Enough of the Circle Jerks...

I tried to figure out which words gets you boys panties in a wad....all I leaned from my ban was that I can't reply directly to you Trumpers with "Fuck You".

She thinks that hurts your little feelings too much. Originally Posted by WTF
What do they say about sticks and stones...
Bienvenidos WTF, good to have you back, this is a more interesting place with you around. Hope you spent some of your time in purgatory contemplating the superiority of free markets, an important step in achieving Libertarian enlightenment. Originally Posted by Tiny
WTF...libertarian...:laughing1 :
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  • WTF
  • 06-09-2019, 05:54 PM
WTF...libertarian...:laughing1 : Originally Posted by bb1961
Really...wtf is your view on abortion?

Do you think it should be left up to government or the individual?

We could go on and on with this crap but I have a feeling it would go right over your head.

bambino's Avatar
Really...wtf is your view on abortion?

Do you think it should be left up to government or the individual?

We could go on and on with this crap but I have a feeling it would go right over your head.

Originally Posted by WTF
What’s your opinion on murder? Go out and shoot a Libertarian. He would thank you for doing what you want to do. Or did that go over your head? If you have one.
Really...wtf is your view on abortion? Originally Posted by WTF
I'm against murdering the most innocent among us.
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  • WTF
  • 06-09-2019, 06:04 PM
What’s your opinion on murder? Go out and shoot a Libertarian. He would thank you for doing what you want to do. Or did that go over your head? If you have one. Originally Posted by bambino

My opinion is that abortion is not murder before say 20 weeks, after that it gets IFFY.
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  • WTF
  • 06-09-2019, 06:06 PM
Welcome back, it was getting a little boring around here!! Originally Posted by fishingtwo
Why thank you Sir.
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  • 06-09-2019, 06:12 PM
I'm against murdering the most innocent among us. Originally Posted by bb1961

So you think a 5 week old embryo is a human being?

If so, then it would be logical to think that you believe that it is murder to abort a fetus derived from rape

I do not agree with that thought process.
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My opinion is that abortion is not murder before say 20 weeks, after that it gets IFFY. Originally Posted by WTF
Iffy? Baby’s are born pre mature everyday. So, when does it become murder? Maybe when the honorable Ralph Northam says the baby will be delivered and kept comfortable while waiting it’s verdict? You have to post a meme to spell proctologist correct!!!!!!

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  • WTF
  • 06-09-2019, 06:18 PM

? You have to post a meme to spell proctologist correct!!!!!!
Originally Posted by bambino
I apologize, I'm not as familiar with that procedure as you seem to be.

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  • WTF
  • 06-09-2019, 06:21 PM

Iffy? Baby’s are born pre mature everyday.
Originally Posted by bambino
Really, before 20 weeks? You sure about that Hoss?

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  • R.M.
  • 06-09-2019, 06:22 PM
Actually, it’s WTF’s third coming out party at his debutant ball. A circle jerk unto its self.. Originally Posted by bambino
Can you give an example of that? That sounds kinda weird.
Is disco music involved?
Actually a circle jerk is where like minded people gather to spew their jizz.

Me in a thread with a bunch of right wing loons is far far from a circle jerk. Originally Posted by WTF
Circle jerk. Urban Dictionary said this
A group discussion or activity between like-minded individuals that validates mutual biases or goals in a non-confrontational environment.
Wikipedia said something I most likely cant post with out getting points so I will pass on that. There's more than one meaning.
I do have to giggle of the visuals in my head right now.
So what else is new and different?
bambino's Avatar
I apologize, I'm not as familiar with that procedure as you seem to be.

Originally Posted by WTF
You’re the one talking about it. And as usual, you can’t even spell it. Says a lot.
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  • WTF
  • 06-09-2019, 06:49 PM

Circle jerk. Urban Dictionary said this
A group discussion or activity between like-minded individuals that validates mutual biases or goals in a non-confrontational environment.
? Originally Posted by R.M.
This right here is wtf this forum had become....I'm just trying to slap the gaymo out of'em!
  • Tiny
  • 06-09-2019, 07:03 PM
I actually want Tiny to stand up to the idiot's that think tariffs are good for anything. Originally Posted by WTF
I'm doing my best. I've been working as hard on the idolatrous tariff worshippers as I did on you and the income tax. Search on something like "China" and my username and you'll find more than 50 posts. I believe I've got one or two converts. And there's at least one person who was a believer from the start but hasn't come out of the closet.

Everyone is welcome to the Free Market Church of Tiny. I encourage you to join WTF. If you're a true believer you'll send bitcoin to my account for mission work. Details to follow.

So I think I've got a great business model. Still trying to figure out how to get a lot of women to sign up (18+ only please) so I can become the next David Koresh or Warren Jeffs.