What will happen with !Vi! now?

Originally Posted by Wolfwhistle
Is he married, or she a hook?
Mavs fan's Avatar
All I can say is that if Suiram77 supports you then you are probably fucked up. The guy has been banned 3 or 4 times. And Wolfwhistle if you have never been in the military then wtf do you really know about it? I was there and some of the finest people in America are soldiers. In my experience most of the "get over" pussy fucks in the Army were guys in support roles like supply and logistics. Combat soldiers are awesome human beings. Speak about things you know about like gay porn and show tunes. But seriously don't talk shit about the Men that risk their lives to keep us safe. That doesn't pass the smell test. Fuckin civilian!
albundy's Avatar
If I had to guess I would say she will be on BP or a street corner letting any chump that has a few bucks in his pocket cum inside of her.
. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
Sadly, you are probably correct. If she doesn't hit the brakes soon, we'll be seeing SW reviews of her for a $20 fee and change in the ashtray before her fall is over with.
This thread too, must be locked ASAP....
Is he married, or she a hook? Originally Posted by andymarksman
She's doesn't have an NBA policy. 👍
Is he married, or she a hook? Originally Posted by andymarksman
How should I know but it doesn't so good if they were.
All I can say is that if Suiram77 supports you then you are probably fucked up. The guy has been banned 3 or 4 times. And Wolfwhistle if you have never been in the military then wtf do you really know about it? I was there and some of the finest people in America are soldiers. In my experience most of the "get over" pussy fucks in the Army were guys in support roles like supply and logistics. Combat soldiers are awesome human beings. Speak about things you know about like gay porn and show tunes. But seriously don't talk shit about the Men that risk their lives to keep us safe. That doesn't pass the smell test. Fuckin civilian! Originally Posted by Mavs fan
You don't have to be a part of something in order to objectively understand it and unravel it, do you? I never said military people are bad people per se just not the most qualified in a lot of things that you could do in life. Without supply and logistics, it's difficult for the combat troops to get the job done right. BTW, my old man served in Vietnam so I think am more than welcome to say what's on my mind about this subject matter. You look down upon civilian life because unlike the military no one is responsible for your ass except for yourself.
cheatercheater's Avatar
Sadly, you are probably correct. If she doesn't hit the brakes soon, we'll be seeing SW reviews of her for a $20 fee and change in the ashtray before her fall is over with. Originally Posted by albundy
I resemble that remark! And my coin cup is filling up again!
And yes I would pick her up and fuck her.
The running mate for Trump.

Originally Posted by Wolfwhistle
This shit is fucking funny
I like a little hairy pussy. Originally Posted by catbanger
No wonder why my cat ran away
Mavs fan's Avatar
Wolfwhistle, I get it. you know about the military because your Dad served in the most fucked up' drug addicted Army in the history of the United States. And you never did. You're an authority.
Mavs fan's Avatar
OK Wolfwhistle, The guys that shot Bin Laden were fuck ups. The guys that stormed the beaches at Normandy were retards that couldn't do anything other than be in the Army. The guys that fought the British and won our Independence were morons. I say you are a pussy that sits back and enjoys the freedom that other "Brave" men have won and talks shit about them. Until you have stood up and risked your own life for freedom, you have no room to talk shit about the heroes that have. Take caution in your tone, sir. You have no room to talk shit about the men and women that risked their lives for your freedom. You are an elitest prick INMHO.
Wolfwhistle, I get it. you know about the military because your Dad served in the most fucked up' drug addicted Army in the history of the United States. And you never did. You're an authority. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
I never said I was an authority about the military or the war. But I have every right to give my opinions about it. To jot your memory or to point out your lack of knowledge in history, the Vietnam War occurred during a time of great change in the world, especially in the USA, with emergence of the Counter Culture Movement of free love, drug experimentation (everyone was doing it besides the military personnel in Vietnam) and breaking with the norm or rebelling against mom and dad's babyboomer era of the 1950s. You would be surprised that the latter era had just as much negative statistics (stay-home, Stepford wives popping valium just to keep up with appearances and dads were drinking to cope with the pressure of sustaining the image of the macho, successful man who took care of his family) as that of the socially turbulent 1960s and the violent 1970s. If I were fighting a war that made me question my morality and the morality of my nation, I would try to escape in some way too. The US military wasn't prepared to deal with a war involving hit and run guerilla warfare in a highly dense jungle with most of the villagers surreptitiously siding with and supporting the enemy. To add insult to injury, some of the American people back at home were protesting and spitting at returning soldiers and calling them baby killers and shit. Yeah, Vietnam and that period of time was fucked up. The soldier at the time did what he had to do get over the hump and fell back to what he had encountered at home with mom and dad, escapism through legal and illegal substances.
OK Wolfwhistle, The guys that shot Bin Laden were fuck ups. The guys that stormed the beaches at Normandy were retards that couldn't do anything other than be in the Army. The guys that fought the British and won our Independence were morons. I say you are a pussy that sits back and enjoys the freedom that other "Brave" men have won and talks shit about them. Until you have stood up and risked your own life for freedom, you have no room to talk shit about the heroes that have. Take caution in your tone, sir. You have no room to talk shit about the men and women that risked their lives for your freedom. You are an elitest prick INMHO. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
You are putting words into my mouth and taking this out of context. The men that shot Bin Laden were highly trained black operatives. They weren't normal or standard military. The guys that stormed the beaches at Normandy were volunteers that truly wanted to fight for their country after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. There weren't any great bennies like the GI Bill during the onset of the war, so I doubt the average recruit was some hobo off of the streets. It was a different ball of wax then compared to the military after the Vietnam War. The guys that fought the British and won our independence were fighting in their own homeland against an oppressive colonist. I don't think they actually had a choice but to fight when the red shirts were coming for them with their muskets drawn and their demands for tax money. I risk my life everyday in this country doing what I do best, the pursuit of personal happiness. It's people like me that makes this country what it is today, a superpower. You are probably some broke ass old man sitting on his ass pontificating like some past joke that refuses to quit and die a good death like the pages of an old, out-of-date history book that you bought from a dime store. BTW, show some respect to the Vietnam veterans because they fought just as hard as the soldiers in other wars. You aren't even good enough to be called a prick. Scum is more like it.
Mojojo's Avatar
You guys can take that side military talk to another place. Get back on topic here...