Presidential Debate Thursday 6-27-24

elghund's Avatar
Folks will bitch about Trump till Jesus comes. But when he was in office we had peace and our economy was
flourishing. I'm not a Democrat or Republican. There's not much difference in either party. Originally Posted by R.M.
While I agree that the two parties are very similar in operation, there are distinct differences in what they want to achieve.

As far as Trump, agree about the bitching. I’m one. I wish the GOP had anyone other than him that I could lean into supporting. But count me as a Never.

As far as peace, I believe his action directly led to making Putin even more brazen. The groundwork was laid for the Ukraine invasion during Trumps time, when he actively worked to weaken NATO.

As far as the economy, Trump was average at best, and actually tipped us over the edge during the pandemic. His waffling, and turning a health issue into a political hot button all played into the current situation. He also increased the deficit by more than any other President in history. See link:

Overall, I wish we had any other two candidates to choose from. The country needs younger people to take the lead, and get us away from this stupidly called culture war.

offshoredrilling's Avatar

Banana Republic? Dude, Trump is the king of running a Banana Republic, and he did an awful job of that when he had the chance.
Originally Posted by elghund

Who is working ta keep RFK Jr. off states ballads , JOE
Who trying ta put the Jackass in jail , Joe
lilylivered's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP : ) Originally Posted by lilylivered
NEW YORK (AP) — When Donald Trump tried to buy the Buffalo Bills in 2014, investment bankers doubted the NFL would allow it but encouraged him to stay in the running, according to internal emails aired Tuesday at the former president's civil fraud trial.Oct 31, 2023

mmmmmmm ????
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-27-2024, 09:56 AM
While I agree that the two parties are very similar in operation, there are distinct differences in what they want to achieve.

As far as Trump, agree about the bitching. I’m one. I wish the
GOP had anyone other than him that I could lean into supporting. But count me as a Never.

As far as peace, I believe his action directly led to making Putin even more brazen. The groundwork was laid for the Ukraine invasion during Trumps time, when he actively worked to weaken NATO.

As far as the economy, Trump was average at best, and actually tipped us over the edge during the pandemic. His waffling, and turning a health issue into a political hot button all played into the current situation. He also increased the deficit by more than any other President in history. See link:

Overall, I wish we had any other two candidates to choose from. The country needs younger people to take the lead, and get us away from this stupidly called culture war.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
That's fair. But it sounds like you are saying you would rather have this shitty economy, going into World War 3 because Orange man won't STFU.
I'm reporting what's best for me. My travel rate has been bumped up to 500 to make it worth my while. I'm not a high volume dame.
I'll take that so so economy over this shit show any day.
And not have the go green thing shoved down my throat. I'm from the oil field and I know what works.
Trust me you don't want a all electric vehicle.
I disagree over the Covid scam.
But that's another thread.
I can't stand behind a shitty pants pedo whose opened out country up to vail criminals that are raping and killing our people while we are paying them.
You won't get rid of the Trumps so easy. Now his children are going to get into politics.
elghund's Avatar

Who is working ta keep RFK Jr. off states ballads , JOE
Who trying ta put the Jackass in jail , Joe Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
RFK is a nutcase. I wish another credible candidate was on a third party line.

And, as anyone should know, the case in NY should be proof enough that there is no coordination on cases against Trump… is the weakest and most likely to end up failing. It also took attention from cases that could have succeeded.

To say that Biden is smart enough, cunning enough, ruthless enough and mentally capable of coordinating a subterfuge using the Justice Department, all while running an international crime ring netting him millions, all while being portrayed as a mentally incompetent addled old guy…….well……

You can’t have it both ways. Keep fooling yourselves…..

elghund's Avatar
That's fair. But it sounds like you are saying you would rather have this shitty economy, going into World War 3 because Orange man won't STFU.
I'm reporting what's best for me. My travel rate has been bumped up to 500 to make it worth my while. I'm not a high volume dame.
I'll take that so so economy over this shit show any day.
And not have the go green thing shoved down my throat. I'm from the oil field and I know what works.
Trust me you don't want a all electric vehicle.
I disagree over the Covid scam.
But that's another thread.
I can't stand behind a shitty pants pedo whose opened out country up to vail criminals that are raping and killing our people while we are paying them.
You won't get rid of the Trumps so easy. Now his children are going to get into politics. Originally Posted by R.M.
I don’t want either of them, actually.

I hear what you are saying about your personal situation. And I get that. Economic situations are different for everyone. Personally, I am doing better now than when Trump was in office. Others certainly may not be.

I agree that Green should not be pushed faster than the infrastructure can handle. But, as with every single issue, there is always a compromise that can be made. Transitioning from oil to other energy sources should be a joint effort benefiting everyone. And, I do want a different energy source for autos…..I look forward to being around for the next generation of transportation! I always thought we would have cars like George Jetson by now!

Covid is a whole separate topic….lol!

But, to say “shitty pants pedo”… have no proof of what you state. But, on the same token, you approve of a man who was caught on tape stating that he can sexual assault a woman and it is perfectly OK.

That’s what is wrong with our whole country. We have lost our ability to express opinions without resorting to name calling, and unfounded at that.

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-27-2024, 10:20 AM
He was speaking of terms of Star fuckers. (Trump)
Before Biden was in office (Staff edit)
elghund's Avatar
(Staff edit)

Any helpful links you can share?

elghund's Avatar
An article of interest about tonight’s debate.

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-27-2024, 12:17 PM
(Staff edit)

Are you saying you don't believe it happened if you can find a link on the Internet?
Do you believe everything you read on the net?

I’m going to sit back and allow my fellow west Texan R.M. to continue the good fight lol.

Meanwhile, we’re about 6 hours away from the start of the debate. Grab your popcorn, your drink of choice and have a friendly get together with friends and family to watch what should be one the most important debates in our history.
elghund's Avatar
Are you saying you don't believe it happened if you can find a link on the Internet?
Do you believe everything you read on the net? Originally Posted by R.M.
I don’t believe it. I also can’t find any credible information about it. And, since you can’t back it up….you believe what you want and so will I.

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-27-2024, 03:19 PM
I don’t believe it. I also can’t find any credible information about it. And, since you can’t back it up….you believe what you want and so will I.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
My guess is you believe there's unicorn farts on Hunters laptop too.
Which is totally fine lol.

My guess is you Re
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