Looking for Advice: "Yes" or "No" on a Review

lily blake's Avatar
Let me say I would never do what she did but it's stupid to see complaints here when y'all are picking these crazy non professional girls. There are soo many amazing providers in Dallas. Anyways better luck next time
45 minutes in the lobby? Not a chance for a no review. Very unprofessional on both of you
JohnnyCap's Avatar
If it is the lady which called us all children, do a negative review now. To not reply to your email but then post that in public is definitively low class.

My first no was to a provider I liked very much and still miss. But she did me wrong, I let her know and I gave her every opportunity to make it right and then posted a review when it was clear she would not. Another provider I like very much no showed on me. She knew how far I had traveled to see her, how much time I put in and what it took for me to get to where she was supposed to be. I saw her one more time and I received no consideration for the no-show (I had hoped for an apology and a longer, more intimate session, she offered me the average Joe special and said it's the least she could do) and I don't see her anymore. Her service was good, so she got no 'no', but she lost a customer.

Part of the problem, your mistake, was leaving without making your angst clear then and there. I'm not sure how long it took for you to notify her but certainly anything after that day is getting late, and maybe you should just not review, not see her again, and make a point to mention your experience in the comments of her future reviews. Just post a link to this thread.

But I don't think you should be concerned about the WKs. Nor do I think you should post a review without yes or no, that's pansy stuff. If you can't say yes or no, post the experience somewhere else or not at all. Doing a review means making a decision. I wish we could rate 1-5 or something, but this game is pass-fail.
muffin101's Avatar
Sounds like a No.

Combined dick/tongue in orifice time should be > or = getting-to-know-you-time.

elcalifa's Avatar
Yeah dude, that 45 min wait is bullshi....and the stalling & talking = a hell NO.
wildboy_214's Avatar
This is clearly a NO review without a doubt.
Dont go to hotels. Dont wait in hotel lobbys. In the unlikely event you do wind up waiting in a hotel lobby per chance, ten minute wait time max. After that ring her up and just tell her your're real sorry but you are late for a meeting. Catch you next time maam. You should be awarded hobby Saint hood for that friggin ordeal. Don't care if its the the high priestess of ECCie or how many WKs she has...It's a NO.
ManSlut's Avatar
Let me say I would never do what she did but it's stupid to see complaints here when y'all are picking these crazy non professional girls. There are soo many amazing providers in Dallas. Anyways better luck next time Originally Posted by lily blake
As usual lily blake, you always run your mouth off and insult a Gent first, without paying attention to the facts of the story...The dude clearly says she has 100% YES reviews, so I don't think, unless you know who the OP saw, you can classify her as crazy and unprofessional...Now, don't get me wrong, sometimes it's okay to insult someone when all the facts are in, like this - Some AA providers with GPS attitudes and artificial intelligence will never get my money and my BANKER and I laugh all the way to the fucking bank and back when I skip over one of your ads!!...I seem to recall in the beginning you were the Hooker completing her degree and wasn't going to be doing this long? I guess you figured out HUSTLING fits your skillset the best?

To the OP:
It's clear and simple to me when writing a review - If you knew beforehand this is how a session would go, would you have gone in the first place, if not, it's a NO...If you would not pay again for the same session and it was not your fault it was a poor session, then it is a NO.

Two things I would have done as soon as the session started, that is you walked into her incall, is asked if the 45 minute delay changed the length of the requested session. I actually would probably have done this before going to her door by calling or texting her if she still had time to do the appt requested without being rushed. Secondly, it's your money and mainly your responsibility to make things happen in the timeframe requested...There is nothing ungentlemanly about saying, "Baby, unless you are going to give me OffTheClock time, we need to get started." The kiss brush off was your sign to 'Take Charge'...I love foreplay, it is a must, but there is a limit to the 'getting cool with each other' phase that I don't classify as foreplay...But, the bottom line is she HUSTLED you, it's a NO.
lily blake's Avatar
I'm actually not I've just been procrastinating studying to test, but look up how many ads I've posted the past several months. You are not looking over many ads honey. I hope you feel amazing talking to someone who is probably your grandchildren age this way.
Have a great day!
gntman's Avatar
This is clearly a no review. As already stated she knew why you were there and she basically abused your paid time. I do understand being polite and patient. I too am so inclined. If the provider did not extend the time to allow for her getting comfortable then she should have a no review... It is not incumbant on you to insist the session start with more suggestion than you made, ... Give her a no... Originally Posted by diddleman
Totally agree. If the tables were turned and you shorted her fee she would write you up under Alerts, or Ladies Lounge in a nano second.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
...I hope you feel amazing talking to someone who is probably your grandchildren age this way.
Have a great day! Originally Posted by lily blake
Not cool. You are alienating the mature gents, and they are the ones with the most discretionary income and free time for recreation. However, it wouldn't kill some fellows to be more polite in their retorts, either, now would it, darlin' lads?

Can't we all just get along?

... Nor do I think you should post a review without yes or no, that's pansy stuff. If you can't say yes or no, post the experience somewhere else or not at all. Doing a review means making a decision. I wish we could rate 1-5 or something, but this game is pass-fail. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap

I was kind of vacillating back and forth before because I evidently live up to my birth sign Libra; it seems that I really do always try to weigh all the info fairly and consider both sides. But if the facts are accurate, there just is no excuse here, and I have to agree with JC. Give the lady a "No" without qualms, dookie, and then go have a great make-up session with another provider.
roxy28's Avatar
I personally would have rescheduled on that 45 min wait in the lobby, but if you really wanted to see her, which I understand, then I would have made it clear what is expected. After all you are paying for her time...and its your choice within reason what you would like to do with that time. I personally would make it a "NO" review and state honestly how you were treated and what happened with the session. just because everyone else had 100% yes for her does not mean they all had the same experience as you.
Hercules's Avatar
Still waiting on the review since it's been kinda boring around here lately...
Bobster36's Avatar
No way would I wait 45 min in the lobby. I have walked many times after waiting 10 min.
john_deere's Avatar
say what needs to be said and give zero fucks.

you're not here to make friends, you're here to share information.