Why no blacks

NBA is more obviously associated with prejudice and easier to label as such. Originally Posted by algrace
Do you have facts to support your claim of "obvious prejudice"? If so, post it, if not, please do not speculate on why any provider who is free to run her business as she sees fit has an NBA policy.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Do you have facts to support your claim of "obvious prejudice"? If so, post it, if not, please do not speculate on why any provider who is free to run her business as she sees fit has an NBA policy. Originally Posted by scorpio31
Would you consider a sign in a store, say , Target, that says NO BLACKS ALLOWED to be "obvious prejudice"?
It is,

They can have a sign saying "reserve right to refuse service to anyone,.

It is against the law to discriminate against someone because of their protected class

So a sign in a window Saying NO BLACKS allowed violates the law.

so while whom she serves is her choice, she is illegally going about it.
dirty dog's Avatar
Would you consider a sign in a store, say , Target, that says NO BLACKS ALLOWED to be "obvious prejudice"?
It is,

They can have a sign saying "reserve right to refuse service to anyone,.

It is against the law to discriminate against someone because of their protected class

So a sign in a window Saying NO BLACKS allowed violates the law.

so while whom she serves is her choice, she is illegally going about it. Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
but why, but why, but why.......................
Johnny4455's Avatar
Would you consider a sign in a store, say , Target, that says NO BLACKS ALLOWED to be "obvious prejudice"?
It is,

They can have a sign saying "reserve right to refuse service to anyone,.

It is against the law to discriminate against someone because of their protected class

So a sign in a window Saying NO BLACKS allowed violates the law.

so while whom she serves is her choice, she is illegally going about it. Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker

This is nonsense.

At least you seem to understand to stop using a derogatory word to refer to a person's race. Maybe you should move on from discussing race. It would be the safe way for you to keep your racial biases inside your (meat) head.
It is against the law to discriminate against someone because of their protected class

So a sign in a window Saying NO BLACKS allowed violates the law. Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
I love it when the smart boys pull out their Wikipedia links to support their positions!

It was probably the same Wiki link that the 60-year-old hooker used against her pimp (claiming to be a protected class under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967), when it was discovered he was paying his 20-year-old prostitutes four times the pay she was getting!
skbinks's Avatar
This is nonsense.

At least you seem to understand to stop using a derogatory word to refer to a person's race. Maybe you should move on from discussing race. It would be the safe way for you to keep your racial biases inside your (meat) head. Originally Posted by Johnny4455
I like your comment Johnny.

As long as there are idiots in the human race, there will be discrimination. For the first 9 years of his life, my son didn't think of someone as Black, White, Mexican, Handicapped, etc. I taught him to see them as "humans". I told him if you cut any of them their blood is still red just like his. He hears others discriminate but he knows the truth, that we are all the same under our skin.

This isn't a situation of a sign in Targets window. That is definitely discrimination and should be acted upon. This is women that have a choice on who they see. It doesn't matter what reason. It doesn't mean they have anything against a race or nationality in general. I won't date any woman that is more than 3 inches taller then me in heels. It doesn't mean that I think there is something wrong with them? It is a choice of who I want to touch me. For me it is only because I don't want a woman to be taller then me on the dance floor. I also will not date a gay man. I have friends that are gay and have nothing against their choice. I just don't want a c**k up my a**. Is that discrimination?

What I'm getting at is that this is her body and she can say who she lets touch it. I really doubt there would be more than 1% of the ladies that won't except AA men that are actually doing it because they think they are better then them as a human.

The original question is a valid one of curiosity. The answer is not so simple because it could be different for each woman. The arguments about it are just f'n ignorant. These ladies aren't the meat department at a grocery store.

I might be new here, but I'm 51 and I'm not f'n stupid. This thread has got away from the original curiosity, which I had at one time too, and in my opinion should be locked or deleted because it turned in to a racial argument.

Respond if you want but I've said my peace and I'm not going to argue like a child over something this stupid with someone that apparently thinks a woman's legs are the sliding doors at Target that should be opened to everybody.
It is against the law to discriminate against someone because of their protected class

So a sign in a window Saying NO BLACKS allowed violates the law.

so while whom she serves is her choice, she is illegally going about it. Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
You actually believe that applies to this lifestyle or do you just enjoy arguing for the sake and sport of arguing and antagonizing people? But why....but why....but why....

To remind you, the question was, do you have FACTS to support your claim of "obvious prejudice"? Present your facts or be quiet.

I dislike closing threads, but this one is approaching an end....
algrace's Avatar
...NBA is more obviously associated with prejudice and easier to label as such. Originally Posted by algrace
Do you have facts to support your claim of "obvious prejudice"? If so, post it, if not, please do not speculate on why any provider who is free to run her business as she sees fit has an NBA policy. Originally Posted by scorpio31
I personally have zero factual data supporting the claim that NBA is more obviously associated with prejudice...other than opinion and observations expressed in the numerous board threads on what appears to boil down to the same topic.
While a lady's personal definition of prejudice may not fully encompass that of a Merriam Webster's dictionary, she doesn't even have to know her own reason(s).
Association of a lady's NBA policy to prejudice is for prospective callers and I wouldn't feel right to "speculate on why any provider who is free to run her business as she sees fit has an NBA policy"

It is against the law to discriminate against someone because of their protected class

So a sign in a window Saying NO BLACKS allowed violates the law.

so while whom she serves is her choice, she is illegally going about it. Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
As for protected classes, since the industry is less government-regulated and mostly prosecuted as illicit, I will defer those intent on pursuing such an argument to their local legislators for a good laugh or stink eye.

s31, thank you for distinguishing that a provider is free to run her business as she sees fit.
I wouldn't feel right to "speculate on why any provider who is free to run her business as she sees fit has an NBA policy Originally Posted by algrace
You get it, finally, I was beginning to wonder, considering the sarcasm. Now if some others would "get it" and stop speculating and criticizing girls for their business policy choices regarding which clients they will meet with or won't, maybe this topic will fade away, once and for all.
goud2geaux's Avatar
Are you certain that you fully understood the op's post?? Because I am sure, as a provider, that I do. More importantly, did you read what reorox, wmnizer, Wiz, dd, myself and whoever else posted?? I don't wanna brag or nuthin' buuuutt....We all are spot-on. There are a million reasons. SFW! lol. We pick reasons to joke about, we assume shit, we don't know shit, we fuck with people that take it serious, and lastly, we don't really give a shit. Originally Posted by Gemma34
The way I understand the original post is as follows. The op says that when a provider posts nba, that prompts blacks to call and harass them. The op then suggests the providers don't post nba but instead just block the number of every black that calls. Am I the only one that got that?
We all know there are "a million reasons" and what those reasons (real and/or perceived) are. Nobody asked that. I don't care why you don't see blacks. If I see it posted, I steer clear because I'm not gonna waste my time nor yours. I'm in this for fun.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
This is nonsense.

At least you seem to understand to stop using a derogatory word to refer to a person's race. Maybe you should move on from discussing race. It would be the safe way for you to keep your racial biases inside your (meat) head. Originally Posted by Johnny4455
you arent saying anything here
your post is utter nonesense

you offer no rebuttal cose there isnt one you can offer, cept to say providers can say whatever they want in ads cos it's up to them to fuck whomever they want(true)
but you can't use derogatory words on this site case those are the rules(true)
but legally, I am correct. which is why what I said is correct and why you can only throw what you think are insults at me
you are just pathetic to be unable to admit I'm the right
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
At this point, this nonsense has been rehashed so many times, that it is basically a troll thread.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
Like has been said, this discussion has been raised so many times, providers and hobbyists both refrain from further discussion. I fully understood your point, and I tried to convey to you that in the past many providers have confirmed what the OP and what many others have stated. The board reacts this way towards the question because it has gotten to the point its like the kid who keeps asking why the wind blows, but why, but why, but why....................... Originally Posted by dirty dog
dirty dog's Avatar
Am I the only one that got that? Originally Posted by goud2geaux
No but whats the difference, shes not going to see a black person anyway by choice, so why put up with the calls. Look I was married for a long time, until her death, to a black woman who was at one time a provider. She used to tell me all the time about the harassment she would get from a lot, not all, but a lot of black clients. She said they would want it on the cheap, they would tell her that she needed to work for them etc etc etc. It got to the point she decided to stop seeing them altogether. I am sure her experience was not an isolated one.
goud2geaux's Avatar
If you got it then you wouldn't be making the discussion about whether or not somebody understands why a provider is nba. That wasn't the question. Furthermore, never have I asked why in any of my posts on the subject. I'm not confused about the issue.