Stench of ABC debate

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That didn’t happen. No matter how many Trumpists repeat it.

They called him on his inbility to repeal and replace Obamacare “on day one.” He lied and squirmed.

They called him out on his racist immigrant screed about Haitians in Springfield, he squirmed again and screamed.

I believe had Harris made claims like that, they would have done the same for her.

There’s fact checking and there’s reaction to the weird-shit-o-meter. Problem is that the magas equivocate the two.

This debate wasn’t a public lynching of poor Donald Trump. It was the real Trump on display.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Which of Trump's "couple" of lies are really not lies?

I think you're conveniently convinced that you can't trust anybody.

So when faced with that "reality," get behind the con man. Makes perfect sense.

Unless of course, he's not what he claims to be.

And everybody in the world is lying about his lies.

This isn't about debating issues. Arguing the fine or even fundamental points of an economic proposal doesn't have a place in today's dog eat dog, ahem, world, eh?

A "concept of a proposal" on repeal and replace Obamacare can't be argued because there's no opposing viewpoint put forward by the GOP candidate.

On the border, how can you have a discussion when one side won't even acknoledge the strongly bipartisan bill that the GOP candidate killed because it was good for his ratings.

How can we discuss women's reproductive rights when one side continues to insist that the other wants to execute babies.

Where do we have an honest and critical debate and on what issues? What lies are lies and what lies are just demented bullshit?

Side by side the platforms, stud. What part of "they're eating dogs" leads to an honest debate? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Do not preach to any of us about Trump being a liar. Every time the commieforina cunt opens her mouth, chances are a lie will come out. Fair and independent fact checkers caught numerous lies she was spouting off in the debate.

That didn’t happen. No matter how many Trumpists repeat it.

They called him on his inbility to repeal and replace Obamacare “on day one.” He lied and squirmed.

They called him out on his racist immigrant screed about Haitians in Springfield, he squirmed again and screamed.

I believe had Harris made claims like that, they would have done the same for her.

There’s fact checking and there’s reaction to the weird-shit-o-meter. Problem is that the magas equivocate the two.

This debate wasn’t a public lynching of poor Donald Trump. It was the real Trump on display. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Two things, why do you constantly play the race card? You've played it numerous times. Just so you know, the chances of getting reparations if harris wins is the same as it will be for the college students getting student loan forgiveness. Zero chance. The supreme court has already ruled twice on student loans, but as usual harris thinks she's above the law and is still pushing it. Anything to buy a fucking vote.

Lastly, you did know Davis (female ABC moderator) and harris are sorority sisters didn't you?. I may go to my grave tomorrow, or 30 years from now, but until the dirt is over my grave, there will be nobody to convince me that the commiefornia cunt didn't know exactly what the first question was, even though she fucked it up.
How about we not take your word for it and you post something from a credible source that says what the law is in these "states" that allow children that are born to be killed. or where there are abortions at the time of birth. Should be easy enough to find something that is not an opinion piece that describes these laws and what state this is allowed. Dont keep saying it exists, show us. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I thought I pasted a link to the 4 abortion lies during the debate, here should be the actual link
I said a credible source. Not someone’s opinion or interpretation. Please provide the actual laws that allow for post-birth abortions.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I said a credible source. Not someone’s opinion or interpretation. Please provide the actual laws that allow for post-birth abortions. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Posting on topic. Pay attention to Senator John Kennedy (R/LA) and he will tell you the states post birth abortion is legal and/or accepted. Shows ABC is totally full of shit and is lying to support the cunt.
I said a credible source. Not someone’s opinion or interpretation. Please provide the actual laws that allow for post-birth abortions. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... No need for you to get silly here, mate.

It's killing the baby AFTER the botched abortion.
You must have missed that.

And where? - in a half-a-baker's-dozen states.
Tim Walz's state of Minnesota is one o' them.
6-8 of those cases already on record.
"Just let the baby die!"

... Please go check and educate yer-self.
The debate hosts at ABC surely LIED about this
to the American people.

#### Salty
rooster's Avatar
Someone more skilled at this than I probably already explained this. But I'm going to anyway, as a bunch of you keep ignoring it and posting the inflammatory garbage that you always do.

The whole "post abortion after birth" thing is completely misrepresented, intended mostly to cause cause people who can't look up the facts for themselves to go "WTF?!"

Late term abortions are a tiny fraction of the abortions performed in this country. No one wakes up on Week 37 and says "fuck it, I don't wanna do this, let's kill it."

The great majority of people who make these decisions are in truly dire straights, the likes of which you cannot imagine. But empathy and sympathy are out of fashion right now, so they are routinely demonized.

While it is rare, occasionally the fetus lives through the procedure. But this is not a viable "child" that is "abandoned" to die. Death is likely imminent, so there is usually no intervention, no attempt to prolong the inevitable. And on one actively "kills" or "executes" the baby. That is infanticide. And that was the fact check during the debate: that infanticide is not legal in any state.

Many argue that the laws mandating protection of abortion at ANY point in the pregnancy invite abuse, that healthy pregnancies will be terminated casually, for no good reason.

Yeah...that could happen. But the reason for passing these "no restriction" laws is to protect women from any chance of being forced into a situation that endangers their life or forces them to carry a non-viable pregnancy to term. Texas and other states with severe restrictions are proving that this happens on a regular basis.

We protect hate speech because we protect speech.

Pro-Choice advocates want to protect late term abortion to protect women.

They don't want to kill healthy babies with late term abortions.

To say or imply otherwise is a lie.

But I have no illusions that this post won't stop the lies that many of you are consistently repeating. You really need to ask yourselves how many MORE of these types of lies are you going to buy into before you realize that Trump is an immoral, dangerous piece of shit that you cannot support. There really has been no one like him. And we need to make sure that there is never another.

But again, most won't listen. To you I say "Carry on. Keep repeating the hateful and hurtful lies that are tearing us apart." Eventually we can hope that you will end up so discredited that your candidate loses. Just like he lost the debate.

I gotta say, too, that it is mutherfucking laughable that a bunch of old men who fuck hookers think that they need to take a "moral" stance on something like this. I don't believe for a hot minute that most of you feel this in your hearts or your logical minds. You are just looking for discredit and delegitimize Trump's opponents. Your desperation is transparent and despicable.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Kennedy - not A Kennedy - is a known election denier and fierce anti-choicer.

You've now posted this video twice, as if it's gospel. Perhaps it is, for him and you (and Salty, of course), but it isn't really a fact of life, is it? Late term abortion isn't encouraged. Just not prohibited by law in a number of states.

You can do better than that. Perhaps.

Let's try to stay on topic. This thread is about the "stench of the debate,' which Harris won without needing the help from ABC you MAGAs constantly whine about - Any high school debater who knows how to fill out a flow chart can tell you that - and not Democrats "executing babies."

You want to talk about that, you are encouraged to start a new thread.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The people determine the winner and we will know in November. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
And when the people speak, will you listen?
adav8s28's Avatar
And when the people speak, will you listen? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Trump did not listen in 2020. He called the Governor of Georgia and asked him to find 8,000 votes.
txdot-guy's Avatar

They don't want to kill healthy babies with late term abortions.

To say or imply otherwise is a lie.

But I have no illusions that this post won't stop the lies that many of you are consistently repeating. You really need to ask yourselves how many MORE of these types of lies are you going to buy into before you realize that Trump is an immoral, dangerous piece of shit that you cannot support. There really has been no one like him. And we need to make sure that there is never another. Originally Posted by rooster
Sir, Well done. Although I have serious doubts that your words will change any minds on this matter it needed to be said anyway.
I said a credible source. Not someone’s opinion or interpretation. Please provide the actual laws that allow for post-birth abortions. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

ABC ain't a credible source, yet you seem to think it is.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ain’t they? Why?
ABC ain't a credible source, yet you seem to think it is. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Still waiting for you to post these laws you claim exist.