Perry in debate: Lets throw Science "OUT THE DOOR"

And the new cutting-edge research is suggesting that deep space cosmic radiation may be
what is changing earth's climate......Not Fossil Fuels !!!!!!!!

Leave it up to liberal minded homo-spaiens to think they are so great, knowing and influential that their own existence alters weather, climate and the universe !
waverunner234's Avatar
Leave it up to liberal minded homo-spaiens to think they are so great, knowing and influential that their own existence alters weather, climate and the universe ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No, I read in another thread that the only one who can control the weather is Rick Perry through his direct line to god.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Lets say (his) jobs are more important than research to find out if they are responsible jobs.
It's like sending a child rapist home until he's convicted, then after all the prove is in place, call him and tell him to report to state prison to sit for his life sentence Originally Posted by waverunner234

Lets say the statement was a lie but you're not a liar.

I'm sure you did hear some one on the network which held the debate say that.

It's funny to hear those liberals figure out who won the debate and what words they can put into some douche bag's mouth.

Did anyone notice that the only one going after Perry was Paul? I was kinda surprised that Romney and Perry didn't attack each other that much. Maybe they'll be a Romney/Perry ticket?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
No, I read in another thread that the only one who can control the weather is Rick Perry through his direct line to god. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Thank God Algore invented the internet and global warming.
Last night's performance was miserable - not the candidates, but the moderators.

Today, it was reported that jobless claims spiked higher…yet again. The CBO reported that, through the last 11 months, the federal government has spent almost $1.3 Trillion more than it took in. European banks are on the edge of collapse and the entire world economy balances precariously on the edge of a global depression. If the US economy hasn’t technically yet entered another recession, it is only a matter of time before it does.

The housing market is set for another downturn. The number of Americans in the labor force is at historic lows. There is no prospect for economic recovery at any point in the future. I could go on and on, but you get the point. The economy is teetering on the edge of another collapse and government debt has so suffocated us that we are flirting with a period of permanent decline.

But at last night’s GOP debate at the Reagan Library, neither John Harris with Politico nor Brian Williams with NBCMSNBCCOMCASTGE, asked a SINGLE question about these issues. Nothing about government spending, debt or the economy. Instead, we were treated to almost 90 minutes of questions on HPV vaccines, immigration, FEMA, TSA, welfare, poverty programs (more in need after 2+ years of Obama than ever) and science ?
anaximander's Avatar
Perry has only acknowledged the unvarnished truth.

Anthropomorphic climate change is but science fiction
at this point in its existence. There is no global record
of tempertures in a useful manner going any further
back than 130-50 ys. Given that our written histories
only cover the last 4000-6000 years of our suspected
250,000 ys of existence as a species....
That isn't anything. The only thing you will find out
with 150 ys of weather data is that you don't have
enough to accurately say anything.
To claim otherwise is simply not supported by the science.

Evolution is just a theory.
One that if Darwin had a scanning electron microscope
he would no doubt have abandoned.
Darwin believed cells were 'simple' membranes filled
with living goo. Modern science has revealed cells
to be even more complex than most of the creatures
they comprise- man included.
Mitochondria with atomic scale turbines: homopolar motors
complete with saters, linkage assemblies.
An odd aspect of cells is that they still have more
features beyond our present imaging techniques.
Worse for the evolution crowd:
All cellular activities are governed by an internal
operating code using two proteins.
Lol, a bio-os that is binary and digital.
Going by the complexity of life in general
the 4.6-7 billion est age of our solar system
is just way too young.

That's just for starters.
You see, true science means being able
to see for yourself; reproducable results.
Believing in something because someone else
told you is reprehensible on any level.
Seek and ye shall find.
The truth that is.
No, I read in another thread that the only one who can control the weather is Rick Perry through his direct line to god. Originally Posted by waverunner234

Well if that is the case, where the hell is our badly needed rain in Texas?
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Actually I am starting to believe what CPT says about Ron Paul- with all honesty MSNBC could have named this the Romney vs Perry debate- but there were many candidates that went over their time limit, but when Paul went over he gets interrupted and the moderators should have asked the only candidate their in the health firld what his thoughts of the Health care bill.
I think Perry came off looking foolish when his state has poor health care and that the majority of jobs created are low paying jobs- Romney did a good thing pointing out that Texas has no income taxes and has plenty of oil and natural gas so it wasn't as if Perry had some great plan to create jobs. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The establishment should have named it the Perry and Romney Debate. It was easy to see who got asked the most questions at the debate, it was obvious if people actually watched the whole debate. Perry, Romney, and Bachman got asked the most questions, especially Perry and Romeny. The guys the establishment are pushing. All of these phonies represent the Super Rich in America, not the people. Mark my word, if one of these phonies becomes President nothing will change in this country for the better, nothing.

I couldn't believe the Super Rich who control the corporate controlled whore media teleprompters actually had the nerve to pull this rigged debate off in front of the American public while on National TV at the Reagan Library. This screams that American politics are a joke! These sociopaths who are in control have lost their fucking minds, they will go to no extent to twist peoples minds and hope that they make the wrong choice. I mean, every mother fucking whore presstitute is told what to say; don't say anything about Ron Paul and promote Perry, Romney, and Bachman. It makes me sick! However the American people are waking up and are starting to see through their smoke and mirrors campaign!

Let me ask everyone a question. How can the PEOPLE expect to see change in this country when the game is so obviously RIGGED against them? People have to WAKE UP and understand that this goes much deeper than what is seen. This isn't a Democrat vs. Republican issue, it isn't Black vs. White, it isn't coke vs. pepsi but thats the way people see this whole political mess! This is Class warfare. It's the multi billionaires controlling the puppet politicians vs. the wage slaves to put it bluntly. Who's agenda is getting pushed? Is it a coincidence that Obama and Congress have dissaproval ratings at ALL-TIME lows? If you asked them they would say, "Nothing is wrong." Thats how out of touch with reality these assholes are!

To prove my point that the corporate oligarchs are psychological sociopaths and habitual liars let me give you more evidence and judge for yourself! Now look at what the habitual liar or liars who own MSNBC are posting in regards to who won the Reagan Library Debate! They actually fixed the graph up a little bit, when they first reported on this graph Romney bar was all the way up to Ron Pauls where the graph showed that it was a tie! These crazy fucks will go to no extent.

Notice how Ron Paul is clearly the frontrunner even though he got screwed last night! Just look at the votes and the number of voters who participated! Look at how many votes Ron Paul has and look at how many Romney has! Romeny is supposedly showing that he has 50% of the votes and these sociopaths are directly lying to the American public. These jackasses have lost A LOT of credibility. Who's going to believe them? Who? Like I said, how can the American people expect change when their watching this rigged fucking debate happening right in front of their eyes! Thats a slap in the face to Lady Liberty and to anyone who votes for Perry, Romney, or Bachman.

The public needs to WAKE UP and spread the word about Ron Paul or your going to regret it! It's time to kick these lying sociopaths out of office! Remember to register as a republican as well so we can make it happen.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-09-2011, 12:02 AM
You may not like the ponzi scheme description but, since the congresses of the last 30+ years have spent the money, it fits.

And finally Yes I understand how Social Security works very well. I also understand basic math which most people that do not recognize the problem apparently don't. Originally Posted by Laz
WTF did they spend it on?

WTF did our congress spend it on?

Do you have a clue, you math genius?

Mostly Wars.

So wtf has happened (not that I should have to explain to you because you already know, right?) is that we have transfered what should have went to SS savings to Defense contractors and their fat cat benifactors.

So wtf we have done is not tax enough to pay for our wars. We borrowed from the SS savings account and now you freaking wanna blame SS.

The Ponzi scheme is the transfer of wealth to War Mongers.

You sound like all you know is wtf Sean Hannity wants you to know. That and that shit talking dumbass DaliLama.

They bitch about taxes and yet do not want to pay for stupid ass wars and then have the nerve to blame SS.

I do not know where you learned math but you sure as hell do not know how to follow the money.

This is no different than the grasshopper and the ant.

Defense contractors are the grasshopper and SS is the ant.

You folks are blaming the ant for saing money...and blaming SS for not adjusting to the mere simple fact that people are living longer! Of fuc'n course we need to tweek it. PEOPLE ARE LIVING LONGER THAN WHAT IT WAS SET UP FOR>

How hard is that simple math problem?

Get you facts straight and then we will talk.

And for the record Rick Perry is a piece of shit. The only good thing he ever did, he backed away from, which was the HPV shot. That sorry SOB made it harder for seniors and the poor to get help on their electric bill this year in the mist of the hottest summer on record. That money was set aside just for them. But he wanted to balance the books so he could run for President, so he basically taxed the poor and elderly by not helping them out. Fuc Rick Perry.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sorry, BigTex, I was referring to WTF referencing a government site. I'll be more clear on who is being ridiculous in the future.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-09-2011, 12:15 AM
Evolution is just a theory.
. Originally Posted by anaximander
Everything is just a theory. Jesus is just a theory. Jesus.

Of course we have gained more knowledge than Darwin had....that is wtf science does.

Good Lord, were most of you homeschooled? Has nobody ever taught any of you just wtf science is?

Did I mention that Rick Perry is a piece of shit?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-09-2011, 12:20 AM
Sorry, BigTex, I was referring to WTF referencing a government site. I'll be more clear on who is being ridiculous in the future. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Is there anything that I refrenced that was a lie?

Maybe you will quit driving on those government built roads....I mean afterall, that is ridiculous right? Air traffic controlers....ridiculous right?

Police and Firefighters, military ....all ridiculous right?

We should not believe a word they say or do!
  • Laz
  • 09-09-2011, 07:29 AM
WTF did they spend it on?

WTF did our congress spend it on?

Do you have a clue, you math genius?

Mostly Wars.

So wtf has happened (not that I should have to explain to you because you already know, right?) is that we have transfered what should have went to SS savings to Defense contractors and their fat cat benifactors.

So wtf we have done is not tax enough to pay for our wars. We borrowed from the SS savings account and now you freaking wanna blame SS.

The Ponzi scheme is the transfer of wealth to War Mongers.

You sound like all you know is wtf Sean Hannity wants you to know. That and that shit talking dumbass DaliLama.

They bitch about taxes and yet do not want to pay for stupid ass wars and then have the nerve to blame SS.

I do not know where you learned math but you sure as hell do not know how to follow the money.

This is no different than the grasshopper and the ant.

Defense contractors are the grasshopper and SS is the ant.

You folks are blaming the ant for saing money...and blaming SS for not adjusting to the mere simple fact that people are living longer! Of fuc'n course we need to tweek it. PEOPLE ARE LIVING LONGER THAN WHAT IT WAS SET UP FOR>

How hard is that simple math problem?

Get you facts straight and then we will talk.

And for the record Rick Perry is a piece of shit. The only good thing he ever did, he backed away from, which was the HPV shot. That sorry SOB made it harder for seniors and the poor to get help on their electric bill this year in the mist of the hottest summer on record. That money was set aside just for them. But he wanted to balance the books so he could run for President, so he basically taxed the poor and elderly by not helping them out. Fuc Rick Perry. Originally Posted by WTF

Clearly you are against spending money on the military and yes I agree that there probably is a portion of that that was waste but there is also a lot of wasted spending on non military items as well. But none of that really matters because the end result is where we are today and that is broke. I have stated almost all congresses over the last 40 years are reponsible so this is not about democrat or republican.

I have defended Social Security as a ponzi scheme because that is what it is. The reason ponzi schemes are illegal is because they will eventually all fail. Social Security has two main reasons it will fail and that is population increases and decreases that naturally occur over time and the increase in life expectancy.

Now that the failure is immanent we have two options. The first is to increase taxes to fund the shortfalls. This will make it more difficult for those paying the taxes to provide for their families and save for their own retirement. It also means they will pay in more than they can hope to get back. The other option is to reduce benefits. That will take away money from those who have been told for years that this program will be there for them. The final result will be a combination of the two.

What should be done is to transition the program so that it ie a true retirement savings program that you fund for yourself with savings accounts tied to you. (Yes I know that is one thing Bush was trying to do that your liberal buddies hated.) That will require a significant transition period and people will be paying taxes to fund those that are on or will be on Social Security starting in the next couple of decades. It will be expensive and difficult for those paying taxes but it will end what is going on now where politicians have the ability to steal without consequences. The tax burden on the younger generations will occur either way. The only difference is if they bear it and solve the problem or if the problem still exist in spite of what they paid.

Now finally I have not claimed to be a math genius just someone that has analyzed the problem and seen what was coming since the 80's. the math is simple. The political lies from all politicians refusing to face the problem because it is a future problem is the issue. Well the future is here and people like you defending the liberal BS and blaming people blindly are not going to help anything.
anaximander's Avatar
Really, judging by your response your shadow
hasn't darkened the doorway of any significant
academic for awhile, indeed if ever.

Science is not the social/political brickbat
your uneducated ilk has disfigured it into.

Evolution has itself been so lacking as a theory
that its proponents have had to hijack other
known disciplines to give their belief depth.
Most of what is called evolution by mainstream
propganda scientists is actually old fashioned
radiative adaptation. The critters may vary in form,
but the creature is still the same species.
Cold viruses mutate, into different cold viruses.
Nothing becomes anything other than what
it was basically created to be.
The field mice at cherynobal due to radiation
have genetic signatures as different from
normal field mice as mouse to rat.
Yet they are still mice, albeit freakishly radioactive.

Is there an intellectual response in the house?
Something other than the brain dead hickoid
parroting -duh, science is supposed to find
things out yeah... idiot.
Yes dummy, and science- real science- has
found Darwin seriously lacking. According
to traditional empirical methodology
theories are altered or abandoned as the
facts merit. This present set sees fit to alter
the facts, or dismiss them altogether, in order
to defend what is nothing more than dogma.

This isn't the only black eye genetics has dealt evos.
Science has proven every single human alive
descended from one pair.
Tradition regarding Adam & Eve was correct.

It gets better fossil fuels aren't fossil.
They're geochemical residues,
any volcanically active planet
will produce petroleum.
Hydrocarbons in Venus' atmo.
Detected in jovian and kronian atmo's
as well...Halliburton Space?

I love science, it is meant to free man
and unleash our potential.
Not to restrict and confine us.
Science is to serve man,
not to enslave.

Perry is right.
By design or default, he is correct.
We only know what we don't know.
And even that an honest scientist
would tell you we're not certain on that.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-09-2011, 07:45 PM
Well the future is here and people like you defending the liberal BS and blaming people blindly are not going to help anything. Originally Posted by Laz

The problem that is approaching is that SS is about to hit the wall as far as the military getting a free ride. We are about to start taking out more than we put in. So now, to continue to fund the military industrial complex we are going to have to raise taxes that should already been raised. It does not take a math genius to understand just WTF happened. Reagan 'fixed' SS. He fixed it so we would have a huge surplus for thirty years and then promptly went about taking out that surplus and leaving IOU's to seniors.

WE HAVE NOT PROPERLY PAID FOR OUR DEFENSE. Had we, we would not be having this discussion. You do not cut taxes in a time of war. That throws the burden of paying back everything on our children. We are the most selfish generation this country has ever produced.

Do you understand that simple math problem? Do you understand how powerful that lobby is? Nobody will even tell the truth for fear of having the Defense Department getting on them. We might as well put the military in charge of this country. That is the only part of government that you right wingers trust and they have stolen all the seniors nest egg in this country and have the balls to say it is SS fault.