Manafort is toast

lustylad's Avatar
If the discussion shifted from Manafort to Clinton-Steele-Podesta in the courtroom where Manafort is being tried the judge would shut down or maybe even throw out those who insist on constantly changing the subject. The topic of this thread was/is Manafort, and how I believe the case against him is pretty damn air tight. We can discuss the Clinton situation -and have- in different threads. Trump's taxes and his lack of recent transparency regarding his taxes and his misleading, dishonest statements about disclosing his taxes once the audits were completed are also another matter for a another thread. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
Ok, let me get this straight... your Original Post in launching this thread openly speculated about how Manafort's trial is the start of a "slow, painful squeeze" for Trump. You claimed, without any evidence, that Trump's finances are "brimming with illegalities". You opened the door to be challenged on these baseless assertions. Then - after you are challenged - instead of backing up your arguments, you withdraw like a little wussy and say this thread is limited to Manafort and any discussion of Trump or his taxes belongs in another thread.

You, sir, are a fucking spineless idiot who shrinks from every debate you pretend to want to engage in.
Largo must not be watching. After showing Gates to be totally untrustworthy, there may well already be reasonable doubt in at least one juror's mind. And Mueller's worst nightmare may be coming should Manafort's lawyers put Rosenstein on the stand and ask him why he himself exonerated Manaort of these charges a decade ago. Throw in the fact of Mueller and his team's history of suborning perjury and this case is far from certain
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Gates is the weak link in the prosecutors case.

this guy admits he embezzled and Manafort was not aware of it until after the fact. Its likely he did things to cover up the embezzlement and manipulated the witnesses to blame it on Manafort.

This has Rosensteins hand prints all over this and wants another crack at him via Meuler and his merry perjuring goons.
I could give a flying fuck what names you call me lusty. I come and go from this forum as easily as you cannot come and go from it. This anonymous posting defines spinelessness. This is like carefree recreation. I prefer the face to face debate, frankly. That's what I've done all of my adult life, too -- in positions of public responsibility where there is pressure to state your case and defend it with information, and it has often been done in the face of potent opposition. That takes a spine. Not posting here. I grant you that I don't spend space on my posts laying out a bibliography supporting my positions. However, I remain married to my earlier position: Manafort will be found guilty. He will become a witness for future prosecutions. Stone and Bannon will find their way to the chopping block, I predict. No evidence, just an opinion. I've been listening to others who know far more about this than I do. I'll return to the board when the Manafort case and his future is decided.
I could give a flying fuck what names you call me lusty. I come and go from this forum as easily as you cannot come and go from it. This anonymous posting defines spinelessness. This is like carefree recreation. I prefer the face to face debate, frankly. That's what I've done all of my adult life, too -- in positions of public responsibility where there is pressure to state your case and defend it with information, and it has often been done in the face of potent opposition. That takes a spine. Not posting here. I grant you that I don't spend space on my posts laying out a bibliography supporting my positions. However, I remain married to my earlier position: Manafort will be found guilty. He will become a witness for future prosecutions. Stone and Bannon will find their way to the chopping block, I predict. No evidence, just an opinion. I've been listening to others who know far more about this than I do. I'll return to the board when the Manafort case and his future is decided. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
Judge T.S. Ellis, says grab your ankles, 0zombie...

Hotrod511's Avatar
Incase Muy Largo is to lame to click link this is what it said

Judge T.S. Ellis III mysteriously delayed testimony in the case of ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort for five hours on Friday, pushing off the day's proceedings as prosecutors once again complained about his criticism of them.
Later Friday afternoon, hours after proceedings were supposed to start, Ellis gaveled back in and called for the next witness to take the stand. He did not explain the delay.
The postponement was significant, as prosecutors had been hoping to finish calling witnesses Friday -- and Ellis has a reputation as a stickler for keeping trials moving.

It’s not clear if the delay was connected to the complaint filed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team. Earlier, Ellis empathically reminded the jury that they must refrain from talking about the case with others – stoking speculation the delay could be related instead to juror issues.
Ellis, meanwhile, did not address the Mueller team's motion, either, when the trial resumed.

Paul Manafort's attorneys challenge Rick Gates' credibility
In the motion filed Friday morning, they accused the judge of unfairly criticizing them in court, saying it’s possible his recent comments could “confuse and mislead the jury.”
Mueller deputy Andrew Weissmann and other attorneys on the team specifically noted how Ellis made negative comments this week about their focus on a bank loan Manafort applied for but did not receive.
“You might want to spend time on a loan that was granted,” Ellis said in court Thursday.
The prosecutors, in Friday's motion, asked Ellis to retract his comment, saying it “misrepresents the law regarding bank fraud conspiracy” and “improperly conveys the Court’s opinion of the facts, and is likely to confuse and mislead the jury.”
Manafort is accused of committing tax and bank fraud with millions made through political work in Ukraine. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

On Friday, Dennis Raico of the Chicago-based Federal Savings bank testified, under immunity. Raico said one of his bosses, CEO Stephen Calk, took great interst in the Manafort loan and was instrumental in the loan being approved. Calk, Raico said, was interested in a Cabinet position in the Trump administration.
On Thursday, Ellis expressed regret after prosecutors filed a similar motion complaining Ellis unfairly reprimanded them in front of the jury over allowing a witness sit in the courtroom before his testimony.
“This robe doesn’t make me anything other than human,” Ellis said.
That truce between the judge and prosecutors, though, did not last long.
Hours later, when prosecutors tried to introduce an exhibit that was dozens of pages long, Ellis interjected: "There might be some kind soul on the jury who thinks they need to leaf through all this stuff -- and it isn't true."

And then, Ellis instructed the Mueller team to try and focus their questions, before joking prosecutors aren’t familiar with their own exhibits after they asked for a minute to pull out a piece of paper.
Ellis has a reputation for making colorful comments – and being tough on the prosecution.
On Wednesday, Ellis explained that he would not ask the defense to reveal as much information as he has demanded from the prosecution because “it’s sort of like poker -- you don’t have to show your hand until you’re called.”
“Something like that, I’m not a poker player,” Ellis said.
Earlier this week, Ellis seemed to accuse Greg Andres, the prosecutor, of crying in his courtroom.
“I understand how frustrated you are. In fact, there’s tears in your eyes right now,” Ellis said Monday, according to a Bloomberg-obtained transcript.
When Andres denied Ellis’ claim, the judge said, “Well, they’re watery.”
Earlier this week, the prosecution’s star witness, Rick Gates – who struck a plea deal to cooperate with the government -- testified that he and Manafort committed bank and tax fraud together.
The prosecution had been expected to wrap up its case by Friday afternoon. It’s unclear how Friday’s delay will affect that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Moo moo?
Hotrod511's Avatar
Moo moo? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
you looking for a cow with yoga pants
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No. Are you?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
In one year, the alt-right has continually been proven to be all-wrong.

Is it possible that the GOP is hiding these fine Americans until after the midterms? Hmmm?

They need to loudly disavow these people or their downfall will be sooner than anybody imagined.

It’s happened in the past year. It’s happening now.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Moo moo? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you got muy largo down perfect!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
once more with feeling!!!!

lustylad's Avatar
I could give a flying fuck what names you call me lusty. I come and go from this forum as easily as you cannot come and go from it. This anonymous posting defines spinelessness. This is like carefree recreation. I prefer the face to face debate, frankly. That's what I've done all of my adult life... Originally Posted by Muy Largo
Oh, I get it... in real life you're a stand-up guy, but on eccie you're a wussy because we're not in a "face to face debate"... That makes about as much sense as the rest of your feckless posts. If anything, posting anonymously should give you the courage to tell people what you really think. My arguments are identical here and in the real world. But hey, that's just me. You, on the other hand, just told everyone you can only be a real man in face to face situations. You come here to wallow in spinelessness. You, sir, are a fucking idiot. You should think before you post.

I remain married to my earlier position: Manafort will be found guilty. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
Wow... what a daring prediction! Of course he'll be found guilty. Here's a trickier question for you, muy loco... will Manafort's sentence be harsher or more lenient than what most people convicted on the same charges receive? When you post a reply, pretend we're talking face to face, ok asshole?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Kinda tough talk there, LLJr.
LexusLover's Avatar
Kinda tough talk there, LLJr. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Just pretend you're trying to persuade a rub girl to remove her thong, Junior.