Welcome back bjwstw

Hey Stewie....

Quit cleaning them Porto Potty's
and come play point out already....


Join Date: Jul 7, 2015
Location: Ny
Posts: 15
kayla will you please see Flyboy. I'm sick of it and I just want him to stop his pathetic begging.
Yes, plea$$$e $$$ee him...lol
KaylaRyder's Avatar
kayla will you please see Flyboy. I'm sick of it and I just want him to stop his pathetic begging. Originally Posted by Bushman69
I think his begging is cute.. js lol
But as soon as we can get it set up, I will def see him
Plastic Man's Avatar
whole fuckin country of merica ...has gone ta shit

...we done gots ol ...cuck jimmies be beggin rent a funnel ta fuck

...mights as well cut ...yer jimmie sacks off an mail ...it ta hillary
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Who said anything about rodeo and manning? Lol
This thread is about bjwstw, don't hijack now..lol Originally Posted by KaylaRyder
but but but I think this thread doing just fine
but but but I think this thread doing just fine Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Yup....coulda been worse.....
And to marry..
btw i here parents would love me lol Originally Posted by KaylaRyder
Stewie, stewie, stewie do ya love me???

Next Best Thing's Avatar
I'm hearing he's wanting a hook to have his babies....
The ultimate fuck and stay.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Great post.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Power couple, one has all of the looks and most of the brains. Despite this it persisted. It’s the x-factor whew