Oft Forgot Reminders. :)

Guest091314's Avatar
Just because I'm single doesn't mean I am LOOKING for a boyfriend right now.
No offense, I just prefer not to date anyone whom I meet in the hobby. Yeah yeah yeah, pot calling the kettle black - I know. Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
That is the most true thing...there is a gent I have not seen in over 6months and every so often he calls and ask me if I wanna grab a beer.
or go to a movie

This is going to be typical dork me but here it goes **takes deep breath**. If the weather is bad outside (rain, snow etc) please do not tread your feet through it and then walk it all over my carpet.

But lately the guys have been good to me!!
This is going to be typical dork me but here it goes **takes deep breath**. If the weather is bad outside (rain, snow etc) please do not tread your feet through it and then walk it all over my carpet. Originally Posted by alecia
OMG I used to say the very same thing! .... Then I got a dog. Now my carpet is screwed anyway. LOL. Yay for steam cleaning! *reminds self: Book another steam cleaning*

And IP, I hear ya, girl!

Thanks for all the awesome input and comments, everyone!!! There's some good stuff on here!
CoHorn's Avatar
But Traci, I thought we had something special? What do you mean you don't want to date me?
To add to the notion of belly button maintenance...I was once going down for the bbbj on a guy, and there was such a horrid smell that I was going to either wash it, cover it, or not blow it at all...when lo and behold when I went to inspect the pecker it was clean and fresh! The STENCH was eminating from his belly button!!! So I go ahead with the bj, but can barely make it through because I am holding back from gagging because even though his equipment was in tip-top shape OMG that SMELL.

Cleaning your belly button does not mean just picking the lint out of it! You gotta wash that thing with soap! And if it is deep, for the love of God use some Q-tips and alcohol at least once a week and get it really clean!

Oh yeah, and the TP sticking to the nether regions, that goes for the guys too...not just the ladies

This thread rocks! Thanks for the laughs, and the info!
TonyStark's Avatar

Don't worry Marla I hit it with the weedeater and the cue tip alcohol trick. I only had Miller Lite on hand, but that's alcohol right? Originally Posted by TonyStark
LOL you said you hit it with the WEEDEATER! Love it!
TonyStark's Avatar
Don't worry Marla I hit it with the weedeater and the cue tip alcohol trick. I only had Miller Lite on hand, but that's alcohol right?
Boltfan - Were you hiding in the closet at the DoJo last night?? Oh holy hell balls, Neotek told me it was Fubar ... It was you???!

Oh well, hope you enjoyed the sound effects!

Let me clarify my little "dating" comment:
If we go out to grab a bite, drinks, basketball game, etc. every now & then - (BCD stuff or no BCD stuff) thats cool, & that's totally chill. We are 'friends', there will probably be some unspoken but definite boundaries (don't get your hopes up that you'll be meeting the parents, going on tampon runs to the store for me, celebrating g-ma's 78th b-day with the fam, or anything ya know?) We can still have walls up but still have a good time and have fun!
IF we go out, and then you want me to call you everynight, 3 times a day, check in with you every time I sneeze or turn around, see you more than once a week...etc etc...that's when it becomes a little too complicated ~ like the DaVinci Code! I'm kinda picky on who I choose to spend time during my personal time, but if you see the Bat Signal in the sky ...believe me, YOU WILL KNOW!

Clean is the best way to go
I always bring my dity bag with me so in case the provider wants me to shower, I have soap, deodrant, etc. in my favorite manly smell--Irish Spring!

Hell, I like it when they wash my John Henry for me!!!! It beats (pardon the pun) me washing it!
Hoe on tha Go Bag!!!! hell yeah! (everyone should have one)


Boltfan's Avatar
Once you've had the neotek experience you'll never be the same again. And just right for me :-)
Captain Caveman's Avatar
* That lint that your belly button collects? Not sexy. I'd say one out of three clients forget to check their lint-trap during personal grooming hour. Oh, the sweaters I could knit. :P
Originally Posted by tracibrooks
Thanks... you just gave me something new to be OCD about... :P
TonyStark's Avatar

Originally Posted by Marla
Is that extra?
easily_amused's Avatar
Edited at reqest of poster. Torito