Bumps on a Penis.....

Ribbed for her pleasure Originally Posted by dearhunter

thats gross
boardman's Avatar
For when nothing else will quite scratch that itch.
datyking's Avatar
Not to be mistaken for HPV

*warning* Do not click on this hyperlink if you do not want to see graphic images of HPV on genitalia.

http://picturesofwarts.net/pictures-...-warts-on-male Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Now those are some real French Ticklers!
What if a hobbyist has genital warts, but says he has Hirsuties papillaris genitalis so a provider will still see him? Probably best to play it safe by avoiding all clients with wart like bumps. Originally Posted by N 2 DEEP
BINGO! Folks, we have a winner!
nightdiver's Avatar
OMG! My sexual addiction has been cured......
Meoauniaea's Avatar
If you're really unsure if you have it or not, just rub some vinegar on your parts. If it turns white, you have genital warts. If not, you're fine. How do I know this? I work at a doctor's office. It's a simple test.
ibechill's Avatar
If you're really unsure if you have it or not, just rub some vinegar on your parts. If it turns white, you have genital warts. If not, you're fine. How do I know this? I work at a doctor's office. It's a simple test. Originally Posted by Meoauniaea
Meoauniaea's Avatar
What do you mean WTF? It's simple. If a guy or girl is unsure whether a bump is a wart or not, get a q-tip and vinegar. Put some on the questionable area and wait about a minute. If it turns white, it's a wart. If you have a regular wart on your hand or elsewhere non-genital, it works the same. The skin reacts to the composition of a wart. This is easily accessible information. In fact, many doctors try this method as an initial test.
If you're really unsure if you have it or not, just rub some vinegar on your parts. If it turns white, you have genital warts. If not, you're fine. How do I know this? I work at a doctor's office. It's a simple test. Originally Posted by Meoauniaea
I thought I might highlight a passage from the CDC's webpage regarding HPV (genital warts), linked here. Scroll about 1/3 of the way down. I highlighted two passages from that page that you may find interesting..

Currently, there is no test designed or approved to find HPV in men. The only approved HPV test on the market is for women, for use as part of cervical cancer screening. There is no general test for men or women to check one’s overall “HPV status.” But HPV usually goes away on its own, without causing health problems. So an HPV infection that is found today will most likely not be there a year or two from now.
REMEMBER: HPV is very common in men and women. Most men with HPV will never develop health problems from it. Finding out if you have HPV is not as important as finding out if you have the diseases that it can cause. Scientists are still studying how best to screen for penile and anal cancers in men who may be at highest risk for those diseases (see below).
Is there a test to find genital warts?

Most of the time, you can see genital warts. Some doctors may use a vinegar solution to help find flat warts—but this test can sometimes wrongly identify normal skin as a wart.
Meoauniaea's Avatar
You're right, it's not fool proof. Blood tests need to be done to properly diagnose it. However it's a great home test to at least point you in the right direction.
You're right, it's not fool proof. Blood tests need to be done to properly diagnose it. However it's a great home test to at least point you in the right direction. Originally Posted by Meoauniaea
Point you in the right direction? For what, a cure that does not exist? Treatments are available, but there is no actual cure. The CDC says HPV usually clears your body through the passage of time. They go further and comment the CDC website that more important than verifying whether you have HPV is determining if you have any of the diseases it causes.

Once again, there is no test for HPV in men... this includes blood tests. You may be able to test a skin abnormality once excised to see if it is viral, but (per the CDC's website) there is no cup to pee in or vial to bleed in to confirm whether you have it (for men).

I know you can find anything on the internet, but I am guessing the CDC does have some level of credibility in this case.
daarakan's Avatar
I've ran into a couple of men who had this condition and I inquired about it because I wanted to know what the bumps were from. It is not an STD of any kind but is known as Hirsuties papillaris genitalis.

For providers who scrutinize the penis like I do, I thought it would be beneficial for you to know what it is if you don't. It could be mistaken for an STD but it is a condition and not harmful. Nevertheless, if you aren't for sure, always ask in polite manner. Originally Posted by HotNicole35
I thought it was god's way of apologizing for not making me a dinosaur

john353's Avatar
I don't know which is a bigger Buzz-Kill; having those fucking barnacles on your dick or trying to explain what the fuck they are to the gal you're tryin' to bone??


. Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Meoauniaea's Avatar
Point you in the right direction as in to get an idea of what to do. You can go to your doctor and get a prescription for Aldara. It relieves symptoms in most cases. I know there is no cure for it, but you can treat it. Some people have it for all their lives and never show symptoms, some show symptoms within weeks. The immune system can kill it, but it's not a guarantee. Bottom line, do simple things at home to see where things are. Therefore you don't walk into a doc's office clueless.
Point you in the right direction as in to get an idea of what to do. You can go to your doctor and get a prescription for Aldara. It relieves symptoms in most cases. I know there is no cure for it, but you can treat it. Some people have it for all their lives and never show symptoms, some show symptoms within weeks. The immune system can kill it, but it's not a guarantee. Bottom line, do simple things at home to see where things are. Therefore you don't walk into a doc's office clueless. Originally Posted by Meoauniaea
We're all clueless when we walk into the doctor's office.. just sayin