You can stay longer if you want

  • MrGiz
  • 03-25-2011, 09:42 PM
At least a few times thru the years.... after mutually enjoying time spent together on the clock... and when the girl has had an open schedule ahead of her... there has been extra, uncompensated (hourly rate-wise, anyway) time spent & enjoyed together. It wasn't pre-planned, or asked for.... it simply felt like a nice way to extend an already enjoyable time together, given the circumstances at the time.

I would never presume such.... but it did feel nice, knowing that the "business edge" was blurred... and that she honestly enjoyed me as a person, and not just a client.

So.... given the same hypothetical scenario happening again... I would have no moral discomfort enjoying real time together!

Chica Chaser's Avatar
If you have no interest in staying, you don't need an excuse. Just say "I enjoyed meeting but no thank you, I have to get home" Why make this so difficult or made to feel pressured. Fuck it, leave and don't look back. Be polite but firm.
Chica Chaser, you are, as usual the voice of reason. I guess my main reason for making this into an "issue" so to speak, is because I do not want to come across as rude. I made up lies to get out of there without staying. i.e. sick mother, flight to catch, etc. I just don't like being put on the spot. It stresses me out. Because if I come across as rude or if I don't make up a decent lie, the risk of a bad review going up increases. Guys will put up nasty reviews for any reason. I swear, some of the most sensitive men are hobbyists. Weird.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Guys will put up nasty reviews for any reason. I swear, some of the most sensitive men are hobbyists. Weird. Originally Posted by incognito isis
In an otherwise good session, the fact that you couldn't/wouldn't hang out after would be a really poor excuse for a bad review, and one you should challenge. My bullshit meter would be going off reading it.
gulflover's Avatar
You could always have fun with it and start making weird stuff up.

"No, sorry, I have to go to my meeting with the Latter Day Saints. Have I told you about my friend Jesus yet?"
"No, sorry, tonight I'm helping the Gnomes of Zurich plot their next governmental overthrow."
"I'm sorry, but the moon is in the House of Cancer and my parakeet told me no overnights this week."
"Sure, I'll draw the pentagrams, you get the cat blood."

The key is to say it with a straight face.
Not me. I don't do reviews. Plus I almost never have a chance to call the same lady twice. So, if it's a great session, no one will know, not even the lady. The same for the horrible session. In either case, no one knows. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
You say you don't do reviews yet you have 8 reviews on your profile. Make up your mind will ya?
pickupkid's Avatar
Keep things separate...provider, client. your life ,client life..there are no feelings if you do that.If you are thinking about spending some free time step back get the perspective.Btdt...I crossed that line and I wound up getting hurt..So I keep things separate.
  • Paven
  • 03-26-2011, 08:32 AM
I saw a fellow on Christmas Eve and I spent a smidge more time visiting with him and afterward when I said I needed to head out he said "Why don't you stay longer? It's not like you have anywhere else to be." Excuse me?! How the helk do you know where I have to be or don't be? Assume nothing! That really aggravated me but I am always gracious and said "Merry Christmas"! Then I dug out! Man I tell ya some folks just don't have a clue! Chica is right though, always be polite but firm!
You say you don't do reviews yet you have 8 reviews on your profile. Make up your mind will ya? Originally Posted by hobbyist1
I stopped doing them. I can't retract the ones I used to do, but I drew the line a while back. It used to be in my sig line that I didn't do them anymore.

Quite frankly, IMHO, they're a pain in the ass to do. I don't think they provide much valuable information. And I realized that no matter how bad the session was, I always gave a "yes" recommendation, b/c, again IMHO, if she "did the deed" that was what she needed to do to earn that recc.

Yeah, I have 8 reviews. I've seen many more ladies than that. Most ladies that I've seen, although providing adequate service, do not provide a rip-roaring good time that I'll fondly remember. Most of the time it's been kind of a letdown. Most ladies and gents here think I've just run into a string of bad experiences. Or that I have a bad attitude. I think I just have higher standards than most review writers. Or most ladies think they should get an outstanding review just for fucking a guy. Heck, he paid the fee for that. And they want an outstanding review to boot??? There should be some above and beyond the norm in order to get an outstanding review.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
  • MrGiz
  • 03-26-2011, 08:44 AM
It appears to me that many guys need to begin doing a better job of lining themselves up with quality entertainment!! Research and screening on our end can go a long way toward that end!

It's difficult for me to imagine being lazy in figuring out how to spend my Hobby Dollar!! I usually do pretty well.... sometimes better than others... but I usually have a pretty damned good idea that I'm going to enjoy myself even before the door opens!!

I stopped doing them. I can't retract the ones I used to do, but I drew the line a while back. It used to be in my sig line that I didn't do them anymore.

Quite frankly, IMHO, they're a pain in the ass to do. I don't think they provide much valuable information. And I realized that no matter how bad the session was, I always gave a "yes" recommendation, b/c, again IMHO, if she "did the deed" that was what she needed to do to earn that recc.

Yeah, I have 8 reviews. I've seen many more ladies than that. Most ladies that I've seen, although providing adequate service, do not provide a rip-roaring good time that I'll fondly remember. Most of the time it's been kind of a letdown. Most ladies and gents here think I've just run into a string of bad experiences. Or that I have a bad attitude. I think I just have higher standards than most review writers. Or most ladies think they should get an outstanding review just for fucking a guy. Heck, he paid the fee for that. And they want an outstanding review to boot??? There should be some above and beyond the norm in order to get an outstanding review.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
LOL. I agree.
charlesstudor, I like your style. Reviews can be a pain in the ass for sure. You are right, if she "did the deed" that was what she needed to do to earn that recc. It shouldn't be that way but obviously it is. Most guys are "white knights" who don't want to risk not getting to see a provider so they automatically give raving reviews no matter what.

Quite frankly, IMHO, they're a pain in the ass to do. I don't think they provide much valuable information. And I realized that no matter how bad the session was, I always gave a "yes" recommendation, b/c, again IMHO, if she "did the deed" that was what she needed to do to earn that recc.

Yeah, I have 8 reviews. I've seen many more ladies than that. Most ladies that I've seen, although providing adequate service, do not provide a rip-roaring good time that I'll fondly remember. Most of the time it's been kind of a letdown. Most ladies and gents here think I've just run into a string of bad experiences. Or that I have a bad attitude. I think I just have higher standards than most review writers. Or most ladies think they should get an outstanding review just for fucking a guy. Heck, he paid the fee for that. And they want an outstanding review to boot??? There should be some above and beyond the norm in order to get an outstanding review.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.[/quote]
  • MrGiz
  • 03-26-2011, 09:23 AM
Negativity breeds negativity.... appears to be a trend throughout Eccie lately!

Just an observation....
Naomi4u's Avatar
Negativity breeds negativity.... appears to be a trend throughout Eccie lately!
Originally Posted by MrGiz
Are you talking about Charles? Well .. that's nothing new. We've all grown to love him for who he is.

And, as you can see from Giz's and Naomi's posts, both male and female think it is all attitude.

EDIT TO ADD: Take their advice, most people on this board seem to have that POV, which means I'm probably missing something. So, if you want good experiences, consider each appointment bliss, despite how it turns out.

Some of these guys have seen lots of ladies, yet have never had one bad experience.

Some of the ladies boast they've never had a bad review.

What are the odds??????