It may be time to take your family out of New York City.

LexusLover's Avatar
A Do you believe that JD is correct in saying NYC is about to have a race war?

I'm am on the record as saying that he is full of shit. Care to join me or are you in agreement with that dumb fucker? Originally Posted by WTF
You are far too stupid and ignorant to be calling anyone a "dumb fucker"!

But if doing so actually makes you feel more intellectual, then by all means continue to delude yourself into "thinking" you are mentally superior.

Please find a post in which I stated ...

................"that JD is correct in saying NYC is about to have a race war"!

Then share it with "us" ....

... but in the meantime, quit being so hysterical (and I don't mean funny).
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  • WTF
  • 12-21-2014, 10:05 AM
#2: Unfortunately, because they are severely outnumbered, it does appear that for the most part members of the Black communities are burning, stealing, destroying, beating, and killing in response to their allegations of police brutality directed at the members of the Black communities throughout the country. So, it does appear that for the most part the members of the Black communities throughout the country want to instigate skirmishes with the police. To some, particularly if directed at NonBlack police officers, that might appear to be a "desire" to engage in a racially oriented confrontation with others, who happen to be wearing uniforms or out of uniform at the moment.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
God damn....I said there were not going to be any Race about you quit the double speak and say if you agree with JD or not. Do you think NYC is about to erupt into race wars?

I DO NOT. Pretty fucking simple.
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  • WTF
  • 12-21-2014, 10:08 AM
You are far too stupid and ignorant to be calling anyone a "dumb fucker"!

"!). Originally Posted by LexusLover
I called the dumb muther fucker who said NYC was about to erupt into Race wars a dumb fucker.

Please find a post in which I stated ...

................"that JD is correct in saying NYC is about to have a race war"!). Originally Posted by LexusLover
So you too do not believe that NYC is about to erupt into race wars like the dumb fucking cunt JD had said?
gfejunkie's Avatar
The first casualties have already been reported.
It may be time to take your family out of New York City. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JDIdiot, you jump from one pretend crisis to another more often than Granny Idiot changes your shitty diapers!

Get a friggin' life!

Talk about's a race war if one side decides that it is a race war and that is their motivation. Kind of like the people in Washington DC who didn't see Vietnam for what it was. For nearly 20 years they assumed something that wasn't true and for that, they lost. WTF is a perfect example of such muddleheaded thinking. If one man kills another because of his race the dead man is still dead even if he doesn't believe in racism.

This is going to be a war about racism if the powers that be want it that way and there is nothing in their words that says otherwise now. De Blasio, Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama all think in terms of race, 1960s race. Their time has passed but they don't know it. There are millions of mixed race people in the US but their are told that they are Hispanic, black, or Asian rather than Americans. Their brand of racism is dying and like a cornered animal they are dangerous. Do you think a black panther is more dangerous than a biege panther. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
the race aspect is a tool, its called the proximate cause, not the underlying reason
LexusLover's Avatar
I called the dumb muther fucker who said NYC was about to erupt into Race wars a dumb fucker.

So you too do not believe that NYC is about to erupt into race wars like the dumb fucking cunt JD had said? Originally Posted by WTF
It appears you lost my point. Let me try it from a different direction.

Do you think it adds to the strength of your position to call the opposing party a "dumb fucker" .... or a "dumb muther fucker"? If your answer is "yes" .. then are too "stupid and ignorant" .... to be calling someone a 'dumb fucker."

If I can "steal" a phrase ... You are smarter than that!

If you want a perfect example ... IMO ... look at the discourse below my sig.

It is not "double speak" to write:

"it does appear" ....

... but in my world "appearances" are often more relevant than "the truth."

(And sometimes "appearances" provide an insight into "the truth"!)

Just ask Gruber, next time you see him.

You ever engage in sports involving "the skins" vs. "the shirts"?

It "appears" like the people without shirts are against those with them.
LexusLover's Avatar
the race aspect is a tool, its called the proximate cause, not the underlying reason Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yes, and the "tool" to stoke the fire of discontent by the "race baiters" who have a "vested interest" in keeping the "fire going" ... it justifies their existence.

Hitler had the Jews. Obaminable, et al, have the Cops.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Just ignore the empty ball sack. I try to.
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  • WTF
  • 12-21-2014, 12:53 PM
Just ignore the empty ball sack. I try to. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
More like you try to empty ball sacks every chance you get!

LexusLover's Avatar
Speaking of balls, I hope some are at least watching the Houston game, ...

.......... if not paying attention to it.
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  • WTF
  • 12-21-2014, 01:11 PM

Hitler had the Jews. Obaminable, et al, have the Cops. Originally Posted by LexusLover are almost about to catch JD in the idiotic statement department.

Thanks de Blasio.
Thanks Sharpton.
Thanks Holder.
Thanks Obama.