As I stated ....every 20 th and 21stcentury president attended Gettysburg, except Clinton and Obama......the 150th anniversary is significant, but you don't get that. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Why are you lying? What does it mean when you say a president "attended Gettysburg?"

You criticized President Obama for not attending the anniversary of the giving of Lincoln's Gettysburg address. Now, when it is pointed out that only one other President, a 100 years ago, has previously attended that anniversary, you want to switch gears and talk about Presidents who have been to Gettysburg at any time.

Do you not realize that we all see your pathetic intellectual dishonesty here? The first rule when you're in a hole is to stop digging moron.
Obama is the one who has compared himself to Lincoln; going so far as to use Lincoln's bible at his swearing in ceremony.....

And on a very important day - the 150th anniversary - Obama is a no show..........

I am glad he didn't go, but he should have been there.

I am sure Kennedy wishes he had gone to Gettysburg to honor the 100th anniversary....instead he went to Dallas.

I suspect Obama didn't want to be associated with how far we have come from the racial divide that defined America in the 1860s....Ironic for America's 1st black president, who regularly wraps himself in the Lincoln legacy. Obama's power base requires that the racial divide remains inflamed.....
But don't take my word for it; you need to read what many local newspapers have said about the importance/significance of Obama attending........here is one:
“Symbolism matters,” the paper wrote Thursday. “President Obama could have used this occasion to offer words of healing and reconciliation — as his Illinois forefather once did. Instead, he is sending us a little-known Cabinet member to do the job of a president, of a statesman, of an orator. Unacceptable. President Obama’s retreat from Gettysburg will linger long and bitter. We beg him to reconsider.”
But instead, Obama gave a speech to Wall Street suits at the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown DC....................

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But don't take my word for it; you need to read what many local newspapers have said about the importance/significance of Obama attending........here is one:
“Symbolism matters,” the paper wrote Thursday. “President Obama could have used this occasion to offer words of healing and reconciliation — as his Illinois forefather once did. Instead, he is sending us a little-known Cabinet member to do the job of a president, of a statesman, of an orator. Unacceptable. President Obama’s retreat from Gettysburg will linger long and bitter. We beg him to reconsider.”
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But instead, Obama gave a speech to Wall Street suits at the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown DC.................... Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Right. The Washington Times. There is a middle-of-the-road publication when it comes to Obama.

You know what is truly amusing about this bullshit is just trying to imagine the right wing outrage if Obama had attended. You have continuously referenced what you think are Obama's comparisons of himself to Lincoln and how it makes you crazy. You and the rest of the whackos would pop a spring if he had done exactly what you are criticizing him for not doing....going to Gettysburg on the anniversary of the address.

Now, are you ready to admit that no other American President, other than Taft, has attended the anniversary of the giving of the Gettysburg Address? And, that only Obama has been criticized for it?

Give up, you're done.
I am ready to admit that Obama is one of the few American Presidents who has NOT made the pilgrimage to Gettysburg; what is particularly appalling is the fact that Obama is the one who has tied himself to the Lincoln legacy, but stays away from acknowledging Lincoln's (and America's) most historic and memorable ocassions.

Defend Obama all you want; like I said I am glad he stayed away, for whatever reason !
I am glad Obama was a no show for the anniversary of Honest Abe's most honored moment......Obama-The-Liar presence wouldn't have been fitting....

For the record. Barack Obama consciously emulates Lincoln, quotes Lincoln, misquotes Lincoln, and most definitely compares himself to Lincoln -- and that he did so even before he used Lincoln’s bible to take the oath of office as the 44th president of the United States.

As they say in sportscasting, let’s go to the tape:
  • “What is it about this man that can move us so profoundly? Some of it has to do with Lincoln's humble beginnings, which often speak to our own. When I announced my candidacy for the U.S. Senate, it was hard to imagine a less likely scenario than that I would win -- except, perhaps, for the one that allowed a child born in the backwoods of Kentucky with less than a year of formal education to end up as Illinois' greatest citizen and our nation’s greatest President.” -- Sen. Barack Obama, writing in Time magazine on July 4, 2005.

  • “That is why, in the shadow of the Old State Capitol, where Lincoln once called on a divided house to stand together, where common hopes and common dreams still live, I stand before you today to announce my candidacy for president of the United States.” -- Sen. Obama, on Feb. 10, 2007.

  • “So, you know what? If Abraham Lincoln could make some compromises as part of governance, then surely we can make some compromises when it comes to handling our budget.” -- Obama, on July 22, 2011.

  • “When you listen to what the Federalists said about the anti-Federalists, and the names that Jefferson called Hamilton and back and forth -- I mean those guys were tough. Lincoln? They used to talk about him almost as bad as they talk about me.” -- Obama, in Decorah, Iowa, Aug. 15, 2011.

  • “That vision of Lincoln’s, the vision of a big, bold, generous, dynamic, active, inclusive America -- that’s the vision that has driven this nation for more than 200 years. That’s the vision that helped create Chicago. That’s the vision that drove our campaign in 2008.” -- Obama, in Illinois on March 16, 2012.

  • “And while I’m proud of what we’ve achieved together -- I’m far more mindful of my own failings, knowing exactly what Lincoln meant when he said, ‘I have been driven to my knees many times by the overwhelming conviction that I had no place else to go.’” -- Obama, accepting his party’s nomination at the Democratic National Convention on Sept. 6, 2012, in Charlotte, N.C.

Apparently it was all Obama vanity on display; Obama decided to blow off the Gettysbug event and the admiration of Lincoln at the 150th anniversary.....

Turns out Obama's political idol isn't Lincoln, but Saul Alinsky !

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