Bitten not as sure as the leftwingers on this board about victory in November...

Grace Preston's Avatar
I know you know how brain dead that actually is.

Not making a choice IS making a choice. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Incorrect. That is an absolute false narrative. I will be voting on the rest of the ballot, but I refuse to cast my vote for either of the shitgibbons that are presently running for President. Not voting is simply that-- a vote for neither. I roll my eyes until they sprain each time someone says "Not voting is a vote for the other guy". Yeah.. no, that's now how it works.

In years past, I might have considered a 3rd party candidate. But this years option is liberal in the ways I hate the most.. and conservative in the ways I hate the most. So.. that's a nope.

And you know what-- I wrestle with it because unlike 2016-- I now live in a swing state. But-- I just can't. I cannot give my vote to either of them. So I'm focusing my efforts on the items downballot that actually have more of an effect on my day to day life.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I have to agree with you on that. I would much rather have Pence than Trump any day.

Of course I would choose Daffy Duck over Trump. Originally Posted by Jam3768

by voting for Biden you are voting for Daffy Duck

Based on two points: A) Biden keeps slipping and calling it the Harris/Biden ticket, B) Joe-mentia would lose a debate to a Zucchini - Imma say Joe-mentia catches the COVID and Kamel-toe steps up to debate Trump. Change my mind. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

you could be right. the powers that be in the DNC do not want Biden on stage without anything but his mush mind. i say if he does appear he'll have an earpiece where someone off stage will be feeding him answers. watch for him repeatedly touching his ear and pausing before he stumbles trying to repeat it.

and then there was the report that Biden would wear a mask that would completely obscure his face and that he'd sound "different". i think that was actually satire by some outlet like the Babylon Bee or similar but it isn't completely out of the question.


I know you know how brain dead that actually is.

Not making a choice IS making a choice. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

if she doesn't want to vote for VP she doesn't have to. in Texas starting this election i think you can't vote straight ticket anymore which is what i usually do. so i'll just vote for Trump and leave it at that

Incorrect. That is an absolute false narrative. I will be voting on the rest of the ballot, but I refuse to cast my vote for either of the shitgibbons that are presently running for President. Not voting is simply that-- a vote for neither. I roll my eyes until they sprain each time someone says "Not voting is a vote for the other guy". Yeah.. no, that's now how it works.

In years past, I might have considered a 3rd party candidate. But this years option is liberal in the ways I hate the most.. and conservative in the ways I hate the most. So.. that's a nope.

And you know what-- I wrestle with it because unlike 2016-- I now live in a swing state. But-- I just can't. I cannot give my vote to either of them. So I'm focusing my efforts on the items downballot that actually have more of an effect on my day to day life. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

lol. let's discuss shitgibbon shall we? yeah i hadn't heard that one before and no it was NOT invented to describe Trump ..
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Biden has no chance of winning on election night. Everybody knows this. Dem politicians and major outlets have professed that it’s going to “appear” a Trump blowout. Democrats have wargamed every possibility and have thousands of lawyers on retainer. Hillary really tipped their hand with her advice that Biden shouldn’t concede, under any circumstances. Bush v Gore was pissing in the ocean compared to what going to happen in November, the mail-in ballot push is there for no other reason than to create chaos. We’ll be lucky to know who’s President by December, if there’s still a country and the street loons (aka democrat brownshirt goon squads) haven’t burnt it to the ground.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"When Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. sought the 1988 Democratic nomination for president, he was a young lawmaker running on a message of generational change. His bid, though, was doomed by self-inflicted mistakes."

proof those who ignore history repeat their mistakes ..
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Joe-mentia couldn't wear an ear piece. No doubt he would fiddle with it and likely argue with it. Might be good entertainment though. could be right. the powers that be in the DNC do not want Biden on stage without anything but his mush mind. i say if he does appear he'll have an earpiece where someone off stage will be feeding him answers. watch for him repeatedly touching his ear and pausing before he stumbles trying to repeat it. ... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar