Rick Perry -- Socialist!!

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Aren't you the guy who said this?

Come on, admit it. You are, aren't ya? Originally Posted by Doove
Once again it was your buddy who started this racist thread.
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  • Doove
  • 09-24-2011, 01:55 PM
Once again it was your buddy who started this racist thread. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Irrelevant to my point.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Irrelevant to my point. Originally Posted by Doove
The only point you have is on your head.

I never figured you to be a race baiter...but I guess we all know who you are now.

When all else fails for you the hate shines through.
How is Ron Paul looking to his left .....standing at attention? Originally Posted by TrailBlazer
Do you have a better pic or video of Ron Paul in this situation? I can't really even tell its Ron Paul or what he's doing. I guess you're in total agreement that Gov Perry is standing at attention.

Anyone remember when Barack Hoover Obama refused to wear an American Flag lapel pin and his lib buddies applauded this?
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  • Doove
  • 09-24-2011, 03:24 PM
The only point you have is on your head.

I never figured you to be a race baiter...but I guess we all know who you are now.

When all else fails for you the hate shines through. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
All i did was point out that you seem to have a pretty hypocritical attitude in regards to when superficial criticisms can be made. Apparently, superficial digs are only worthy of posting when they're directed at the liberal side. At least according to you.

How that equates to race baiting, or hatred, well, we'll need you to explain that one. I'm at a loss.
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  • Doove
  • 09-24-2011, 03:26 PM
I can't really even tell its Ron Paul or what he's doing. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yeah, it might be Herman Cain.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
All i did was point out that you seem to have a pretty hypocritical attitude in regards to when superficial criticisms can be made. Apparently, superficial digs are only worthy of posting when they're directed at the liberal side.. Originally Posted by Doove
Superfical Criticisms?

I might concede that a posting of our President with his hands folded together during the national athem and calling it "The Crotch Salute" could be called superfical criticism. If it hurt your little feelings..I'm sorry.

But..you know your Buddy here posted a picture of a veteran standing at attention while the National anthem was being played and used it call people liars, bigots and racists. You know...I'm kinda new to this particular forum, even though I know many of the people who post here, BUT....I don't recall anyone posting a picture of the famous "Crotch Satute" and equating that to his Socialism or to his mixed race.

Maybe that's just superfical criticism in the circles you hang out with...who knows?

The left will never stop trying to use race to insite
Yeah, it might be Herman Cain. Originally Posted by Doove
Yep, race baiter.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I don't care if the candidate is red, green, orange, or has no right hand to put over his or her heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. If he or she can come up with some new and unique ideas that have a chance of saving this Country that's where my vote will go.

All of the old ideas have got us in this horrible mess. The only happy Americans are the millionaires and the billionaires. And even they won't be happy when their money, stocks, bonds, gold, property, etc become worthless.
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  • Doove
  • 09-24-2011, 05:36 PM
I might concede that a posting of our President with his hands folded together during the national athem and calling it "The Crotch Salute" could be called superfical criticism. If it hurt your little feelings..I'm sorry. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You really do need to learn to follow along with the conversation.

Yep, race baiter. Originally Posted by gnadfly

You're built too low, the fast ones go over your head.
Yep, just as I suspected. Rick Perry and Ron Paul didn''t put their hands over their hearts because...they have no hearts.

And when, oh when, is the Republican field going to start cross-examining Perry about his secession from the Union assertions??? They're tossing easy ones.
Actually, it's not. Ron Paul, to me, is the equivalent of a pro lifer. Ask your typical pro-lifer, who claims abortion is murder, if a 14 year old who has a back-room abortion because she's afraid of her parents should go to jail for 10 years, and they'll hem and haw until the cows come home.

In other words, it's easy to espouse your ideology....up until you're confronted with the real life consequences of that ideology. Ron Paul's non-answer to Wolf Blitzer's question is proof of that. What a pathetic display to what ultimately was a yes or no question. Firm in his beliefs, my ass.

The problem with you Libertarians is, because you're so beholden to your ideology, you think you know the answer before you even hear the question. Sorry, but that's not the way the world works, and Ron Paul got a little dose of that from Wolf Blitzer. Originally Posted by Doove
kiss my ass you baby murderer.
Mr. Doove, I was too young to vote for either JFK or Johnson but given my political beliefs I can assure you I wouldn't have. I did vote for Nixon, twice, and in the second election he won by a huge landslide. The thing I regret is that he was too stupid/arrogant (similar to the current president) to see that he didn't need Watergate to win. As for Bush II, if you could stomach the arrogance, sleaziness and sanctimoniousness (made up word or at least the spelling?) of Al " I invented the internet" Gore, then "I think that is all we need to know" Mr. Doove - and this is coming from an agnostic - saying demeaning things about other peoples' faith is just one more form of bigotry. Surely you understand that. Considering your liberal viewpoints you might want to rethink the way to talk about other people.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Yep, race baiter. Originally Posted by gnadfly
OMG! Those rascally republicans are at it again.

Cain upsets Perry at Florida straw poll


I'm sorry..apparently Herman Cain is being paid for what he is doing according to the wackoo left:

Janeane Garofalo knows why long-shot Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is in the 2012 race. Not to be elected, or to shine a bright light on issues he wants to advance. No, says Garofalo: He’s some sort of plant set up to insulate the GOP from charges of racism.
“It’s actually not new,” Garofalo said. “It’s from the first time I ever saw him, especially after the first Fox debate and Frank Luntz as you know, has zero credibility — has these alleged ‘just plain folks’ polls after these Fox debates — and he asked who won the debate. And he was just about to say raise your hand if you support and before he finished, everybody’s hand went up to support Herman Cain. So it seemed as if they had been coached to support Herman Cain.
“I believe Herman Cain is in this presidential race because he deflects the racism that is inherent in the Republican Party, the conservative movement, the [COLOR=green! important][COLOR=green! important]tea [COLOR=green! important]party[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] certainly, and the last 30 years, the Republican Party has been moving more and more the right, also race-baiting more, gay-baiting more, religion-baiting more.”
Garofalo also believes that sort of party apparatus is behind Cain’s presidential run.
“But Herman Cain, I feel like, is being paid by somebody to be involved and to run for president so that you go, ‘Oh, they can’t be racist. It’s a black guy. It’s a black guy asking for Obama to be impeached’ or ‘It’s a black guy who is anti-Muslim,’ or ‘It’s a black guy who is a tea party guy,’” she continued. “I feel like, well wouldn’t that suit the purposes of whomever astroturfs these things, whether it be the Koch Brothers or ALEC or Grover Norquist or anything. It could even be Karl Rove. ‘Let’s get Herman Cain involved so it deflects the obvious racism of our Republican Party.’”
Why would Cain, a “person of color,” participate in this electoral process? As she has theorized about Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, Garofalo believes Cain suffers from Stockholm syndrome:
“There may be a touch of Stockholm syndrome, because anytime I see a person of color or a female in the Republican Party or the conservative movement or the tea party, I wonder how they could be trying to curry favor with the oppressors? Is it Stockholm syndrome or does somebody pay them?”
Black, white, it doesn't matter. They all work for the same people (banksters) except for Ron Paul and Gary Johnson. You have but one choice in the election. Freedom or Tyranny...for me, that's an easy choice. Ron Paul 2012.