Biden Says if You Can't Figure Out if You Support Him or Trump, 'Then You Ain't Black'

HedonistForever's Avatar

The only voting bloc that Trump has in his pocket are Evangelial Christians and old, white men with maximum HS education. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Which I'll remind you was enough to win last time and you don't need a college degree to know what you want for America and what you don't. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Art major and English Lit major doesn't make you smarter than the janitor in what you believe in, policy wise.

What kind of a degree do you need to know that the second strongest military in the world is usually the loser in a battle?

What kind of a degree do you need to know that letting millions more people into this country, most with less than that college degree you think is controlling, will overwhelm or health care, education and job market?

We may be on the road to Socialism in this country like a lot of college educated folk think but I don't believe it will be 2020.
  • Tiny
  • 05-23-2020, 03:00 PM

Trump and his 2020 campaign team are trying to win over black voters, but they will fail

Black voters aren’t buying what Trump is selling. How do I know? I'm a black person who recently left the GOP after decades of being a loyal Republican.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yeah, he makes it difficult doesn't he, especially when he has 80% of Congressional Republicans so scared of his wrath they'll support absolutely anything he says or does.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yeah, he makes it difficult doesn't he, especially when he has 80% of Congressional Republicans so scared of his wrath they'll support absolutely anything he says or does. Originally Posted by Tiny
And he has you so scared you make up shit about him!

But this thread is about your candidate .... Biden!
  • Tiny
  • 05-23-2020, 03:15 PM
And he has you so scared you make up shit about him!

But this thread is about your candidate .... Biden! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I won't be voting for Biden. Vermin Supreme is my man, even though as a Libertarian I am somewhat disturbed by his support for a tooth brushing law.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Which I'll remind you was enough to win last time and you don't need a college degree to know what you want for America and what you don't. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Art major and English Lit major doesn't make you smarter than the janitor in what you believe in, policy wise.

What kind of a degree do you need to know that the second strongest military in the world is usually the loser in a battle?

What kind of a degree do you need to know that letting millions more people into this country, most with less than that college degree you think is controlling, will overwhelm or health care, education and job market?

We may be on the road to Socialism in, they this country like a lot of college educated folk think but I don't believe it will be 2020. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Trump's base will get him just so far. Evangelical Christians and old, white men with less than a college education will get him a lot of votes but will not get him elected. I didn't say, or even imply, that they were less educated than others regarding policy. For whatever reasons these demographics supported Trump, just as blacks, Hispanics, and Asians voted for Clinton.

In 2016 Trump had strong support from women, not a majority but still strong, and especially suburban women. In the 2018 midterms and in polling done since 2016, women, and again especially suburban women, are favoring Democratic candidates. Trump will need support from somewhere other than the 2 aforementioned groups to win in 2020.

Not sure what your point is on the military, but we were the strongest in the world before Trump and we are still strongest in the world. Military spending under Obama as a percentage of GDP was higher than under Trump. In fact, the lowest percentage under Obama was higher than any year under Trump.

Your statements about letting millions of immigrants into this country without a college education are totally unsupportable.

If Biden is elected in 2020 we will be no closer to a socialistic government than if Trump is reelected. 8 years of Obama and no socialistic policies pushed by him. Policies to the left, yes. Socialism, no.
  • oeb11
  • 05-23-2020, 04:23 PM
IMHO- Biden will not last another year before his dementia becomes undeniable even to the DNC and trump haters.

If elected - biden's VP will be POTUS - Have U read any Stacy Abrams - she is a fulminating socialist - ala Bernie Sanders - an acknowledged russian soviet sympathizer and Communist.

Socialism is just the beginning for the DPST party - the end result is Orwellian totalitarianism.
I think that is wishful thinking. The only person the Democrat Party could possibly choose is Sanders. If they didn't, you would see the biggest revolt in a political party in recent history. It's either Joe or Bernie, period. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Yes, they can't credibly give it to anyone else they choose and fuck over Bernie again.
Both of those old fuckers should not be president. Give me a break. That job requires a lot of work obviously. Neither are qualified in my opinion. I hate to be guilty of ageism but I will with those two old motherfuckers. 73 and 77 years old; give me a fucking break. That's ridiculous. They're both out of touch with reality and I blame neither one. They are both old and set in their ways.

Let the insults come my way from the elders in here. Like I remotely give a shit about any of your opinions about the fact that I am right, but vent as you must. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I can’t remember a harder working President in my lifetime than President Trump.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I can’t remember a harder working President in my lifetime talking more bullshit on twitter than President Trump. Originally Posted by Jackie S
gfejunkie's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
Is talking bullshit on twitter about the same as talking bullshit on Eccie?

I'm just asking!
gfejunkie's Avatar
I can’t remember a harder working President in my lifetime than President Trump. Originally Posted by Jackie S
President Trump did more for black communities with one stroke of a pen than Biden has done in an entire career.

The main reason the Dipshit Democrats think the President’s tweets are so bad is because it allows him to bypass the “filters” of their lackeys in the Main Stream Media.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The main reason the Dipshit Democrats think the President’s tweets are so bad is because it allows him to bypass the “filters” of their lackeys in the Main Stream Media. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I love Trump's tweets!! They have probably cost him more votes than any of his actions while sitting in the Oval Office. The Trump base eats them up. Most others just shake their heads in non-belief.

Keep it up!!
  • oeb11
  • 05-24-2020, 07:59 AM
Keep up spewing the DPST Trump Hate narrative - SR!!!
Vote Biden Abrams - and if u liked H... - u will love Abrams as POTUS!