Review Vivi Boyt Went Loco and Lied - Moved from reviews

No, never met her. Honestly, both tree bark's and mountain living's claim they were taken by her for thousands was more than enough for me to stay away Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
Don't involve me please - no drama for this dude
MTN can chime in anytime if he so chooses. Originally Posted by TreeBark
The past is the past bark man
TB, I truly must say I was not challenging any of your comments, not sure if you took them that way. Whoever said they wouldn't know my integrity was challenged it was in my original message. Now because she falsely accused me of ripping her off, she put me in a position to add sidebars (which I have kept above board butstrongly dosagree I got what was advertised, wouldn't have driven over an hour and left if only slightly off) to substantiate the story. Everyone keep in mind, she put me in this position to tell this story. I can't just say she lied and falsely accused me of ripping her off without some details to make the story clear and to provide enough info for the rest of you to decide on your own. I can say this, the truth is out that I have not and never will rob anyone. That's all I give a shit about. I have no desire to further substantiate the story or reply with anyone that chooses a different opinion. Take the advice or don't. If you are already happy with her more power to the both of you. I'm just not going out being accused of being a thief. Everyone take care and have fun.
TreeBark's Avatar
Didn't mean to imply you implied anything. Sorry for that.
Mtn, didn't mean to toss you in, I didn't mention you first. Was simply getting it off my plate onto another. Sorry, bro.
Didn't mean to imply you implied anything. Sorry for that.
Mtn, didn't mean to toss you in, I didn't mention you first. Was simply getting it off my plate onto another. Sorry, bro. Originally Posted by TreeBark
And don't speak for me - I haven't said shit for months so you can all eat crack
My point in bringing up Treebark and Mtnliving was simply to point out that there are others out there who have had negative experiences with VB. They obviously don't want to rehash what happened which is all well and good. All I can say is it was definitely enough to convince me to never give her a try.
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
Ok, I didn't want to go and do this but ok. I warned the girls of you ripping me off, which you DID DO. I see instead of the girls taking the warning someone decided to leak it to him. Duly noted. Also, I absolutely did pm you after you took off without paying me after you said you'd like a fh instead of hh you will be right back in with donation. Lol ok, see I've never had someone Rip me off so I did not think twice about saying no problem. But since you were a loser I let you know that. You say you don't want to tarnish your "reputation" yet this was all done in private. Therefore you throwing this bogus crap together looks not so well. Your claim of apples and oranges lol was the reason "you didn't stay" yet even TB who our hobby relations have been rocky confirmed I look JUST like my pics, so for your statement on not getting donation up front and my claim is absurd , well you saying my pics are not me and I am a scam lol just let's me know you may have been on something that night. Kudos to you like I told you in PM. you were able to get over on someone lol. Also, warren Jeffers you have ALOT TO SAY to a bunch of people on here who are actually putting work in yet you ONLY have reviews from BP girls who we really can't confirm. Didn't want to spend the 10 bucks on access so a few here and there reviews seem to be doing just fine for ya lol. Well I'm
glad you found this forum to spice up your life but actually be on a hobby site to hobby, not just be drama.

Also, on my day off this week I'll do a side by side just for you likearock since whatever your on seems to really be getting to you so , come on lol
Now if you feel the need to keep "telling your story" then by all means. I on the other hand now have writen my response and really don't care to waste any more time with this. I've never claimed someone ripped me off so the fact I did, and did it privately at first well, that says alot all on its own
I love what I do and don't care for the drama a few of these men care to associate with. Likearock look
like you'll fit right in with the trouble makers.

Great job by admin moving this bs out of review section.

Not sure what's wrong with the guys. Try out there are many fresh reviews with girls right sizes and reasonable $.
Well it's obvious VB you either can't read or simply are too lazy to do your research. The last 2 ladies I reviewed were well known, verified providers. And does it really matter if I have a bunch of BP reviews in the mix? Are you actually insinuating that a review on a BP chick carries less weight than a verified provider simply because she might be lesser known? Get real, woman. Keep charging $$ for your overpriced bj's and maybe learn to be a little more tolerant of people who's version of a certain set of events might differ from yours
TreeBark's Avatar

Popcorn with extra butter, please!!
TreeBark's Avatar
I think a group hug is in order.
TreeBark's Avatar
Calm down, the war is over.
Eat crack? Do you put that in brownies?
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
Well it's obvious VB you either can't read or simply are too lazy to do your research. The last 2 ladies I reviewed were well known, verified providers. And does it really matter if I have a bunch of BP reviews in the mix? Are you actually insinuating that a review on a BP chick carries less weight than a verified provider simply because she might be lesser known? Get real, woman. Keep charging $$ for your overpriced bj's and maybe learn to be a little more tolerant of people who's version of a certain set of events might differ from yours Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
My BJ's are greaaaaattttttt are you too lazy to read the reviews or do your research
Done with responding to any of your negativity so cont. Your whatever it is lol sausage party of drama fun lol but I'm here to give fun and have it, not do this btw warren your so far up TB ass I think you'd see a monkey with a dress on it if he had one available . The only two negative people on here is the guy who claims his untold story needed to be told lol wierd and you. You give everyone mostly three girls including myself crap all of the time but you forget, your really NOT a Contributing member we all know that. Jeez. Honestly how stuck you are on me and him your new name should be VD

I'm the type to look for a blessing in each situation, so here is the blessing, I bet this guy doesn't rip another girl off now.

reaper302's Avatar
You say that it wasn't what you were expecting. As most of us on here will vouch is that they are her pictures, her description is what she is so exactly what were you looking at when you scheduled the appointment. And like other people have stated how was your reputation ruined, did not even know about you until you posted this crap. The only reason I can see in posting the review was to try and stir up shit. Maybe you can enlighten us and tell us what was so off that you felt compelled to leave. I mean really her pictures are accurate, her description in her ad is right. Why did you schedule the appointment? Respond or don't respond doesn't really matter. But if you want to have credibility go out see somebody, actually stay and not waste somebody's time and report back. As far as myself, yes I have seen Vivi many times and have enjoyed myself every time. I have also seen other girls and have reported on them . With that being said go get laid and enjoy yourself.
My BJ's are greaaaaattttttt are you too lazy to read the reviews or do your research
Done with responding to any of your negativity so cont. Your whatever it is lol sausage party of drama fun lol but I'm here to give fun and have it, not do this btw warren your so far up TB ass I think you'd see a monkey with a dress on it if he had one available . The only two negative people on here is the guy who claims his untold story needed to be told lol wierd and you. You give everyone mostly three girls including myself crap all of the time but you forget, your really NOT a Contributing member we all know that. Jeez. Honestly how stuck you are on me and him your new name should be VD

I'm the type to look for a blessing in each situation, so here is the blessing, I bet this guy doesn't rip another girl off now.

Namaste Originally Posted by Vivi Boyt
18 solid reviews and you have the nerve to call me out and claim I'm not a contributing member of this board? LOL. Whatever honey. Apparently you really can't read. And I know exactly what went down with you and TB and Mtnliving, and so do you. So stop pretending this thing with this guy was an isolated incident. You've had major issues with hobbyists before so this would not be the first time. You seem like the type who goes way overboard and becomes very spiteful when things don't go your way. I'm just glad I've had the sense to stay away.