Why is Ourhome2 down

Works for me as well
alexissweet69's Avatar
It's down Again!
Down again
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
^^^ thanks Gina.
VipAhyanaJames's Avatar
Wonder how long will oh2 be down this time or will it even return?
Still down
chloeblue83's Avatar
Ya I so so so wish they'd give a warning but happy Easter peeps
MsFijiWater's Avatar
Ugh can it work again hehe
It is up but not working. You cannot open any forums.
Looks like that site is over. I trolled it on occasion and the members had a lot of complaints
No complaints where I hobby.
It at least has real ads.

I look at both, but since the first Eccie shutdown, I started saving numbers and names.
All I do now is text a chick I want to see.
Sunshine Lovely's Avatar
Ugh.. it wasn’t working yesterday now today I can access the site but can’t click any threads or access messages.