Most Americans want War with ISIS.

Budman's Avatar
Get your ass down there and sign up, you can be first to fight!!! Originally Posted by i'va biggen

You really are a simpleton.
You really are a simpleton. Originally Posted by Budman
Tough talk on a hooker board impresses me like a 4F SOB tough talking in a bar when I was drafted.
LexusLover's Avatar
...a 4F SOB tough talking in a bar when I was drafted. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You were drafted in a bar?

boardman's Avatar
Islam will trump nationalism when it comes right down to it.

In the end they won't kill each other off. Theoretically the winner would stamp out the loser and the religion would remain. Practically the loser will retreat, regroup and continue on in the name of their God.

The snakes are on the move. They have lived up to most of their threats so far and will become as bold as the rest of the world lets them.

Israel is calling it's people home. Prophecy is being fulfilled...If you believe in that sort of thing.
BigLouie's Avatar
This whole ISIS thing is tribal. The only way they will be defeated is when all the other tribes in the area get together. When the Kurds, Jordanians and Palestinians band together to oppose them then real progress will be made
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Cowardly Old Goat speaking. You dare to attack US War Veterans and then have the audacity to argue foreign policy in direct conflict with the will of the people?

You're not a Librarian. You're a gutless cocksucker.

oh yeah, and I went to the Army because they got the best (forbidden subject).

Such an asshole. Such an asshole. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I didn't attack veterans, I attacked you, Assup. I have enormous respect for real veterans. The fact that you are an anti-American statist who lied when you took your oath, if you ever truly did, kind of diminishes the amount of respect you deserve.
You were drafted in a bar?

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Were you 4F ?
A recent poll by CNN stated that 3 out of 4 Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of ISIS. I would like to get the conservatives on this site explain what they think Obama should do- because I think most of you will flip flop on this subject.

I for one think that the Islamic nations in the middle east should put a coalition and fight ISIS- after all isn't this a muslim issue? This would be a great opportunity for muslims to gain some credibility and wipe out these scum bags. I am 100 percent against sending our troops to fight ISIS. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I don't think we should be fucking around over there either. After all ISIS isn't a Government. I simply look at them as nothing more than a group of criminals that should be dealt with in that manner. What about the street gangs in LA we don't hear about the National Guard getting involved in that do we, LA has a competent Police Force to deal with them. Where ever ISIS is that respective country should take charge in handling it, not America.

boardman's Avatar
I don't think we should be fucking around over there either. After all ISIS isn't a Government. I simply look at them as nothing more than a group of criminals that should be dealt with in that manner. What about the street gangs in LA we don't hear about the National Guard getting involved in that do we, LA has a competent Police Force to deal with them. Where ever ISIS is that respective country should take charge in handling it, not America.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You say those countries should take care of it and I don't disagree...but what if they don't?
What if Iraq and Syria fall? In a practical sense, don't their borders become the borders of ISIS and a de facto government is then in place? Much the way the Taliban controlled Afghanistan? Some country somewhere will end up giving them diplomatic recognition if for no other reason than to defy us.
You say those countries should take care of it and I don't disagree...but what if they don't?
What if Iraq and Syria fall? In a practical sense, don't their borders become the borders of ISIS and a de facto government is then in place? Much the way the Taliban controlled Afghanistan? Some country somewhere will end up giving them diplomatic recognition if for no other reason than to defy us. Originally Posted by boardman
The one Arab Country that could go head to toe with ISIS is Syria. But we don't like Assad, we would rather have a Islamic Regime that will stone you to death for not believing than a tyrant who will put you against the wall for not doing what he says.
You're dead either way.
You say those countries should take care of it and I don't disagree...but what if they don't?
What if Iraq and Syria fall? In a practical sense, don't their borders become the borders of ISIS and a de facto government is then in place? Much the way the Taliban controlled Afghanistan? Some country somewhere will end up giving them diplomatic recognition if for no other reason than to defy us. Originally Posted by boardman
Well that's always a possibility, but we will cross that bridge if we ever get to it. If we ever do get to it shame on them. But this is what amazes me, since they are for all practical purposes nothing but a bunch of thugs why are we and other countries funding them? So if we really want to defeat an organization like ISIS, their ability to flourish must be thwarted by not being able to obtain weapons and other essentials.

Hermosa's Avatar

I agree. BTW, this is an excellent article from The Atlantic. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Read The Atlantic article. It was one of the better articles out there. So, keep in mind what was said and then think about all the rhetoric going on. I think it's just a matter of time (most likely after the next election) that we will engage them. The good thing will be that we can really get a lot of other nations to participate. Will it make the problem go away? Not until the issue of How is the Muslim community going to understand their text! I don't think they will do this. So, we can go to way (as maybe we must) but the seed of the problem will still be planted.
RedLeg505's Avatar
I've said this before. If we would quit meddling in their affairs, and quit bombing them, they will happily go back to killing each other, as they have done for hundreds of years. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Refresh my memory. Where and when were we "bombing them" prior to 9/11?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-17-2015, 08:24 PM
9/11 was justified in OBL's mind because of what happened in Afghanistan. We supported the Mujaheddin against the Russians, and OBL saw that as a way for the great satin to infect and cause the deaths of true Afghan believers. In his mind the US caused the death of good, religious Muslims and supported the secular strongmen in Afghanistan when the Russians left.

That line of thought lead to AQ seeing 9/11 as retribution, not a first strike.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Refresh my memory. Where and when were we "bombing them" prior to 9/11? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
I've answered that before. We have been meddling in their affairs and pushing them around since the end of WWII. I think we lit the fuse when we deposed the legitimate, elected government in Iran, and instituted the Shah. History didn't begin on 9/11/2001.