Do You Remember?

Guest092815's Avatar
No, Ezman, no ad for sterling1. I remember YOU too, honey! I haven't seen you in a very LONG time though.....

And of course, Ralpheyboy. I'll never forget YOU either, dear.

Kiss, kiss. See y'all are still loved.
eglrdr's Avatar
aww Crystal, but you don't remember me and it's my thread.
I always do. But unfortunately for the most shallow reason possible:

I NEVER want to wear the same outfit twice for a guy. LOL
eglrdr's Avatar
I always do. But unfortunately for the most shallow reason possible:

I NEVER want to wear the same outfit twice for a guy. LOL Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
PurplRose's Avatar
TheFrenchman's Avatar
I never forget a lady I've seen BCD. I think the experience of a woman opening up to me (so to speak) is uncommon and intense... even the less-than-perfect encounters.
I remember everyone I've ever seen, yes.
knotty man's Avatar
ok. so today i got my 1st hobby reality check. i got sooooooooooo busted. i saw sophia at the party and for the life of me i couldnt place her . (who forgets someone as gorgeous as her!!) i knew i had seen her but just couldnt place her face. i owe her a very public apology. please dont let my "brain fart" diminish that i feel you are one of the most beautiful women in here and definitely one of the most beautiful women ive ever been with. i felt like such an ass. but, on a good note. she did remember me. and that puts the ego of a guy like me in the stratosphere! you are one very classy lady
Ghosting's Avatar
Hell I can't remember my login name or password...
Guest092815's Avatar
aww Crystal, but you don't remember me and it's my thread. Originally Posted by eglrdr
Wait a minute, how embarrassing! See, sometimes I completely remember a name and face, but not the handle associated with it. that's the truly hard part, to remember all 3!

I guess you proved your point with this thread, right? It can be hard to keep all the details straight.

*(blushing)* I am so embarrassed, eglrdr. Pls forgive me.

eglrdr's Avatar
Crystal, no need to be embarrassed.

Guess it really was my point, awful lot to remember.