if Tommy would call Chicago Ray a “lazy slob” to his face?
DNinja69's Avatar
Plenty of Democrats driving trucks and even more wanting their paychecks and unwilling to sacrifice them for some political posturing. They are welcome to peacefully protest by refusing to deliver goods to NYC and if it would change the fact we have a bumbling dipshit for President I would happily contribute to the cause.

As it is this is just posturing and sour grapes. The last 'Peoples Convoy' didn't accomplish much and this one will have far less support.
bambino's Avatar
This could be worse than the trucker boycott;


Many businesses are reportedly considering relocation to either Florida or Texas after watching Trump’s legal battles.

George Washington Law Prof: "It's one of the greatest ironies of this case: In the name of protecting businesses in New York, you probably just led to hundreds of businesses looking at potential rentals in Florida because they look and they go, ‘wow, if we fall on the wrong side of the politics in New York, they could sell us off for spare parts’."

Ari Fleischer: "So unless the appeals process in New York comes to the rescue, it's become a legal banana republic."

The trucker boycott is just the beginning. These scumbags get what they deserve. They won’t be able to walk down the street.