Selling murdered baby parts for profit and other connected things

So you agree that the parts are from a baby? So your saying that their not selling parts but its okay to kill babies? Isn't that special! Originally Posted by dirty dog
Isn't that what abortion is all about.?? Once you get past all of the rhetoric, what you are left with is a dead human life.

Wrapping it up in fancy legal terms justifying the procedure with laws that pacify ones conscience does not change that fact.
LexusLover's Avatar
Researched the story and its bullshit anyway. Originally Posted by slingblade
Do you mean they don't make a "profit"?

Did you hear the doctor explaining how to carefully apply the "tongs" to extract the fetus without damaging the "good parts" ...?

Actually the doctor looked passably "HOT" ... Headline: "Thongs and Tongs"!
  • DSK
  • 07-16-2015, 07:09 AM
Do you mean they don't make a "profit"? Did you hear the doctor explaining how to carefully apply the "tongs" to extract the fetus without damaging the "good parts" ...? Originally Posted by LexusLover
What struck me was her disconnection to the life form involved.

First, do no harm.
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  • WTF
  • 07-16-2015, 07:40 AM

Answer me this, since PP maintains that what they are "harvesting" is nothing more than a clump of cells, why were hearts, lungs, and livers mentioned? Those are clumps of cells, those are body parts.. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So if the are harvesting body parts...can you produce a person that has received say a transplanted baby lung/heart?
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  • WTF
  • 07-16-2015, 07:44 AM
What struck me was her disconnection to the life form involved.

First, do no harm. Originally Posted by DSK
You mean human cells! Did you fall in love with your sperm and some drunk woman egg that was dumb enough to fuck you then decided to abort?
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  • WTF
  • 07-16-2015, 07:45 AM
Do you mean they don't make a "profit"?

s"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Something wrong with making a profit? We do it off wars, why not abortion?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So you agree that the parts are from a baby? So your saying that their not selling parts but its okay to kill babies? Isn't that special! Originally Posted by dirty dog
Ignorant fuck.
So you agree that the parts are from a baby? So your saying that their not selling parts but its okay to kill babies? Isn't that special! Originally Posted by dirty dog
Not what I said at all. I said because they had to edit the video to make it say what they wanted, it sounds fishy. Unlike some I don't hold a strong party line and blindly follow whatever Conservative news say's is true.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
For a change, this discussion begins and ends with semantics and talking points about a topic that smacks of hypocrisy and neurosis when debated on a sex board.

Onward Christian soldiers!
Do you mean they don't make a "profit"?

Did you hear the doctor explaining how to carefully apply the "tongs" to extract the fetus without damaging the "good parts" ...?

Actually the doctor looked passably "HOT" ... Headline: "Thongs and Tongs"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Okay let me make and example of why the tape can not be trusted. I am not quoting I am just making an example;

Reporter- If I wanted to harvest the baby parts to sell for a profit like you guys do, how do you keep from damaging them?
Doctor- WTF are you talking about we do no such thing.
Reporter- I am so sorry I was under the impression you guys were doing that.
Doctor- No problem
Reporter- I am fascinated with the idea of saving the little babies, what if someone invented a way to put them in a another womans womb and you could extract the fetus and transplant them?
Doctor- You would have to extract the fetus without damaging any of the parts.
______________________________ ______________________________ _____

[COLOR="rgb(65, 105, 225)"]Reporter- If I wanted to harvest the baby parts to sell for a profit like you guys do, how do you keep from damaging them?
Doctor- You would have to extract the fetus without damaging any of the parts.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
For you to be correct Banana Sling they would have had to edit this piece of video between every word. Bullshit! Now Congress is going to investigate. Note what PP said at the end of this video, they have been accused of this before but the source of the charges was "discredited". That is not the same as saying that they are innocent of the charges. It just says that someone did a hatchet job on a whistle blower.
For you to be correct Banana Sling they would have had to edit this piece of video between every word. Bullshit! Now Congress is going to investigate. Note what PP said at the end of this video, they have been accused of this before but the source of the charges was "discredited". That is not the same as saying that they are innocent of the charges. It just says that someone did a hatchet job on a whistle blower. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So while you admit there is no solid proof that they did it you are sure they did at the same time? Wait! someone from the government is gonna investigate it?
So answer this if the GOV say's they did not do it are you going to agree? I have a feeling I know the answer to that question even with out knowing what they may or may not have done.

By the way not that I have a strong opinion one way or the other. Are you for or against organ donations? If you are for, do you see this is as a type of donation or " salvaging" if true?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Do you think that the research conducted by the Germans and Japanese on live victims was valid and should have been used?

You want to show all of us where the baby signed off on this? Better yet, have you ever heard of anyone (outside of a movie) who donated their organs specifically before killing themselves?
For you to be correct Banana Sling they would have had to edit this piece of video between every word. Bullshit! Now Congress is going to investigate. Note what PP said at the end of this video, they have been accused of this before but the source of the charges was "discredited". That is not the same as saying that they are innocent of the charges. It just says that someone did a hatchet job on a whistle blower. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Wonder if they will have eight like Benghazi? Or will one do?