NiceGuy53's Avatar
how many amreican soldiers were you willing to sacrifice to find out if an ambush was waiting for them when they got there ????

point being, you don't know jack shit how military minds function. Originally Posted by CJ7

And like IB said, how many more Americans were you willing to sacrifice before the Obama administration got off their inept sorry asses and responded? Our special forces are highly trained and willing to go into harms way to help other Americans. That's what they do. There was real time intel on the scene that night with the pictures they were receiving from the drone. They knew what the situation on the ground there was. The problem was that Odumbo was AWOL that night, retiring to the living quarters of the WH and not talking to his SOD again after 5 or 6PM.

And you say I don't know jack shit about how military minds function? They wanted to go but never got the order from our POS President.

Since you seem to have such a man crush on Gates, why don't you go blow him!
I B Hankering's Avatar
all you know is what you read or have been told ... ergo: you don't know jack shit either.

knuckle dragging mouth breathers posting on an internet hooker board trying to discredit the former Sec.of Defense who has been there and done that only proves exactly how fucked your tiny little brains really are.

The End. Originally Posted by CJ7
Your ignorant deflection isn't working, CBJ7. The information you're trying to deny and sweep under the rug in order to protect your pathetic heros, Odumbo and Hildabeast, came from the testimony of eyewitnesses who were in Benghazi that night and who testified before Congress, CBJ7.
Here's the way the military mind works, CBJ7:

"Col. Gibson and his team were on their way to board a C-130 from Tripoli for Benghazi, when Gibons received a phone call from SOCAFRICA which said, 'you can't go, you don't have the authority to go.' They were told not to board the flight."

It was a political decision not to let them go, CBJ7. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Not according to Col. Gibson:


Read it slow. Maybe you will get it this time. I've even put the important parts in 'tard size font for you dumbass. Anything else?

>>>There was no military “stand-down” order given the night of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, military officials told lawmakers late Wednesday, contradicting a State Department official’s account of the event.

The lack of a U.S. military response to the hourslong assaults in which U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed has been a key point of contention for Republican lawmakers, who have criticized the Obama administration’s handling of the attacks and their aftermath.
SPECIAL COVERAGE: Benghazi Attack Under Microscope
Reports of a military stand-down order have circulated almost since the night of the attacks, which unfolded in two stages over several hours at two locations — the U.S. diplomatic post and a nearby CIA building, where survivors of the first assault took shelter.

Such reports increased earlier this year after congressional testimony from Stevens‘ deputy, Greg Hicks, who said that a site security team at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli had been ordered to stand down — that is, not to go to Benghazi and battle terrorists or rescue U.S. personnel. Mr. Hicks noted that the site security team leader, Army Lt. Col. S.E. Gibson, expressed frustration over being ordered to stand down.

But Col. Gibson said Wednesday that no stand-down order was given, according to the House Armed Services subcommittee on oversight and investigations. The subcommittee held a classified briefing with Col. Gibson; retired Army Gen. Carter F. Ham, former commander of U.S. Africa Command; and Navy Rear Adm. Brian L. Losey, former commander of U.S. Special Operations Command Africa.

“Contrary to news reports, Gibson was not ordered to ‘stand down’ by higher command authorities in response to his understandable desire to lead a group of three other Special Forces soldiers to Benghazi,” the subcommittee said in a rare statement about a closed-door briefing.

Instead, the site security team was ordered to remain in Tripoli to defend the embassy and its staff in case terrorists also struck in the capital while the Benghazi post was under attack, and to assist the wounded who were being evacuated to Tripoli after the first phase of the fighting had ended, the statement said.

Col. Gibson “acknowledged that, had he deployed to Benghazi, he would have left Americans in Tripoli undefended. He also stated that, in hindsight, he would not have been able to get to Benghazi in time to make a difference, and as it turned out, his medic was needed to provide urgent assistance to survivors once they arrived in Tripoli,” the statement said.

The medic “saved the leg and probably the life” of one of the evacuated personnel, according to Mr. Hicks‘ congressional testimony.

The revelation that there was no stand-down order is unlikely to blunt continuing Republican efforts to paint the attack as an avoidable failure by the Obama administration and, in particular, by then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, tipped as a likely Democratic presidential candidate for 2016.

The subcommittee’s statement also notes that there was a national security planning process underway for last year’s Sept. 11, 2001, anniversary to ensure that U.S. personnel and facilities abroad were safe. The planning was led by then-White House counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan, now CIA director. The process, the White House said at the time, involved “numerous meetings to review security measures in place.”

“When questioned about this process today,” the subcommittee said, “Gen. Ham, the combatant commander responsible for one of the most volatile threat environments in the world, stated that neither he nor anyone working for him was consulted as part of the Brennan 9/11 planning process.”

by Taboolaby Taboola

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CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-14-2013, 03:16 PM
poor IBblowing trannies and his asshole buddy NiceGuy, too bad neither of them wont pay any attention to facts
I B Hankering's Avatar
Not according to Col. Gibson.[/SIZE]
"He also stated that, in hindsight, he would not have been able to get to Benghazi in time to make a difference” Originally Posted by timpage
Your mincing words, Little Timmy. LTC Gibson was ordered to stay in Tripoli (that's in tard mode for you, Little Timmy) and not to take his team to Benghazi.

poor IBblowing trannies and his asshole buddy NiceGuy, too bad neither of them wont pay any attention to facts Originally Posted by CJ7
LTC Gibson was ordered not to go to Benghazi, CBJ7. That meant "cease and desist and do not board the plane for Benghazi."
NiceGuy53's Avatar
The fact remains that Col Gibson's team was prepared to go to Benghazi but was prevented from doing so. While a specific order to "stand down" may not have been issued, the result was the same. We do know that Col. Gibson was not happy about the order not to go to Benghazi. Gregory Hicks testified to Congress that Col Gibson told him on the night of the attacks, "I have never been so embarrassed in my life that a State Department officer has bigger balls than somebody in the military. A nice compliment". This makes me wonder just what kind of pressure was placed on Col. Gibson to toe the company line. Was his next promotion or his future retirement pay and benefits threatened?

There were sufficient forces in the theatre to cover both the embassy in Tripoli and to send help to Benghazi. Col. Gibson's team could have been sent to Benghazi and the special forces staged at the base in Sicily (the ones CBJ7 says Obama ordered and deployed to Benghazi in his bogus timelines) could have been sent to Tripoli to bolster security there. Or vice versi.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-14-2013, 04:36 PM
The fact remains that Col Gibson's team was prepared to go to Benghazi but was prevented from doing so. While a specific order to "stand down" may not have been issued, the result was the same. We do know that Col. Gibson was not happy about the order not to go to Benghazi. Gregory Hicks testified to Congress that Col Gibson told him "I have never been so embarrassed in my life that a State Department officer has bigger balls than somebody in the military. A nice compliment". This makes me wonder just what kind of pressure was placed on Col. Gibson to toe the company line. Was his next promotion or his future retirement pay and benefits threatened?

There were sufficient forces in the theatre to cover both the embassy in Tripoli and to send help to Benghazi. Col. Gibson's team could have been sent to Benghazi and the special forces staged at the base in Sicily (the ones CBJ7 says Obama ordered and deployed to Benghazi in his bogus timelines) could have been sent to Tripoli to bolster security there. Or vice versi. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
acknowledged that, had he deployed to Benghazi, he would have left Americans in Tripoli undefended. He also stated that, in hindsight, he would not have been able to get to Benghazi in time to make a difference, and as it turned out, his medic was needed to provide urgent assistance to survivors once they arrived in Tripoli,” the statement said

people think and KNOW the rightwing made up bullshit about Benghazi as they went along .

point proven by both IB and NG

thanks ladies !
NiceGuy53's Avatar
acknowledged that, had he deployed to Benghazi, he would have left Americans in Tripoli undefended. He also stated that, in hindsight, he would not have been able to get to Benghazi in time to make a difference, and as it turned out, his medic was needed to provide urgent assistance to survivors once they arrived in Tripoli,” the statement said Originally Posted by CJ7

Tripoli would not have been left undefended had those special forces in Sicily (and you should know which ones I am talking about, lol) been deployed there to bolster security. And those special forces also had medics. By the time of his testimony to Congress, it sounds like pressure was brought to bear upon LTC Gibson to toe the company line. He displayed his real feelings that night in his comment to Gregory Hicks.

Just saw your added comment so I will do the same. Go blow Gates!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-14-2013, 04:55 PM
Tripoli would not have been left undefended had those special forces in Sicily (and you should know which ones I am talking about, lol) been deployed there to bolster security. And those special forces also had medics. By the time of his testimony to Congress, it sounds like pressure was brought to bear upon LTC Gibson to toe the company line. He displayed his real feelings that night in his comment to Gregory Hicks.

Just saw your added comment so I will do the same. Go blow Gates! Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
so in one breath you call Gibson a liar and in the next breath you support his comments as the truth.

IB's looking for you, better hurry.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
so in one breath you call Gibson a liar and in the next breath you support his comments as the truth.

IB's looking for you, better hurry. Originally Posted by CJ7

That's not what I said at all, asswipe. Go back and re-read my comments, moron.

The fact remains that Col Gibson's team was prepared to go to Benghazi but was prevented from doing so. While a specific order to "stand down" may not have been issued, the result was the same. We do know that Col. Gibson was not happy about the order not to go to Benghazi. Gregory Hicks testified to Congress that Col Gibson told him "I have never been so embarrassed in my life that a State Department officer has bigger balls than somebody in the military. A nice compliment". This makes me wonder just what kind of pressure was placed on Col. Gibson to toe the company line. Was his next promotion or his future retirement pay and benefits threatened?

There were sufficient forces in the area to cover both the embassy in Tripoli and to send help to Benghazi. Col. Gibson's team could have been sent to Benghazi and the special forces staged at the base in Sicily (the ones CBJ7 says Obama ordered and deployed to Benghazi in his bogus timelines) could have been sent to Tripoli to bolster security there. Or vice versi. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
What the fuck is it with you people? Retarded? Ignorant? Can't read? Just stupid? Or just so fucking hyperpartisan that when slapped in the face with the facts, you go into your fantasy world and start making shit up?

That is a statement from the House Armed Services Subcommittee....yeah, you know...the House...the one run by the Republicans.

And, when a soldier is ordered to perform one task, that doesn't mean he was ordered to "stand down" in relation to another task. A "stand down" order means that an original order was issued, and then subsequently revoked. At least, that's what it used to mean....maybe shit has changed.....but, I don't think so.

And, please...tell me what Col. Gibson and 3 SF operators were going to do when they arrived in Bhengazi? I'll tell you what: they would've been added to the KIA list. This goes to Robert Gates' assessment of your ridiculous arguments about what was doable militarily that night...."cartoonish". You were raised on Rambo movies. It's the same as the arguments that you idiots have made that we should have had some fighter aircraft (even though they weren't available and couldn't have made it in time) buzz the embassy in the absurd belief that this would have caused the bad guys to run away wetting their pants. It's ridiculous. And, did you just completely ignore Gibson's statements that they never would have made it in time, even if they had been ordered to go? Does that just not mean anything to you? You are a fucking idiot.

Bad shit happens in dangerous parts of the world. I've said it before and I will say it again: mistakes were definitely made. But, those mistakes occurred months or years before this shit happened. There should have been a security force at the embassy that was of sufficient size, and with sufficient firepower, to light up these crowds as soon as the shit started and to disburse them. If that's Congress' fault for not funding it, or the military's fault for not recommending it, or State's fault for not making it happen, I don't know. But, I suspect there is enough blame to go around for everybody.

The fucking point is....it's not a scandal. It's a bad outcome based on human evil and human error. The efforts to use it politically are mistaken, based on lies and distorted facts, shameful and wrong.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
What the fuck is it with you people? Retarded? Ignorant? Can't read? Just stupid? Or just so fucking hyperpartisan that when slapped in the face with the facts, you go into your fantasy world and start making shit up?

That is a statement from the House Armed Services Subcommittee....yeah, you know...the House...the one run by the Republicans.

And, when a soldier is ordered to perform one task, that doesn't mean he was ordered to "stand down" in relation to another task. A "stand down" order means that an original order was issued, and then subsequently revoked. At least, that's what it used to mean....maybe shit has changed.....but, I don't think so.

And, please...tell me what Col. Gibson and 3 SF operators were going to do when they arrived in Bhengazi? I'll tell you what: they would've been added to the KIA list. This goes to Robert Gates' assessment of your ridiculous arguments about what was doable militarily that night...."cartoonish". You were raised on Rambo movies. It's the same as the arguments that you idiots have made that we should have had some fighter aircraft (even though they weren't available and couldn't have made it in time) buzz the embassy in the absurd belief that this would have caused the bad guys to run away wetting their pants. It's ridiculous. And, did you just completely ignore Gibson's statements that they never would have made it in time, even if they had been ordered to go? Does that just not mean anything to you? Have you ever even considered that this is why they were not ordered to go in the first place? You are a fucking idiot.

Bad shit happens in dangerous parts of the world. I've said it before and I will say it again: mistakes were definitely made. But, those mistakes occurred months or years before this shit happened. There should have been a security force at the embassy that was of sufficient size, and with sufficient firepower, to light up these crowds as soon as the shit started and to disburse them. If that's Congress' fault for not funding it, or the military's fault for not recommending it, or State's fault for not making it happen, I don't know. But, I suspect there is enough blame to go around for everybody.

The fucking point is....it's not a scandal. It's a bad outcome based on human evil and human error. The efforts to use it politically are mistaken, based on lies and distorted facts, shameful and wrong. Originally Posted by timpage

I have acknowledged that there was probably "no stand" order issued. But the fact remains that LTC Gibson was ordered not to go to Benghazi that night. According to your own link, they were told to stay in Tripoli instead. So how much help would only 4 men have been in Tripoli, if the shit had hit the fan there? And are you forgetting the wounded American that was left on the rooftop of the annex building for over 24 hours? Why did he have to wait that long for help? We had 2 special force teams in the area ready to respond but your hero, Odumbo, was AWOL.

You are right, that our embassy facilities should have been adequately protected, especially on the anniversary of 911. But you are wrong to suggest that budget cuts may be to blame for this problem. Charlene Lamb testified to Congress that budget cuts were not the reason for the lack of security personnel. It was a political decision not to bolster security there. In fact, they cut security in Libya several months before this attack.

This whole thing would have not have been a major scandal, if the Obama administration had not attempted to cover this up, just before last year's Presidential election, with the stupid video lie. So there are your fucking lies, little Timmy.
LexusLover's Avatar
You are right, that our embassy facilities should have been adequately protected, especially on the anniversary of 911. But you are wrong to blame budget cuts for this problem. Charlene Lamb testified to Congress that budget cuts were not the reason for the lack of security personnel. It was a political decision not to bolster security there.

This whole thing would have not have been a major scandal, if the Obama administration had not attempted to cover this up, just before last year's Presidential election, with the stupid video lie. So there are your fucking lies, little Timmy. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
That just about sums it up .... with this added tidbit ...

... the Brits left their "shit" with us for "safekeeping" ... ...

..... we should have had "personpower" and "firepower" to keep it secure....even if saving the lives of the Ambassador and staff was not considered a priority by the Pentagon or State!
I B Hankering's Avatar
acknowledged that, had he deployed to Benghazi, he would have left Americans in Tripoli undefended. He also stated that, in hindsight, he would not have been able to get to Benghazi in time to make a difference, and as it turned out, his medic was needed to provide urgent assistance to survivors once they arrived in Tripoli,” the statement said Originally Posted by CJ7
CBJ7, your every asinine defense for Odumbo, et al, for the Benghazi fiasco is based on "hindsight".

Using hindsight, it's now known that Gibson and company would have accomplished little in Benghazi had they gone. But that was not known at the time. Even Panetta admitted he fucked up by assuming the incident in Benghazi was over after the first attack, since there was a second attack.

But using that same 'hindsight' that you so moronically depend on, CBJ7, it is now obvious that nothing ever happened in Tripoli. So Gibson and his men could have deployed to Benghazi without an incident in Tripoli. So it remains that the Odumbo administration openly fumbled and never even tried to defend the almost 40 American personnel Odumbo and Hildabeast had stationed -- without adequate protection -- in Benghazi.

The real shame is that Hildabeast and Odumbo didn't use foresight and avoid the whole incident by either withdrawing Stevens or giving him adequate security.
The CIA is not responsible for the security of our embassy facilities. The State Department is the responsible agency. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
They ware providing a cover for a CUA op. You can shuck and Jive all you want but facts are facts. How about the point Stevens declined more security.